
Ch 9 "Innocence"

"1 - They're extremely handsome!"

Joohee sat in front of the table sipping thirstily her tea as if it would help her fill up her curiosity.

Opposite to her was Jiwook looking so tensed and flustered that it looked like he sat on needles instead of an ordinary chair. His every line was screaming nervousness and above all awkwardness, proof was him continuously wetting his lips, which were dry from searching for the right words, or him running his fingers everywhere from his thighs, arms, face, the cup of tea and back on his thighs, trying pointlessly to wipe the sweat off his hands. He was turning his head every second minute to Joohoon, begging him with his puppy eyes and desperate expression to help him in any way, even a word would be welcomed. However Joohoon was enjoying it far too much for him to voluntarily end the exciting show in front of him, so he kept staying unfazed sipping coolly his tea.

"This asshole! He finds it amusing, sh*t!" thought Jiwook trying subtly to glare at the elder.

Though there were almost daggers in Jiwook's eyes, Joohee saw it completely differently like through a pink blurred film. There in front of her was a handsome stranger with beautiful eyes embroidered with long eyelashes, pale and fair skin empathizing their statue-like lines of his face, gorgeous blue hair giving him an unearthly charm, soft plump lips that looked somewhat abused, dark red, bitten and swollen. Oh and Joohee knew perfectly the reason behind that.

She grinned and moved her eyes to the culprit. Her brother sipped his tea like he was the most innocent person in the world, trying to look indifferent, but failing at that, his eyes betraying him by sheepishly sliding to the person next to him and sometimes back to his sister, as well as his poor disguised smile that was stretched on his face. Honestly it was such an unbelievable sight : her brother trying hard not to smile widely almost in a childish way, displaying his rare patience, no it's even more - his excitement towards what was yet to come.

Joohee didn't recognized her brother. She turned her gaze back to the handsome stranger.

"Who are they and what did they do with my brother?"

She hardened her glare making Jiwook flinch and strain, his shoulders would soon reach his red ears. Now looking even slimmer, his build gave off a delicate aura making Joohee ponder over their gender.

She lost her patience, as her brother didn't plan to make any introductions soon, so she got ahead and spoke first.

- Hello, my name is Lee Joohee. I'm this irresponsible man's sister, said Joohee with a bold voice attempting to scold her brother. – Just ignore him and let's take it slow, she added softly to try to lessen the tension a little.

-O-okay. Hm I'm Han Jiwook. I'm... I'm..., muttered quietly Jiwook, stuttering over his introduction, as he was searching for the right word to describe his relationship with Joohoon, but so far nothing was coming.

He desperately turned his head to Joohoon and then the elder didn't bother about anything, he gripped the sleeve of his shirt and began to pull it softly but agitatedly as well, while whispering Joohoon's name the quietest possible.

"2 - He's a boy. Hmm"

That was a little unexpected to Joohee, though she felt somewhat more thrilled about it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Ah.. he's so cute then flustered ❤. I get why brother loves to tease him.", thought Joohee while dropping involuntarily a chuckle.

At the same time Joohoon's smug smile widened and he moved. Right when Jiwook thought the other would finally help him, Joohoon put his hand on the other side of the younger's head, pulling him towards himself, his fingers tangled in blue locks of hair. He lowered his head, as the ridiculous height difference bothered them even while sitting and brushed his lips on Jiwook's right ear. It looked like he was about to kiss it.

The younger froze.

However despite Jiwook (and Joohee!) anticipating it, Joohoon whispered, somehow the excessive closeness making the elder's voice sound a few degrees huskier and more sensual, that it sent chills down Jiwook's spine.

- It's pointless. She saw everything. Tell her..., he grinned, - that we're lovers.

Now Jiwook's mind froze.

It was just like when a computer was lagging, he stayed frozen like that a good two minutes, his face blanker than one at an ID photo. At this point it was impossible to tell if that was pure shock, fright, bewilderment or delight(?).

Slowly his mind started working again though hustled thoughts was biting every corner of his mind.

"Lovers????! Is he f*king serious? He's messing with me! Does he really mean that? No! What if it's a test? Lovers, how do I even begin to explain this to his sister?! It'll be all lies..."

Jiwook glanced again at the young girl in front of him. Her warm smile, gentle expression, bright eyes with a shadow of mischief that remind him somehow of Joohoon, everything just the same as in that photo he dared to steal from him. Even if it's a meaningless lie, Joohoon couldn't bring himself to say it to her personally. Perhaps that's why he was keeping quiet all along.

He cherished her. Deeply.

Jiwook could understand that much.


"I can't lie either."

- I'm indebted to hyung.

. . .


Both siblings looked dumbfounded at Jiwook.

With his eyes closed and cheeks a bit warm, he was talking in a serious tone, without stuttering for the first time that day.

- Hyung saved me. I would die there, if he wouldn't come...

Jiwook's cheeks were getting redder as he was talking, his eyes avoiding the other two.

. . .

- Ah I'm in a tough situation right now and I begged for him to help me - his voice slowly getting smaller and smaller – That's why he brought me here. I'm sorry for troubling you!

This time he looked directly in Joohee's eyes, then bowed his head apologizing, his hand gripping hard the fabric of his pants.

Joohoon, at his side, narrowed his eyes, his grin long gone, an unreadable expression on his face.

- Hmm – a disbelieving look on Joohee – are you sure you're talking about my brother?

"Ha-ha. She's sharp. I guess she knows her brother better than anyone... But theoretically I'm not lying."

- Yes. It's the truth.

Joohee frowned in confusion. Though she could sense some changes in her brother, it still sounded like he was talking about someone other. The question that was bugging her, slipped out without her noticing.

- But then, why were you sleeping together?

- Cough-cough!!!

