
Feel better

"Alina" called Ivor as called out for Alina.

"Yes Master?" asked Alina in surprise as she was in the outdoor kitchen working on making lunch when Ivor suddenly walked into the little hut as he was soaking wet.

"I need you to blend these herbs for me" said Ivor as he handed Alina different kinds of plants that were wet.

"Master, did you go to the meadow?" asked Alina in surprise as she took the herbs from him and she placed them on the table, she knew these herbs and she knew that they only grew in the meadow not too far from here, so that was where her Master had gone.

"Yes, I did" replied Ivor as he removed the hood of his cloak and his hair was very wet.

"In the rain?" asked Alina in confusion.

"Curtis needs them urgently, I am afraid that he won't be able to be stable once he wakes up, so I need to make him some medicine" said Ivor as he ran his fingers through his wet hair.

"Alright Master, but you need to go and get dry first, you can get a cold if you stay wet like this" said Alina in worry, she did not want Ivor getting sick, he rarely got sick, but when he did, it was very, very serious, so much so that she would be so scared that he wouldn't make it.

"I will go and get changed, but first blend those herbs" said Ivor as he looked at Alina.

"Alright Master, how do you want me to blend it, into a pill or a mixture?" asked Alina.

"Make it something easy to drink, not too complicated" said Ivor.

"Alright master, I will do as you asked" said Alina as she nodded her head.

"Master, should I add some sweetener, it might be bitter" said Alina.

"You can add it if you want, it will truly be bitter, but it has to be ready before tonight, before Curtis wakes up, because if he waked up, and his body still is not used to the pain, it will increase, so this medicine should make him feel better" said Ivor as he removed his cloak.

"Alright master, I will make it quickly, because Annie is still worried" said Alina.

"Alright then" said Ivor.

"What are you making for lunch?" asked Ivor.

"Vegetable stew, since it's cold outside due to the rain" said Alina as she smiled.

"I see" said Ivor.

"Yes Master, when do you think the rain will finally stop? It's taking too long now, I am starting to think that something is wrong somewhere" said Alina in worry.

"You worry too much, it is just normal rain, it will stop when it wants to stop" said Ivor as he replied and he patted Alina on her head as she smiled.

"Thank you for hearing Annie out and letting her stay Master" said Alina as she smiled.

"I don't want to see you sad Alina, and besides, I know that you are right, they have their reasons for lying" said Ivor as he replied.

"But still thank you Master" said Alina as she hugged Ivor.

"Cold, cold, cold, get changed Master" said Alina as she quickly stopped hugging Ivor, he was so cold.

"Yes, yes, I am going now" said Ivor as he chuckled and he turned around as he walked away and Alina smiled, she loved her Master, she knew that he was very understanding when he wanted to be.

"Annie you need to relax, Curtis will be up soon" said Maddie as she Matt and Ollie were sitting down while Annie was busy pacing up and down, still after everything, she still could not be calm, she was still very worried for Curtis.

"I will relax once Curtis is awake" said Annie, she had a feeling that something was wrong, and she knew from experience that when she started to feel this way, there was actually something very wrong, which was why she was going to stay alert, and she would examine Curtis as soon as he woke up.

Ivor walked into the house as he could hear voices coming from the other room as he walked to there and Annie stopped walking up and down as she saw Ivor.

"Oh Ivor, you are back" said Annie as she looked at Ivor.

"Yes I am" said Ivor.

"Ivor, I want to explain some things to you, if you would please let me, I am sorry for lying but I…" said Annie as she was cut off.

"That is alright Annie, I understand, there is no need for an explanation right now, just calm down, because Curtis will wake up soon, and it would be best for you to be calm when he does" said Ivor as Annie nodded her head.

"I will be in my room, if you need anything, or if something is wrong, don't hesitate to call me" said Ivor as Annie nodded her head and he gave a quick smile as he continued on his way to his room and he closed the door behind him.

"He seems calmer" said Ollie.

"I still don't like him, I'm not buying the good guy change" said Maddie as she scoffed and Annie looked at her as she shook her head.

"Anyway, Annie you need a distraction, until Curtis wakes up" said Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Like what?" asked Annie.

"Why don't you write in that journal Curtis got you for your birthday? That would be a better way to vent out your frustrating rather than pacing back and forth" said Maddie as Annie nodded her head, Maddie was right, she did want to do something to take her mind of all of this.

"Alright then it's settled, I will get it for you, meanwhile, you sit down for once" said Maddie as she stood up and she held Annie's shoulders as she made her sit down in her spot.

"There, I will be right back" said Maddie as she smiled and she walked out of the room to get Annie's journal.

"Maddie is really annoyed isn't she?" asked Matt as Annie looked at him.

"Very" said Annie as she shook her head and she sighed, she was still thinking about Curtis.

"It's already dinner time, and he's not awake yet" said Annie in worry as she looked at Alina.

"Relax Annie, this happens sometimes, that's the effect of the herb we used on him to calm his body down" said Alina as she explained and she looked at Annie.

"He will wake up soon" said Alina as Annie did not seem to believe her, and in the same moment Curtis coughed.

"Curtis??" asked Annie in surprise as she looked at Curtis in worry as he coughed once again and he opened his eyes.

"Annie" said Curtis as he looked around, he did not know where he was, he could not remember anything.

"Oh Curtis, Curtis, you are finally awake" said Annie as she felt like crying right now.

"What… happened?" asked Curtis.

"Wait Curtis, don't try to speak too much just yet, here drink this" said Alina as she sat down on Curtis's left side as she supported his head on her lap and she held a cup to his lips as he drank what was in the cup.

"There" said Alina as she gently placed Curtis' head back on the pillow and she stood up.

"What did you give him?" asked Annie.

"Relax Annie, it's nothing dangerous, just some herbs that I made into medicine for him, so he can feel better and be back on his feet" said Alina as she smiled and she explained carefully so Annie could understand, she knew that Annie was only worried for Curtis.

"I see, I'm sorry if I sounded… mean" said Annie as she apologized.

"Don't be sorry, you were not mean at all" said Alina as she smiled.

"Let me leave you and Curtis alone, should I bring him his dinner?" asked Alina as Annie nodded her head.

"Alright, I will be right back" said Alina as she smiled and she walked out of the room and she closed the door behind her.

"Oh Curtis, I was so worried, we were all worried" said Annie as she turned to look at Curtis.

"What happened?" asked Curtis as he looked at Annie.

"You had another seizure, but this time worse, it looked bad, so bad, and then Alina and Ivor helped you and they gave you something to make you calm down, and then they found out that you aren't a witch, or a human, or… anything real" said Annie as she felt herself speeding in her explanation out of guilt.

"And Ivor and Alina were worried, and they asked if I knew, and I had no other choice than to tell the truth, now they know who we are, and that I am Annie Grey, and you are my guardian, and everything is just so…" said Annie as she was cut off.

"Breathe Annie, Breathe" said Curtis as Annie did as she was told and she nodded her head as she took two deep breaths.

"Don't rush, and tell me slowly, what you are trying to say" said Curtis.

"I told Ivor and Alina that I am a Grey" said Annie as she bit her lip, waiting to be reprimanded by Curtis for doing so.

"I am sorry Curtis, I had no choice at the time, and I had to save you, and everything just went haywire, and I…" said Annie as she was cut off.

"I am not angry Annie" said Curtis very calmly.

"You are not?" asked Annie in surprise as Curtis shook his head.

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