
Meeting Matt's Big Family II

"Hi i'm Annie nice to meet you Evie!" said Annie politely with a smile

"Okay Evie that's enough you can go back to your seat now" said Matt as he finally chimed in

"Sorry Annie my siblings can be a little annoying" whispered Matt but Evie still heard him and said "Hey we are not" shouted Evie

"Okay okay" said Matt

"Now let me Introduce my siblings to you Annie" said Matt

"Okay!" said Annie

"Okay as you know this is Evie she's the second oldest and she's 12" explained Matt

"Hello Evie nice to meet you once again!!" said Annie as she smiled

"The pleasure is all mine" winked Evie

"This is Levi, he's the third oldest and he's 10 years old" explained Matt as Levi he looked up from the desktop where he was playing games on and just said "Hey" and went back to playing.

"This is Kaylee she's the fourth oldest, she's 9" said Matt

"Hi Annie, nice to meet you!" said Kaylee in a very sweet voice

"Aww nice to meet you too Kaylee" said Annie

"These are the twins Ellie and Celeste, they are 8" said Matt

Ellie and Celeste immediately looked up from the Cartoon they were watching and said

"Hi I'm Ellie" said the brown haired girl with green eyes.

"Hi Ellie i'm Annie nice to meet you!" said Annie

"Nice to meet you too Annie" said Ellie, then she nudged her shy sister to greet Annie too.

"Hi i'm Celeste" she said Shyly

"Hi Celeste nice to meet you i love your white hair!" said Annie

And it made Celeste hide away and Annie chuckled

"These is Frankie, Mark and Edward, they are all 7, 6 and 5" explained Matt as quickly as he could, because he was getting tired of introducing everyone.

"Hi" said Frankie as he put down the book he was reading.

"Hi" said Mark then he went back to colouring.

"Hi" said Edward as he stopped playing with his toy train

"Hi boys!" said Annie back

"And last and finally least that's little Noah , but we call him Noey" said Matt

Noey had just woken up from his nap and once he saw his big brother and immediately ran to him with his hands up signaling he wanted to be carried "Matty Matty up up" said Noey

"Okay" said Matt and with that he carried Noey

"Awww so cute" said Annie

It was then that Noey noticed the strange presence of the girl and he looked at her weirdly

"Matty matty who this???" asked Noey in a very cute manner

"Oh Noey this is my friend Annie she's joining us for Dinner today" explained Matt

Noey nodded to show that he understood and he looked at Annie with big round eyes and said "Annni" in a cute little muffled voice

"Aww Noey can i carry you??" asked Annie

Noey seemed to think for a while before he nodded his head in agreement and Matt handed Noey over to Annie.

"Woah you are a big boy" said Annie as she carried him

Noey seemed to be enjoying being carried by Annie so Matt let Annie carry him for a while longer.

"Evie come help me set the table" said the voice of a middle- aged woman coming out from the kitchen holding some platter of dishes.

Annie looked at the woman, she looked like she was in her early forties, she had silver long blonde hair, that was let down, her skin was very smooth and light, even though Annie guessed that she was in her forties she didn't look a day over 20, she was wearing a plain pink dress that made her look casual but beautiful.

"Okay Mom" said Evie as she walked over to help her mother carry the plates in her hands.

When Evie placed the plates on the table it was then she noticed that Matt was standing by the door.

"Matt you're back!" she said

"Yes Mom" said Matt as he walked over and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Hmm why is your skin cold??" asked Lucinda

Matt glanced at Annie before he said "I just fell into the lake"

When Matt said that Annie felt a little guilty.

"Hmm okay be careful next time" she said

"I will mom" said Matt as he looked once again at Annie

Lucinda followed the sight of Matt and it was then she noticed that Annie was there already and she was standing with Noey in her arms.

"Annie you are here already? Matt you should have told me come over and give me a hug" said Lucinda

Annie looked Shyly then Matt walked over to her and took Noey from her and she walked over and said "Good Evening Mrs. Sundew it's very nice to meet you" she said with a smile

"Oh Annie Dear Mrs. Sundew sounds too formal just call me Aunty Lucinda or Aunt Lucy for short" said Lucinda

"Okay Mrs. ...I mean Aunt Lucinda" said Annie

"Yes that's more like it" said Lucinda and with that she pulled Annie into a warm embrace, Annie could smell her scent she smelled like fresh flowers.

Meanwhile no body could see it but while Lucinda was hugging Annie, her dark blue eyes flashed for s split second that no one could catch it.

"This girl really is a Grey" said Lucinda to herself

In the Witch world every family had a peculiar scent and the Grey's especially had a very strong one, All Grey's smelled like a very strong Vanilla, with frankincense, their smell was exceptionally strong that you could smell it a mile away.

" *sigh* Well this is going to be fun to watch" she said to herself as she smiled

"Well that's enough hugging for today Matt, Annie you two should go wash your hands Dinner is ready" said Lucinda as she stopped hugging Annie.

"Okay Mom and by the way where is Dad??" asked Matt

"Oh well he had a meeting to take care of so he said he will be a little late but don't worry he will be here soon" said Lucinda

"Okay" said Matt and with that he and Annie

Dinner was set and there were many different types of dishes on the table it was like a feast and luckily Annie was a foodie, Lucinda kept on piling food on her plate since she was seating next to her.

Matt wasn't surprised he had seen Annie eat before and he knew she could go a long way and so he wasn't worried when his mom kept on piling food on her plate.

After some time of eating and talking the front door opened and a Man walked in, he didn't look like any plain ordinary man, no on the Contrary he looked like a Prince.

He has red hair and dark green eyes, to Annie it was evident that Matt and his siblings got their good looks from both sides, and just as his wife he still looked as young as ever.

Lucas was wearing a casual blue t-shirt and jeans he walked over to the dining table and Kissed Lucinda on the cheek and said "Hi Love i'm back" which made Lucinda blush.

"Hmm Hi Luke" said Lucinda

"Hi dad" greeted all the siblings at the same time

"Hello Children, how are my little babies??" asked Lucas

"Dad we are not babies anymore" complained Matt

"Oh Matt speak for yourself Daddy i'm still a baby" whined Evie as she put on baby doll eyes.

"Yes Evie you all are still my babies except Matt" said Lucas as he patted Evie on her head, Evie was a daddy's girl and Lucas did not complain he loved to pamper his little girl.

"Daddy up up up" said Noey

"Okay Noey" and with that Lucas lifted him up.

It was then Lucas noticed the Presence of another person on the dining table.

Annie froze when she saw Lucas looking at her, his dark green eyes looked like they were staring into her soul, he had a very authoritative aura to him, and it made Annie scared, when she was looking at him, she somehow saw that, that would be Matt when he will be in his age.

"Good Evening Mr. Sundew Nice to meet you" said Annie as she broke the silence first and greeted him.

"Hmm Good Evening to you too Annie" he said with his deep voice

Little did Annie know but the reason Lucas was staring at her so much was because he was proud, Matt was really his son, he had good taste in women just like his Father.

Annie was a very pretty girl and anyone would like her, he wondered how his son would do that.

Ha was Lucas proud of himself, he could not wait to see how this would play out.

"Luke dear sit down for dinner" said Lucinda

"Okay Luc" he said and with that he sat down with Noey in his arms while still staring at Annie.

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