
20 year-old's summer vacation

ruru, used to be a college student studying music. she frustrated because her colleagues and professor called her works garbage and not artistic, and then dropped out. now, a jobless neet, she make songs by herself in her bedroom and often streams to chat with her internet "friends". this is a story following her daily life, her ups and downs, brightest and darkest of times.

Kokohanahana · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

the big news

hanako turns to olivia, "you're late."

olivia sit beside me,"it's only 5 minutes, give me a break."and then take a nibble of my food without asking. "so, what are we talking about?"

"i leave my family business and take college easier from now on. so, since i now have free time, i want to join your band."

both me and olivia are surprised, "why?!"

"i'm bored, no-" she stopped for a bit, "i just want to live like quote-unquote normal person."

"but, why?" i asked again.

"it's exhausting, having to study and do those mundane tasks 24/7. not to mention i have to manage those shitheads that talk shit behind my back, but i can't just fire them because stuff."

"i wish i could even say something like that." said olivia after almost choking on strawberry.

i said "did your parents got mad?"

"kinda, i can hear their disappointment when i told them. anyway, can i join the band?"

olivia and i answered at the same time. "sure."

"why you guys didn't sound very excited having me?"

"what should we do? throw our clothes and swing it around? i don't think the owner would appreciate that." said olivia bluntly. "and now, we should talk about roles, because we haven't got the time to discuss it."

i raised my hand and shout, "I'M THE SINGER AND SONGWRITER!"

i startled everyone and make them look at me. i sat down with embarrassment running around inside my head, which now probably hotter than august and more red than the strawberry that olivia ate. "jeez, no need to shout, you are the singer and the songwriter." whispers olivia while trying to face away from people. "in my mind, ruru will do most of the songwriting and also maybe the production stuff, it's her band after all."

"and what do you do?" hanako asked.

"drums, and filming stuff, i guess. i filmed all of her music videos."

"so i guess i'm the bassist? but i only know how to play piano."


"you can be on piano or keyboard, i love their sound." me to hanako.

"i guess we can look for bassist, do you know someone?" olivia asked.

"nope." answers hanako.

"i have an idea, do you guys want to go to my house?"

hanako excitedly answers "of course! been a while since i met your cat." while olivia is busy devouring a cake, "can i finish the foods first?"

i probably should eat them also, i'm still hungry.

after we're done eating, we went to my house. i want to introduce them to my fans and also announce that we're looking for a bassist. there should be someone who can play bass, at least when we're doing live stuff.

we arrived at my house, "mom, i'm home!"

my mom, coming from the kitchen, "welcome home!, oh! you're with olivia and hanako too? how long has it been since the last time you visit?"

"it's been a while."

"make yourself at home, i'll bring tea and snacks later."

"let's go to my room." i said.

we went to my room, and then start our livestream.

"hey guys, i have a few huge news!"

chat erupted with various questions from normal like am i having a record deal or announcing a live show to am i having a boyfriend.

"i'm making a band! it's called natsuzora cider." then i look away to call hanako and olivia, "hey, come here!" both of them came over, "well, i should just let them introduce themselves." and then back off to play with my cat for a bit.

olivia nudges to hanako, asking her to do it first. "i'm hanako, i'll be on piano, nice to meet you." and the nudges back to olivia.

"um, uhh, i'm olivia, i'm on drums." said olivia nervously.

i went back to the desk, "i thought you're not shy with strangers anymore, olivia."

"shut up."

"let me tell you a little bit of us. so we're friends since waaaay back, i don't even remember when was the first time we met each other. olivia might be shy, but she's quite an animal when she's in the zone. oh also, she recorded all of my music videos. and hanako is probably the most normal ones among us, and not in a bad way. and me, well you already know me."

"i don't know why, you saying me as the most normal kinda hurts." hanako said.

"it is what it is. anyway, you might notice we don't have a bassist, so the other huge news is, we're looking for a bassist! if you guys interested, just send us a video of you playing one of our songs in- wait." i forgot about the form, and i don't know how to make it. " do you guys know how to make an online form?" i asked olivia and hanako. they said "yeah."

"well, you can check my socials later for the form."

chat looking very excited with the news, i do get it though, imagine being a member of a band that you likes.

"that's it, see ya!"