
Have fun

"Maddie are you alright?" asked Lisa as she looked at Maddie and Maddie looked at her.

"I am fine Aunt" replied Maddie with a smile as they were all having breakfast together.

"Are you sure Maddie? You don't look so good" said Lisa with a frown.

"Yes I am sure Aunt, I am just worried about my mom" said Maddie with a sigh.

"You still haven't heard from her?" asked Lisa as Maddie shook her head.

"No I haven't and it worries me" said Maddie.

"Oh dear, I am sure that she is alright, you will hear from her soon" said Lisa with a smile.

"I hope so" said Maddie with a smile.

"How about you come to the orphanage with John and I? We were going to go over there with Uncle Capi" said Lisa with a smile.

"I don't think it's a good idea Aunt… I mean we aren't even allowed out of the palace" said Maddie.

"Oh but you are, I asked Stella and she said it would be fine if you went with us, it is totally safe" said Lisa with a smile, she really wanted Maddie to come with them, a change of environment would be good for her, it would help her think about other things.

"Oh I don't know Aunt, I really don't know" said Maddie with a sigh.

"Maddie, come on it would be good to go out for a change" said Annie with a smile.

"Annie is right Maddie, it would be fun" said Matt with a smile as Maddie looked at both Annie and Matt, she could not lie that they were not right, after all, if she did go somewhere else that happened to be full of cute children, it would help take her mind off Clove and everything else.

"Oh alright…" said Maddie.

"You will feel better Maddie, I promise you" said Lisa with a smile as Maddie smiled.

"You can come with us too Annie" said John with a smile.

"Okay, Matt do you want to come along?" asked Annie with a smile as she looked at Matt who felt a shiver run down his spine when he saw John looking at him.

"Sure, it would be fun" said Matt with a smile as he hoped to stay as far away as possible from John.

"Yayy, Curtis, do you want to come along too?" asked Annie happily as she looked at Curtis.

"No" replied Curtis.

"Why not?" asked Matt.

"I don't want to go" replied Curtis.

"No way Curtis, If I'm going, you are too" said Maddie as Curtis looked at her.

"Yes, I agree with Maddie, we should make this a family thing, all of us are going to the orphanage" said Lisa with a smile as Curtis sighed, he could not refuse to go now that Lisa had made it a family thing and if he still insisted that he wanted to stay back here, Annie would get upset with him.

"Fine" replied Curtis.

"Good Morning everyone" said Ollie with a smile as he walked into the dining room.

"Good Morning" replied everyone else except Curtis who was quiet, and Maddie who felt like her good morning had suddenly been ruined by this blondie's appearance.

"Here comes the annoying blondie" said Maddie with a scoff.

"Good Morning to you too Maddie" replied Ollie with a smile as she scoffed.

"So what's everyone talking about?" asked Ollie with a smile.

"Well we are all going to the orphanage today with Uncle Capi" said Annie with a smile.

"Ooh that sounds nice, I hope you asked the Chancellor first" said Ollie with a smile.

"I did, and she said that we can go out" said Lisa with a smile.

"Oh then in that case have fun" said Ollie with a smile.

"Ollie, you can come with us if you want to" said Annie with a smile.

"I would love to, but I can't, I have a meeting right now, and after that, I have some studying to do, but you all have fun" said Ollie with a smile.

"Oh alright, we will" replied Annie with a smile.

"Alright, you can go away now blondie" said Maddie as Ollie looked at her and he just smiled at her.

"See you later Maddie" said Ollie with a smile as he walked away and Maddie found him even more annoying than before.

Clove walked in the camp as just like she had expected, Azazel had never ever shown up in the camp at all, she was starting to doubt if he was actually here.

Clove frowned when she smelt something that was funny, she scrunched her nose when the smell was even more stronger than before.

"Vampires…" said Clove to herself as in the same moment she saw a group of rogues walking by.

"There are rogues here?" asked Clove to herself in surprise as she didn't want to stay here any longer, so she quickly made her way over to the kitchen as she walked in there and she sighed in relief.

"Why would there be rogues here? What are they doing here?" asked Clove to herself it made no sense, and there was no one she trusted that she could ask about this.

"What are you doing just standing there?" asked the woman from yesterday as she called out to Clove and snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh…" said Clove.

"You have many dishes to wash, get to It" said the woman as she pointed at the large pile of dishes as Clove looked at them.

"What? But I cleared them all yesterday, how did they pile up like that again?" asked Clove.

"Stop asking unnecessary questions and just go do your job" said the woman as Clove sighed.

"Alright" said Clove as she walked to the pile of dishes, it felt unreal that they would all be dirty again so quickly.

The woman just shook her head as she scoffed and she walked away.

"*Sigh*, finally done" said Clove to herself as once again she was the only one left in the kitchen as everyone else had left.

It still made no sense to her why many witches would come and join Azazel when all he did was make them work and it was not like he was offering them any benefits.

Clove was about to walk out of the kitchen when she heard the sound of what sounded like several tiny objects falling as she walked in the direction where she heard the sound and she saw Nia sitting down as a pile of potatoes fell on the ground.

Clove picked up one potato as she looked at Nia and she smiled.

"I think that you dropped this" said Clove with a smile as Nia looked at her.

"No, more like my clumsiness made me accidentally hit down all of them" said Nia as she laughed and Clove laughed as she picked up the potatoes and put it in the crate as Nia picked up the rest.

"What are you doing?" asked Clove.

"I mean everyone else is gone" said Clove.

"Well yes everyone is gone, but I have extra work, I have to peel all these potatoes" said Nia.

"Can't you use magic to do that?" asked Clove.

"No, I am not allowed to, I have to peel them all by hand" said Nia with a sigh.

"But why? That is just torture" said Clove.

"Orders from my mistress" replied Nia as Clove looked at her with sadness.

"That's unfair to you" said Clove.

"Well I don't have a choice now do I?" asked Nia with a sad smile as Clove looked at her and then at the many other potatoes that she had left to peel in the crate.

Clove carried a crate as she placed it next to Nia and she sat on it as Nia looked at her in confusion.

"What are you doing?" asked Nia in confusion.

"Helping you" said Clove as she picked up one potato.

"No, you don't have to do that, I can do it myself" said Nia.

"But I want to, you still have so many other potatoes left to peel, it will take you more than an hour at most, so let me help you" said Clove as she picked up a peeler and she started to peel the potato in her hand.

"But really, you don't have to do that, I don't want to bother you" said Nia.

"It's no bother at all, let me help you" said Clove with a smile.

"Don't refuse anymore, I don't have anything better to do, so let me help you" said Clove with a smile as she looked at Nia and Nia could not help but smile.

"Alright… thank you" said Nia with a smile, she didn't know that there were still some good people left in this world.

"Don't mention it" said Clove with a smile.

"I just realized that I don't even know your name, and we have met several times now" said Clove as she laughed and Nia smiled at her.

"My name is Nia, nice to meet you, what's your name?" asked Nia with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Nia, my name is Cl… Sage" said Clove with a smile.

"Thank you for offering to help me Sage" said Nia with a smile.

"You are welcome Nia" said Clove with a smile.

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