
Entering the Game.

Just a few minutes after Joseph finished reading the magazine Mr. Pokemon arrived at the shop holding a baby pokemon.

"Hello Mr. Pokémon you're finally here. I guess that Emolga is the one who hatched from the egg earlier, congratulations old sir." Joseph smiled then he curiously glanced at the small electric flying squirrel.

"Hello Jojo, I see so this pokemon is called Emolga." Mr. Pokemon nodded. "How's your business going?"

"I got a 2 customers earlier that bought Poke balls and Poké beans, sir, you can leave any of your pokemon right now for training, as I promised I will make any of your desired pokemon to be on farfetch'd level." Joseph said then he politely offered the old man a seat.

Mr. Pokemon noticed the poster on bulletin boards for training levels.

G1, G2... G8... E1, E2, E3, E4, C, RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4 and lastly R Ex-C.

Mr. Pokemon was confused on the symbols of the training levels.

Joseph just took the Gym 1-8, Elite 4, Champion, Rematch Elite 4 and lastly Rematch Ex-Champion as a reference to training levels well honestly it looks cool if you don't know the meaning of each levels.

The levels are based on the highest level of pokemon of the leader, elite 4 and Champion in Kanto based on game.

G1- level 14

G2- level 21

G3- level 24

G4- level 29

G5- level 43

G6- level 43 + EV Drugs.

G7- level 47

G8- level 50

E1- level 54

E2- level 56

E3- level 58

E4- level 60

C- level 63

RE1- level 66

RE2- level 68

RE3- level 70

RE4- level 72

R ExC- level 75

"What level is your Farfetch'd?" Mr. Pokemon curiously asked.

"That little guy is in between E1 and E2." Joseph took some refreshments in the bar fridge.

"You have a unique level naming Jojo, Okay I will entrust my partner to you." Mr. Pokemon took the small sized poke ball of Bellosom.

"Don't worry sir, I will surely make her strong." Joseph passed some bottled lemonade to Mr. Pokemon.

"How many months it will usually take to train an E1 level pokemon?" Mr. Pokemon opened the bottle and gulped a refreshing cold lemonade.

'Months? I can train your pokemon to level 100 using the Chansey chaining method in a day if you like but that would be unreasonable I need to maintain the balance of this world not just train everyone who wants to have a strong pokemon. Imagine a random pre-schooler owned a level 100 hyper trained cute pokemon... wait my cute pokemons are also overpowered.' Joseph thought.

Mr. Pokemon's expected it to be long seeing Joseph's serious face while thinking of something.

"Hmm, It should take 2 months." Joseph said.

"2 months?! That was incredibly fast." Mr. Pokemon's face was filled with shock and amazement. "Young Jojo you're not kidding me right?"

Joseph inwardly sighed he doesn't want to keep other's pokemon for too long and just said a random small number.

'Since, I already said it let's just take the responsibility.' Joseph thought then he nodded at the old man.

Mr. Pokemon smiled then he passed the pokeball on his hand.

"Please take care of my Bellosom." Mr. Pokemon smiled.

"I will surely take care of her." Joseph nodded then he returned the smile.

Joseph and Mr. Pokemon talked for a while, Mr. Pokemon also mentioned that the old man that wearing a lab coat that Joseph saw in their video call is his friend, Samuel Oak, the famous Pokemon Professor of Kanto region.

Then Mr. Pokemon informed that he was going back to Johto region via Magnet Train in Saffron City and he left.

Magnet Train is a maglev that runs between Johto's Goldenrod City and Kanto's Saffron City.

The quiet atmosphere filled the whole shop again, Joseph stared at Mr. Pokemon's Bellosom's poke ball.

"Alexa, import this pokeball inside the game then run the game because I'm going to play." Joseph sat on the chair.

Alexa floated and scanned Bellosom's poke ball, a few seconds passed the poke ball slowly vanished.

After the ball imported inside the game Alexa landed on Joseph's hands.

A familiar intro of Pokemon Ultra Sun was playing on the handheld game console's screen.

Joseph pressed start.

All of a sudden he felt that his whole body sucked inside the game.

On the grassy place a boy suddenly appeared out of nowhere then he slumped on the ground.

"What the hell?!" Said the child-like voice then he stood up.

"Alexa what's happening?!" Joseph aske then he calmed himself and analyzed the situation. His hands became small and he's wearing the same clothes like his game character.

"Roto-J!!! I'm here, your concsiousness is transfered inside the game I can show your situation outside the Game." Alexa in her pokedex version, showed Joseph whose sitting in the chair while his eyes are closed like he was meditating.

"So the thing happened is like those full emersion virtual reality game? Wow this is cool!" Joseph looked around the area. "Alexa show me the map."

Alexa(Rotomdex) showed a map and surprised that he was in route 6 like the last time he did a shiny eevee hunt.

Joseph opened his bag and searched for the Ride Pager.

Joseph immediately found it then and used it to call Charizard.

"Where's the Charizard?" Joseph asked then after a few seconds a roar can be heard from the skies.

A Charizard with a saddle on its back landed in front of Joseph.

"Hahaha this is cool." Joseph excitedly mounted on the Charizard's back. Charizard waited for Joseph's instruction.

"Take me to the nearest pokemon center." Joseph said then Charizard nodded and flapped it's wings.

Joseph can feel the strong gust of wind coming from Charizard's wings in every flap then Charizard flew in the skies.

Joseph's heart was throbbing, this is the first time he experienced something like this.

"Wooooohoooooo!!" Joseph expressed his excitement through shouting. "Even though this is just a virtual reality it's too damn feels real."

Joseph looked down and saw the beautiful view of nature.


Few minutes of flying, Joseph finally arrived at Hau'oli City's Pokemon Center.

Joseph jumped down from Charizard's back then he thanked the Charizard but he doesn't receive a reply.

Joseph shook his head and told himself that this world is a game even if the sensations feels real.

Joseph entered the Pokemon Center and saw Nurse Joy that always smiling.

"Uhm It's a bit creepy, please stop smiling." Joseph said but nothing happened. Joseph just sighed and went to the PC and opened the pokemon box to find Mr. Pokemon's Bellosom.

Soon Joseph found a Bellosom with Mr. Pokemon on its OT.

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