
Why did you Lie to me??

After Dinner Annie asked her parents if she could walk with Matt home and she told them not to worry because she would go with Curtis and they agreed (more likely her mom agreed)

So it was Matt and Annie alone at night in the shining full moon's light because Curtis was hiding in plain sight.

"So That was Awkward" said Annie with an Awkward smile as she walked next to Matt

"Hmm Yes it was" he answered

The Tension in the air was very thick that it could be cut with a knife, Annie tried to make small talk but whatever she said Matt would answer with a short answer and it cut the conversation short, they were now walking with an Awkward silence between them.

Finally Annie couldn't take it anymore and asked "Matt are you angry with me??" she asked with big round eyes waiting for his response, but it didn't come so quickly.

"Well no" he said without making eye contact with her and she knew he was lying

"Okay then look at me" she demanded

Matt then turned his head and looked at her

"There i did it" he said and he turned back away

Annie did not like this side of Matt it was just too cold and gloomy the opposite of her cheerful Matt.

Annie then walked in front of him stared into his Hazel eyes and said "Tell me why you are angry??" she asked

Matt looked straight into Annie clear green eyes and said

"Tell me Why did you Lie to me??"

Annie went silent so she was right he was angry that she didn't tell him the truth, and it hurt her to pieces

"Look i didn't mean to hurt or upset you okay?" she said as she looked away from him.

"I just recently knew that i was a witch and i didn't know what to do if it wasn't for Curtis, and then i found out that this evil Guy was after me and i didn't know what to do, and then my parents found out and they helped me a lot, but in short i didn't want to put you in danger NO not until i was powerful enough to protect both myself and the People I Love and the reason i didn't tell you was because i didn't want you to get hurt no i didn't want someone i cared about, my best friend to be in danger" said Annie in a sweet tone

When Annie called Matt her best friend he was ecstatic so now he knew she felt the same way he did about her he could see the spark in her eyes when she called him her best friend he immediately looked straight in her eyes and said "Your My Best Friend too"

"And don't worry i'm not angry anymore all your reasons were valid just promise never to hide anything from me again" he said

"Yes Of course i promise" said Annie Immediately and with that her Cheerful Matt was back and they talked all the way to his house and they didn't even notice they were already there, Annie was telling Matt of al her experiences as a Witch, and when she went to witch world and she mentioned Curtis a lot.

"Well we are already at my house" said Matt

"Oh really Aww no fair i didn't even realize" said Annie as she smiled

"Well it's late you have to go home now" he said

"Yes you are right" she said

"Goodnight and next time i want to see Curtis he sounds like a really interesting Character" said Matt

"Oh Yes he is you will Love him as much as i do" said Annie with a giggle

"Oh of course he will Love me i am amazing as always" said Curtis in Annie's mind and she giggled

"Goodnight" said Annie and with that she already ran away past the corner.

Meanwhile while the Lovestruck Matt was still outside looking at where Annie had disappeared too little did he know that a Little spy Evie was watching through the Living room window, and she saw everything the way the mysterious girl giggled and Matt looked soo lovey-dovey this Piqued her interest and as soon as Matt walked through the door she started her interrogation.

"Hmm Matt who was that Girl??" asked Evie suspiciously as she looked at her love -struck brother that didn't seem to notice her.

"Hey Matt Look at me??" she said as she waved her hand in front of his eyes and that seemed to snap him out of it.

"What is it Evie??" asked Matt

"Well who was that girl you were talking with outside??" she asked

"Well she's just a friend that's all and is Noey already sleeping??" asked Matt as he tried to change the subject

"Oh yes he's sleeping and also stop trying to change the subject if she was just a friend why were you looking at her like that and last time i checked you had no friends... except for" said Evie as she followed Matt into the Kitchen.

"Aha i know who it is!" danced Evie around the Kitchen with a smile on her face as if she had just solved the world's hardest riddle

"I don't have time for this" said Matt as he finished drinking some water and went to the Living room, and Evie followed him.

"That Girl was Annie wasn't she??" asked Evie and when Matt didn't answer she said "Aha i knew it Matt has a Girlfriend Matt has a Girlfriend"

"Shhh Evie do you want to wake everyone up??" said Matt angrily

"Okay Matt i am sorry don't be angry" she said

"Anyway it's 9pm you should to to sleep now, you have school tomorrow" he said

"Awww no fair, how come you get to stay up?" she asked like a cute kitten

"Well i want to talk to Mom and Dad on of course i am the oldest so do you need any further explanation??" he asked with a smirk

Evie hated it when Matt always pulled the oldest trick all she could do was to go to bed "Okay i hope you don't have a goodnight" she Joked in anger

"Yeah yeah you too Goodnight" he said and with that Evie walked upstairs and disappeared into her room.

Matt was watching tv and he fell asleep he was woken up by the sound of the front door opening it was already 10pm and he saw his mother walk through the door.

"Mom you are finally back" he said

"Matt what are you doing up at this time you should be sleeping" she said as she turned off the tv

"Yes i know but i wanted to ask you and Dad something" he said

"Oh really what was it??" she asked

"Where is Dad??" asked Matt

"Well he's still in a meeting so don't worry he will be back soon" answered Lucinda

"Oh okay, well mom i have a question" he said

"Okay ask away" she answered with smile

"Okay Mom can i tell someone or can i reveal our secret to someone i really trust??" he asked

Well Lucinda went quiet for a while and seemed to be lost in thought Matt was about to speak up again when he heard her say...

"Who is this someone??"

"Well she is my best friend" said Matt shyly

"Oooh she's a girl??" asked Lucinda with a teasing smile on her face

"Yes she's a girl" Matt answered with his head down

"And Mom you will Love this too turns out that she's a witch too and i just found out today" Matt said with and ecstatic tone.

"Oooh well then okay you can tell her just be careful" she said "And also bring her to meet me this Saturday no exceptions" she said

"Okay Mom i hear you" said Matt with a smile.

"Now go to bed you have school in the morning" she said

And with That Matt wished her a goodnight went to his room and slept with a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to tell his best friend the truth, he knew she would be surprised and would love it.

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