

"Boss, the Grey girl has arrived" said Liam as he walked into the tent Azazel was in.

The camp of the enemy had finally started to take a form, many tents of the colour Grey were set up, different witches and rouges walked freely around the camp, some talked in groups that were mixed, while some decided it was better to stick with people of their race.

"That was quick" said Azazel with a chuckle, it was not a happy chuckled, but more like a grim one.

His dark blue eyes were as cold as always, his black hair was messy, but it did not make him look bad at all, instead it made him look even more handsome, he had a supposedly relaxed look on his face.

"So Boss do we strike now, let's catch them unaware and then everything will be yours" said Liam as he smiled.

"Patience Liam, Patience" said Azazel smoothly.

"There is no need to rush anything, less we make a mistake" he said

"Let them relax, soon enough they will let their guard down" he said

"And then we strike, when they least expect" said Azazel

"I hail you boss" said Liam as he waved his hands as a sign as defeat.

"You always are three steps ahead" said Liam as he tried to flatter Azazel.

"Hmm" replied Azazel.

"Now get out of my Office" said Azazel coldly

"Of course of course" said Liam as he deciphered that if he stayed here any longer Azazel would not hesitate to kill him.

"Oh and Liam, one more thing" said Azazel as he stopped Liam as he was about to leave.

"Yes, what is it boss?" asked Liam as he turned to look at Azazel quickly with hope.

"Flattery will not get you anywhere" said Azazel.

"Ha Boss, well it already did, considering I am still here" said Liam to himself.

"Of course boss" said Liam as he smiled and left, he did not want to get beaten today.

"*Tisk* stupid vampire" said Azazel to himself.

"Hey cat eyes, what's up" said Liam as he saw Selene who was talking with other witches.

"Ugh here comes that vampire again" said Selene to herself as she decided to ignore him, and pretend that she did not hear him.

"Cat eyes, are you ignoring me??" asked Liam as he was already where she was in a moment.

"Vampire leave me be" she said as she looked at him angrily, all the other witches that she was talking with, had all gone, once they saw that this vampire was coming towards their direction.

"Oh are you sure you really want me to leave cat eyes? because we can be very good friends" said Liam as he showed her a smile.

"Haha, whatever do you mean" said Selene as she laughed.

"It's true" said Liam

"For example, you are the boss's right hand woman, after you know who, and I, am the humble but handsome right hand man of the boss, so we are supposed to be together"

"Ha, you are right about one thing, I am Azazel's right hand woman... while you are just a common vampire" said Selene proudly.

"Ouch that hurt" said Liam

"But I am more than willing to accept it coming from you cat eyes" said Liam as he winked at Selene, which made her look disgusted.

"Get away from me, you horny rouge" replied Selene as she walked away, Liam was just the definition of a thorn in her flesh, he annoyed her every free second that he got.

But why her?? there were more than enough witches for him to torture, but why did he choose to torment her.

If not for the fact that the rouges were very vital and useful to Azazel she would have disposed of them a long time ago, and especially Liam, Oh Liam, she had a very special way of killing him.

But alas she could only dream about that joyful day, all she could do now was to bear him and smile, while not loosing her sanity.

"I will get you cat eyes, just wait and watch" said Liam to himself as he smiled, he loved women who played hard to get, and especially Selene who was feisty, she considered her a challenge, which he was going to overcome, very soon.

Meanwhile in the other camp.

"Hello everyone" said Stella as she walked into the room, with Mira following behind her.

"Hi Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled.

"Hello Aunt Stella" said Maddie.

"Hello girls" said Stella as she smiled at them.

"Hello John, Lisa and Matt" said Stella

"Hi" said Matt

"Hello Stella" said John and Lisa as they smiled back.

"So how was your ride here?" she asked.

"It was good Stella" replied John

"I am glad that it was" said Stella as she smiled.

"Children, Mira over here will take you to your rooms" said Stella

"Mira, take care of them" said Stella as she turned.