Jiwook chocked with air, struggling to hide his embarrassment, which obviously was impossible; his whole face, even his ears were burning red.

- That's me!!! I c-c-came to him on my own while he was sleeping, cause I was a-afraid of nightmares. H-h-hyung didn't do anything. It's all my fault! I did tha-at!

Jiwook's shouted words were tripping over rashly, his voice jumped an octave higher and finally broke at the end. He had the most imploring eyes like it was a matter of life and death for Joohee to understand and believe his words.


Joohoon couldn't take anymore and burst out laughing, his whole body trembling, he even held his stomach and tears were about to fall. Jiwook flinched from his sudden burst and got even more embarrassed, he felt so hot that he covered his face with his palms in attempt to cool it down.

His eyes glanced back to Joohee to observe her reaction.

She was trying hard to hold her laughter and to his utter disappointment she didn't buy a jot of what he just said.

At loss for words at their continuous laughing, Jiwook felt himself sulking.

- ...but it's the truth.

Though he said it quietly, the other two didn't miss it and laughed even louder.

It was beyond funny how Jiwook was claiming that it was "his fault", when Joohee saw everything what her "innocent" brother did.

"3. Gosh he's so cute. It's a sin to be this adorable." – thought Joohee and pledged in her mind to forever protect this bunny (from a certain dangerous wolf here) and to take his side despite anything. Joohoon was beyond helpless and about to roll on the floor from laughter, making Jiwook's lips tremble and eyes tear up from all the frustration.

"You're making uri Woogie cry, you bastard!" and she kicked Joohoon's leg with such a heavy blow that he jumped in surprise and maybe even in pain from the sudden attack, stopping to laugh at once.

- Huf okay, okay. My bad.

Strangely enough Joohoon felt a bit on the edge seeing his sister's (bloodthirsty) glare and his gut feeling told him he better not try anything funny. He saw how flowers literally bloomed around her when she looked and talked with Jiwook and he had a rather bad feeling about this.

"Why am I thinking that I became more worthless than trash in her eyes?! Surely it's just my imagination..."

Unfortunately Joohoon's instincts were very, very accurate.

- Jiwook-ssi don't worry. Rather I should be thankful to you for keeping my brother here, out of troubles.

- What?

- You see, oppa thinks he's some alpha wolf or something, running his doggies around to "play" or to fight with themselves for some thrown bones. I tell you, he has the worst hobbies and no taste – Joohee approached Jiwook and took his hands in her own – I really hope you'll put some sense in him – then she whispered to his ear, though of course too loud, as if specially for her brother to hear that as well – and make him run instead.

A mischievous grin rose up on her angelic face, which made Jiwook stiff as a cactus. He couldn't believe his ears for a moment.

- Jiwook-ssi – she suddenly stopped midway and asked instead – may I call you uri Woo-cough, I mean Jiwook-oppa?

Jiwook blinked blankly and nodded without thinking.

"Wait what?"

- Oppa, if you need help, or have questions, anything, don't hesitate and tell me right away. I'll do my best to help you okay? Say if Hoon-oppa did something wrong. Okay?

Jiwook's eyes popped out in bewilderment, but he nodded nevertheless.

- You have to promise me. Okay?

- Oh ... yeah, I promise.

- Great. We have to be in touch. Should I send my contacts to you?

Somehow that was going at an unimaginable speed, Jiwook just couldn't keep up with Joohee and her tempo.

Even Joohoon, who was already used to his sister's continuous attacks, was massaging his temples from headache.

Now he was a little worried.

It seemed Joohee took a liking to Jiwook and if he would do (though he already did plenty) "something wrong", he'd be finished if his opponent would be his little sister.

"No way..."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Jiwook didn't just gain and Ace against Joohoon but an whole army.

Joohoon was seriously revising Jiwook's hidden abilities and current power. He made the great mistake of underestimating Jiwook and his influence on girls (he doubt it was just his sister). Joohoon was honestly worried about his safety if an army of Jiwook's fangirls would want him gone.



Joohoon looked at the unusual scene in front of him wondering if situations like those were the definition of "you-never-know-what-life-will-bring-you".

There, drowning in the window's golden sunlight, sat Jiwook and his sister, watching closely albums with old photos of him and his family, their murmurs mixed with ticklish chuckles vibrated through the air like a scene from a movie no less. Joohoon was out in court, a little farer from them, trying to clear his mind by taking a smoke (obviously uselessly) and contemplated the strange scene further. He saw Jiwook's genuine smile, wide and little crooked, which was in perfect sync with his eyes, that would disappear in two fluttering crescents. His smiles rang in circles up and down, wild and free, just like a child's. Jiwook looked incredibly young, same, no maybe even younger than his sister, as if unsullied by any of this world's vices and sins. As if ...

Joohoon moved a hand under his cheek, absorbing every detail, every fiber of the younger's presence, of that very moment. He had an unsurpassed urge to enter that surreal space, to sink in Jiwook's eyes, lose himself in tender touches and sip thecother's breath through those pristine lips of his. Yes, he would corrupt him with his every touch, dye him in tainted streams of darkness, poison his mind with endearing lies and broken truths...


Joohoon felt his month dry.

That was the exact reason why he hesitated to break that fairytale scene. He knew too well that his eyes were deceiving him; that innocence was a mere deceit, nothing more. However he found himself to willingly yield all his shields and masks, his heart taking in everything of him - of Han Jiwook.


Too dangerous.

With his keen senses he spotted it right away, he'd fight against it or at least avoid, but ... his hesitation numbed his mind. It was too late to stop it.

Han Jiwook.

He dragged Joohoon down with him.

Or was he there with him to begin with...

A sinner too.

[ still not edited ]

/oppa/ - korean from of adressing to an older brother or friend from a girl's view

Lea_Noahcreators' thoughts
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