
The King... Ask For My Hand.

Whilst going on her planned visit to the Osborns, Bessie had concluded in her heart that she was going to let them know firsthand of the state of things with regards to Elizabeth's whereabouts, according to her knowledge at least. In truth, she had her suspicions that the news of Beth having gone missing should have traveled round Griffinwald to the point of reaching the woman's ears as well as her daughter's, Bessie still felt the push to have a talk with this family.

Also, she had decided on having Lady Osborn give her the address to her sister's home in Aegremonth so that if her initial plan for seeking out Elizabeth was to go south, then she would hitch at Lady Osborn's sister's home and not return with the Blythes from the Banquet with the King.

She had thus estimated in her heart that if the Osborns were not already out on some Party function then she should be sure to meet the kind old lady in with her daughter, Giselle, by her side for company. 

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