

I looked up to see what I bumped into. I saw a figure of a guy standing right in front of me. I couldn't see his face clearly since it was time of the night and the moon was covered by the clouds.

"Well hello there little birdie." I heard a deep voice say. "What are you doing all alone in a deep forest like this?" He offered me a hand to help me get up.

I got up to my feet ignoring the hand he was offering me. "You know, I think I heard somewhere that refusing a helping hand like that is considered to be rude." I heard him say after I got up.

"My deepest apologies." I said while bowing my head to show my sincerity which I was faking."But I think I am capable of get up on my own." I said while straightening my dress.

He took one step closer to me and I took one step back to maintain the distance between us.

"You know you didn't answer my question." He took another step." What are you doing all alone in a deep forest like this?"I took another step back to keep a safe distance.

"I.. umh.. I..I got lost." I lied as I was picking up my stuff from the ground and started walking away.

" So you got lost huh?" He still followed me."You know you are very rude." He stated while still following me. "And do you know what I do to rude people like yourself?"

"I am sorry if you think I was rude... but..I don't think I was rude to you in any way sir."

"Really now? At first, you prepend not to notice me offering my hand to help then you start walking away when I was not done talking. Didn't your mama teach you any manners?" If he only knew she didn't have enough time to do so.

"I am really sorry if I have offended you sir but I need to get going now." I said to him while walking away.

" See what I mean? You are still walking away when I'm not done with you yet. I think you deserve a punishment for that birdie." I wanted to turn around and through all kinds of dirty insults at him but I had limited time since I was on my father's wanted list so instead I kept on walking.

I felt a strong hand hold my arm and caused me to stop.I turned around to meet a pair of red eyes staring right at me.

"I said I was not done with you yet. Tell me do you have a death wish or something? You know when I saw you enter this forest, I thought its my lucky day for getting a free snack but who knew I would also get a little amusement?" The guy was starting to scare me so I pushed his hand off of me. His head fell back and he started laughing after I pushed his hand off.

He was creeping me out so I started running while he was busy laughing. After running for few minutes I came to a stop and leaned against a tree to rest for a while as I was already exhausted from running away from my father's soldiers.

"Do you think you can get read of me that easily?" My heart almost came out of my chest as I heard the familiar voice from behind me. "You have to do better than that little birdie." He said with a calm voice while coming out from behind the tree.

I started running again but before I could even reach three steps, he was standing in front of me and I bumped into him again.

"Watch where you are going you dumb bird." I stood there frozen as I was debating in my head how he got in front of me that fast.

"Why so confused?" His red eyes where staring right into my brown ones again. And it was then that I realised that his eyes were not normal. What was he?

"Wh..What are you?" I asked him and took a few steps back and pulled out the small knife I was hiding on my back to defend myself in case something like this would happen. So I held the knife in my right hand and pointed it at him.

"Woah calm down birdie. You don't want to hurt yourself with that. And you know, I don't like my stuff to be damaged." He took a step closer so instinctively I took a step back. I felt a cool breeze on my face and he was not in front of me anymore, in a blink of an eye, he was standing behind me and held the the arm which had the knife and directed it to my neck.

"You see, I could kill you right now if I wanted to."

"Then why don't you just do it?" my eyes widened as I was surprised with myself. Of course I did not want to die here. In the hands of this weird abnormal guy.

" Well that's because I have other plans for you my little birdie."

"What other plans?" I asked while trying not to show my fear. "And would you please stop calling me little birdie."

"Well I will call you whatever I like since you belong to me now."

"What do you mean I belong to you?" I was not an object to belong to anybody.

"Well you see, when I like something, I get it for myself. That's just the way I was brought up. I get what I want when I want and where I want it."

I hit him with my elbow to free myself but he didn't burg. He just held me in place like I wasn't even hitting him.

"Let me go you freak. I'm not anybody's belonging."

"Well that is where your wrong little birdie. from now on you belong to me. You made a big mistake running away from home." I heard him whisper the last part near my ear. How did he even know that I ran away from home?

He finally let go of me and I turn around to face him and put some distance between us. I could now see a side of his face as the clouds had moved for the moon to fully be out. His skin looked a little bit pale. I though of making a run for it for the last time as I didn't want to spend one more minute with this crazy psycho. So I started running again with the little strength I had left. I turned my head to see if he was still behind me which he was. When I turned back around I tripped on a tree root and fell down to hit my head on a rock. My vision became blurly and my head started spinning then everything went dark.

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