
Remaining Plans

After finishing dismantling our tent, I extracted myself from our group before Hino could even approach me. I packed up my things and then went inside our cabin to use the bathroom.

Camp might’ve been over and everyone was already rejoicing for their freedom to roam but I still have a promise to fulfill. And since I’ve gotten a little sweaty from the tasks, taking a shower to refresh myself was in order.

And while doing so, it also became a moment for me to rearrange my thoughts. To make sure that I’m not going to miss anything.

“Let’s see... I should start with what can be considered my last plan before ending the day... Picking up Akane.”

Alright. That’s just an excuse since she’s the first one who came to my mind.

Somehow, even though I could admit that I missed everyone and I had a great time with my girls here, not being able to contact, see, or hold that silly girl felt like something was missing. I was already too used to her presence by my side.

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