"Yes my Chancellor" said Mira as she bowed.

"Please follow me" said Mira as she led the way, and they followed behind her.

"Stella is something wrong?" asked Lisa

"No it's nothing my dear, everything is fine" said Stella

"Okay" said Lisa

"Yes my dear" said Stella as she smiled.

"So do you have any news on when Lucinda and Lucas will arrive?" asked Stella

"Well no, but they should be here soon" said John

"I see" said Stella

Meanwhile outside.

Mira was leading, Maddie, Annie and Matt through the camp, their rooms were in the far back of the camp, for obvious safety reasons.

"There are the rooms we have, you can all choose one" said Mira.

"Okay, Thank you" said Annie as she smiled.

"Yes Thank you" said Maddie and Matt

"You are all welcome" said Mira as she smiled.

"Mira, we need you now!" came the voice of a woman in Mira's head.

"Okay I'm on my way" replied Mira quickly.

"Sorry, I have to go now, please excuse me, and make yourself at home" said Mira quickly.

"Okay" said Annie, Maddie and Matt.

"Okay" said Mira as she ran, she was very quick, but that was expected of a Cauldron member.

"Wow she's fast" said Annie

"I know right?" said Maddie

"Anyway, so do you want to be roommates again or??" asked Annie

"Haha of course, we are roomies for life" said Maddie as she smiled, even though her main reason for wanting to share a room with Annie, was because she was scared of being all alone.

"Haha okay, yes we are roomies for life" said Annie as she laughed.

"Is there an opening for another roommate??" asked Matt

"What no" said Maddie

"Haha Matt are you serious" said Annie as she laughed.

"Of course I am, with Curtis not here, I will be all alone" said Matt

"Hahah poor Matt, but no you cannot be our roommate" said Annie as she was still laughing.

"Hahah yes yes I know" said Matt

"Yes, so now see you, you go to your room, while we go to ours" said Maddie as she took Annie's hand and they entered the room they chose.

"Bye" said Annie

"Bye" said Matt

"Ugh, I can't sleep" said Maddie as she turned.

"Why not?" asked Annie as she too was wide awake.

"I can't get Azazel out of my mind, I feel like he can strike at any moment" said Maddie

"Well you shouldn't be, the camp is heavily guarded and even if that happens, we are ready to fight" said Annie

"Haha, well that's easy for you to say, you don't know him the way I do" said Maddie

"I have been forced to live with him for 16 years of my life, and one thing I have learnt about him is that he's unpredictable" said Maddie

"You can never tell what he's going to do next, and that keeps you on edge" said Maddie

"He sounds horrible" said Annie

"Oh he is" Maddie

"He once told me that the first thing to do to your enemy is to blind them, because once an enemy is blind, they are impotent" said Maddie

"Umm okay, that's enough about Azazel" said Annie as she was starting to get scared now.

"You see how I feel??" said Maddie

"Wow, I didn't know that you two were telling ghost stories" came Matt's voice but it was not from their room.

"Matt who gave you permission to just barge into our conversation??" asked Maddie

"Well sorry, but I was bored, and also it's not barging, if you guys are talking so loudly" he said as he was laying on his own bed and talking.

"Okay okay stop" said Annie

"Well anyway, now that you are here" said Maddie

"Wait, I forgot you have super hearing" said Maddie as she just realized something.

"Yesss" said Matt as he was trying to find out where Maddie was going with this.

"Yes, so I know that Azazel's camp is nearby, so can't you use your super hearing, to find out what's going on there?" asked Maddie

"Well I can't" replied Matt

"Why not?" asked Maddie

"Well because, I tried earlier, and I could not get through, like there was an invisible barrier or something" said Matt

"Ahh, drats no" said Maddie

"You know what guys, I think that's enough talking for today" said Annie

"Goodnight Matt, Goodnight Maddie" said Annie

"Goodnight" said Matt

"Fine Goodnight" said Maddie as she turned and closed her eyes.

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