
62. Doens't Talk Soo Much.

Arra walked away leaving Kevin and Vio who would continue to talk, in a bad mood. Kevin comes home with a strange woman, whom Arra doesn't recognize, and now Arra feels toyed with how close Kevin is to a woman other than herself.

If the rumor that Arra got was that Kevin was going home with Arra for the first time even in almost three years of schooling, now she couldn't believe it. Seeing how Kevin came home with other students, now Arra really can't trust anyone anymore.

If losing Kevin only for a while, Arra can accept. but if you see Kevin coming home with other women besides Arra, even when Arra just said that Arra liked Kevin yesterday, and went home with Tyo yesterday, asking Kevin's feelings but morning, and getting an absolute answer if Kevin already has a girlfriend, isn't it painful. The first person in Arra's life was Kevin? It hurts.

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