

Angered and in my haste to get away from Nicklos and Illia, I found myself aimlessly walking through the garden. the butterflies flittered from flower to flower, the luscious smells graced my nose, and the bees flew busily about. Normally I would find comfort in these things, but my mind was angrily racing, pounding on any opportunity to make me even the slightest bit happy. I think this was truly the first time I have ever felt so bitter. Not only where secrets being kept, but he was also going back on his words too. How shameless he was? Not to act like my sister, but what was so good about her that she had to turn his head her way?

Was it because I seemed and appeared to masculine? My willingness to throw myself into battle to protect my people? Was I too head strong in my decisions? There where countless man here, but I still only had my heart on one, and even he was slipping away. I stopped at the cliff side, and helplessly gazed at the scenery before me. Not even the tall standing mountains, or the lusious trees below, where able to set my nerves at ease. I had truly become pathetic. To blindly think that after all these years he would still absolutely feel head over heels for just me.

I'd marry just for convience now. Father gave me my blessings for marriage, but he didn't say it had to be Nicklos. If I had to find the most pathetic and desperate man to hold my end of the deal I would. The last thing I need right now, is for father to back off his word and to throw away my plans because of some stupid man.

"Alliah?" Marquise sounded from behind me. A few tears fell from my face as I turned to face him. The General was right behind him, both seemed genuinly concerned. I gave a pitiful smile and turned towards the mountains again. Even here, I am reminded of Nicklos.

"I was just about to come find you. I wanted to clear my head before I faced you." I couldn't make my voice very loud, but with their approaching steps, I knew they heard me. The General rested his hand on my shoulder, trying to provide an awkward sense of comfort. I sighed, shaking my head sadly. Now the pressure was on, and I was still going to need to find a suitor after all.

"Did the meeting with his Majesty not go well?" Marquise asked. I turned to him, noting how worried he looked. His eyebrowns where scruntched together, his eyes, like two pools of endless concern. I weakly smiled at him, trying my best to look strong before them.

"His Majesty gave me full reigns on the operation under the pretense that I marry and retire after the ball. But it seems like I am out of a suitor, so I will have to up my game to swoon the other men." I said trying to joke, but it came out strained.

"What happened with Nicklos, I thought he was all head over heals for you?" I turned to the General and sighed. It was becoming a running joke now. Any time Nicklos name was mentioned, I could feel my heart sink deeper and deeper. I know this feeling was temporary, but it seems like no matter how hard I tried, it would contine to get worse.

"It seems that he had Illia in his heart over the last year or so. I heard them both talking earlier when I finished with Father. I don't have the patience or tolerence to deal with that kind of drama, so I told them I gave them my blessing. The type of suitor at this point doesn't matter either. If I can find someone willing enough, I will follow through with my promise to my father. We need this situation squared away before the Counsel arrives within the next week." Even that amount of time wasn't even enough.

We had to act as soon as possible if we where going to take down this mercenary group, and find out who was behind the attacks on our kingdom. If we didn't, who knows what is going to exactly happen at the ball. Obviously it wasn't good if even our own guys where getting picked off one by one. Traitors where being revealed and it was only going to get worse the closer we get to the answer. So we had to act now.

"Let the prisoner free, but I want my elite team following him as closely as possible. When he gets to his destination, kill him. Once he reveals the main base, we can infiltrate it and find someone weaker to give us what we want. We don't have time to play around. So stage the escape, make him think his comrades came to help." The General let go of my shoulder and nodded his head. Father gave me full leeway, and I was going to use every bit to my advantage.

"I will have the twins and a few soliders assigned to this mission. As for the guards, I will relieve him when it's time for the switch. We should do this under the cover of night so as to not disturb the guests." I gave a curt nod, agreeing with the Generals plans. If it where to get out that we released a prisoner, I doubt the noble officials would keep it under wraps. That and I don't want to cause a fuss. There was enough chaos as it was.

"Good. Marquise, come with me. You will be escorting me to dinner tonight." I said turning on my heel. He groaned loudly, clearly not enjoying the idea of another intense and uncomfortable dinner.

"Can't you let me off? I don't want to deal with the royals drama again." he moaned and I couldn't help but chuckle. But if it looked like he was busy, then he wouldn't be accused of helping the escapee if he some how was spotted. So I was really only doing this to protect him, and his presence angered Nicklos too.

"No, you are escorting me to dinner as my Knight since Nicklos will no longer be mine." I said with a grin. He muttered under his breath and then sighed. But he ended up smiling anyway, so he couldn't have totally hated the idea. The General was chuckling as well, spirited by our friendly banter as we left the Garden. Parting ways with a secretive nod of our head, Marquise escorted me back to my room. We where quiet for awhile, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

We walked silently for awhile, our footsteps resonating off the walls as we walked. I don't know if it was just his presence, but I felt better after crying my eyes out. he still also treated me the same after, which was more than what I could ask for. Marquise, in the little time that we started to bond, has become a close friend of mine. He was funny, supportive, and he cared tremedously. Even in the darkest moments I have seen in the last few days, his hand was their to reassure me.

"I know you probably don't want to hear this, and I can respect that, but Nicklos is an absolute idiot. Anyone would be blessed to have a woman like you as their wife. I can't tell you how many women I have seen getting pushed around by men, and they can't stick up for themselves. You are different, and you care a whole lot. I don't know what Nicklos sees in Illia, but if he thinks so little of you to have an affair, then he doesn't deserve you either." Marquise let it out so causally. I smiled though, happy that he thought of me this way. I won't say that my confidence came rushing back, but I was happy nonetheless that he would compliment me so.

"Thank you for you kind words Marquise. But you don't have to soften me up with your words, I know my worth. It just hurts my pride a little. Rest assured something as small as Nicklos won't get me down." We stopped at the door to my room. I felt reluctant going in, knowing that I would now have to stop sharing this room with Nicklos. Why did it have to come to this? How did it come to this? I really thought he was different than the others, but he proved me wrong. Nicklos said he like the strong type, but now, he was chasing Illia. All her dirty looks where starting to make sense.

"Fret not my Lady. Soon this will hopefully be over with. I'll be back in an hour to come grab you." Marquise bowed politely before leaving myside. I watched him stride away, graceful and quiet like. If I didn't know any better, I would say I was starting to get attatched to this noble Knight.

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