
Chapter 48: Skullgirls Pt.4 (End?)

~Third POV~

As soon as Filia, Squigly, Nadia, Erza, and Echidna entered inside the church meeting two more people of this world when night begins to set in.

The first person they met was Valerie Valentine a ninja nursed wearing a skimpy outfit with her medical weapons guarding the entrance to the skullgirl.

The second person to meet is a nun named Double a parasite monster that follows the wills of the gods wanting destruction in the Skullgirls world Trinity.

As soon as the five enter the building they were immediately put on guard as the two girls were guarding the entrance already got into a battle stance as they were ready to fight.

Echidna seeing this chance used [Shamak] on everyone in the room surprising everyone as she made sure that the only ones not affected were Erza and her.

As soon as they made contact Echidna used her [Authority of Sloth: Unseen Hands] to knock them all out and places them outside the entrance of the building.

Erza seeing this asks Echidna in a curious voice, "Echidna not that I'm against this but why are you doing this to them?"

Echidna gives Erza the truth from what she has read from her gospel as they began to go towards the lower level of the church, "Simple. Those three were a liability I have foreseen in my book that Filia will use the skull heart to get her memory back, and Nadia hesitated but I don't want to take the chance."

Erza next replies to Echidna the further they go inside the bottom floor level of the church asks another question, "If that is the case why did you have to knock out Squigly as well in the process as she would help us no?"

Echidna replies her response as she says to Erza her reasoning that Erza reluctantly agreed, "Easy it's because she is undead. Since this skullgirl can control corpses I couldn't take any chances."

With that the further they got inside the lower floor it was soon revealed to be a room full of corpses with blue veins growing underneath the floor as the two members were surprised to see a young girl with a skull-like eye on her glare at two.

The current Skullgirl Bloody Marie.

Marie may be a nod to Castlevania's Persephone being that she is dressed in maid-attire and has a demonic-looking vacuum as she says to the two of them in a tired voice, "You two don't belong here… you are not of our world aren't you?"

~Echidna POV~


How did this girl knew who we are!

Marie then replies to us how she knew as she told us as if we are like children, "You two do not belong to this world… the Skullheart and the Trinity have told me as such intruders came to our world… I assume it would two…"


Now that skull heart truly is scary a scary item.

But then we see Marie gets ready as she says to use in a bored tone as the bones of corpses began to surround us, "You two are in the way of my plans to get rid of the people who took my life… stand aside or be prepared to be added into my collection…"

Narrowing my eyes on the brat it's clear to see she underestimates us a lot.

Next Erza began to bring out countless swords using her sacred gear as she began to move towards the corpses seating them ablaze.

I guess those swords were too hot to handle.

But that was when Marie began to attack me with her energy-like skulls towards us as I used my [Huma] to create a water shield to help defend against the attack!


The shield is held on as I use my magic [El Huma] to shoot out multiple icicles at Marie tearing through the bones of hers but destroys her body in the process.

Glancing at my surroundings, I see that Erza is busy with her fight against the countless corpses in her own fight.

Guess I'm on my own for the time being seeing that Marie's broken body begins to form again as a shadowy figure was now behind her.

Interesting but that was when I heard her speak, "You're a vile witch! You dare mess with a goddess job?!"

A job?

I can safely assume that Marie isn't in control right now is it perhaps those goddesses of Trinity that my gospel has mentioned?

No matter since I see that the shadowy hand starts slamming all over the place trying to crush me into something flat quite annoying as well.

That was when I used another of my spells to counter this attack and destroy whatever remains of the body is left.

Raising my hand towards the corpse undead I cast my [Ul Goa] fires a large number of powerful fire bullets a powerful flame scatters when the bullets land at the shadowy figure hand as it combusts from the attack.

Seeing this golden opportunity, I soon revealed that I released another wave of [Ul Goa] at the corpse with the hopes of killing it completely.

The corpse roars in pain as it was being consumed by the fire as soon it shrieks out in pain, "Scccrrrrecccchhhh!!!"

Putting both my hands on my ears I cover them to recover and lessen the pain of the noise to my ears.

Damn this corpse can literally scream so annoying.

As soon as the fire consumed the corpse then seeing a skull heart itself finally revealed itself.

The Skull Heart looks like a skull that has veins from all around the sides and blue mystic fire appears around itself as it begins to speak to me in my head as Erza was busy dealing with the corpses.

The Skull Heart began to tempt me with its words, 'Tell me witch would you like to tell me your wish that you oh so desire… and don't even try to fool me my masters have already known that your actions won't work on us.'

I simply expressed a cold look at the item as I denied what it says but it still speaks to me with a mocking voice, 'he he he… don't bother hiding from me witch… I know that when that boy gave you your emotions again you still retained your original personality to fool that kindhearted boy for the invite how greedy of you…'

I won't deny that what this skull says is true after what Tatsumi has done to me I have to play my act to him to get that invite…

After all, I only wanted is knowledge and just that knowledge, I didn't care who I harm to do it in the past to get it…

Next, I hear the skull heart glow brightly as it tries to tempt me, 'Yes with my power you can get what you wanted and fulfilled the base desire of your greed… with my power, it's possible just make the wish…'


Pointing my finger at the Skull Heart I used my unseen hands to hold it in place as I use my magic on this thing for even tempting me with the idea of betrayal truly unfitting for me.

If it was at the beginning, then I wouldn't have minded only for one problem…

I still have my emotions intact if it wasn't for Tatsumi Semblance it would've been impossible.

He commanded me to have my emotions again, but I changed my memories to retain my past self but, in the process, made me feel guilt and remorse for my actions.

Damn that stupid man for making me feel again.

He will take responsibility to me for changing me like this if it's the last thing I'll do!!

To be able to feel again is something I don't want to get rid of again nor will I ever betray them again for giving me their trust so it's best to not disappoint them.

Seeing that the Skull Heart started to panic I use my [Authority of Greed: Unseen Hand] to destroy it as I say to it, "Skull Heart next time don't even think that you can tempt the Witch of Greed you fool."

The skull heart was now destroyed as we see that the entire place was going to be destroyed as Erza soon came to my side as she says to me, "Echidna we have to leave now before this whole building is going to collapse on us!"

I know that captain obvious.

Searching around the place I noticed a completely intact door!

Well, I guess we have to invite another member to the Chat Group from the Tatsumi side since I haven't registered a connection to this world.

Shame if I had any time then I would come here at a later date I guess another time.

Quickly rushing over to the door and activating [Door Crossing] that this door will send us to my Beatrice library.

Opening the door reveals to be a library as I motion Erza to quickly come over to the door, "Quickly Erza! We have to get inside unless we want to be crushed in this place hurry!"

I already went inside as Erza managed to get inside as I shut the door but soon disappears as we both sigh a breath of relief, "Sigh… that was a close one. Shame we can't go back to that world now."

Erza soon gets up in a panic as she realized a problem of ours, "But if that is the case what would we do about recruiting someone then!"

Relaxing I soon reply to Erza as I shake my head off reassuring her in a gentle tone, "I don't think that is a concern here Erza since the quest state we invite someone it doesn't necessarily have to be someone in the Skullgirls world just someone else would do. After all, were examples of that happening no?"

That managed to calm her down but now that the Skullgirls options are down I guess we have to see what Tatsumi's side can provide for us.

I hope we get another strong member on our side but first I should ask Beatrice what the situation is like on her end.

And if we can't find anyone else we could give one to Rem Tatsumi seems fond of her or my Beatrice the invite but that is for a later date.

Erza then comes to me as she asks me in an honest tone, "Well if we have the time then Echidna does your world have healing magic I wish to learn if they help cure my mother?"

Raising my eyebrow at this I replied to my scarlet friend in a curious voice, "Yes we have some healing magic but that depends what is the topic to heal?"

Before Erza could say anything I hear a door opening only to reveal my Beatrice coming through rushing towards my arms as I smile brightly at her.

Beatrice says to me cuddling in my chest as she speaks happily, "Mother! Mother! It's good to see you again! I have a lot to speak to you about this Kill La Kill world with you and Erza."

I guess I should thank Tatsumi for bringing my emotions again because I don't want to lose them again if I can't feel the warmth of my daughter.

Before I let Beatrice speaks to me I ask her to promise me, "Ok but Beatrice can you make sure to not tell Tatsumi and the rest were here? I want to surprise them with our arrival at a later date since I want to learn more about this Kill La Kill world please?"

Beatrice nodded her head for the time being.

Good, I want to learn about this Kill La Kill world and what they have as Erza agreed with me.

After all, we do want them to be busy will reveal ourselves when the time is right.

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