

chirp* chirp*

I went to the door and opened it for the girls after hearing the melodious birdy doorbell.

Opening the door I saw the awkward looking and fidgeting doctor in between the group of beautiful ladies in front of me.

" You..... you really changed", looking at my cheerful expression Natasha was shocked and said.

" What did you expect from a man like me, do I look like someone who is so easy to dishearten", I said with open hands and a carefree smile.

" Ummm.. first thing first you're not a man but a bo..", Natasha was just making fun of me when suddenly Sania who also went to the office to help Zara came jumping on me.

" Ritik.... you're not depressed anymore...", Sania exclaimed loudly while jumping on me.

" thud* ou* Get up.... it's hurting", after that long afternoon exercise it was impossible for my weak body to held onto the small framed Sania and because of that I fell flat bum first on the floor.

" Oh.. sorry-sorry I forgot...", Sania got up from top of me.

" Hehe... I should have recorded it", Zara said from the side while taking out her phone from her pocket.

" Hmph... pick me up doctor I think my back broke again..", I said with a fake angry look while lying down and my hands on my back.

" YES.. yes sir, let me come..", the doctor came in from between the girls.

After helping me get up I asked the now less worried girls to come in.

I sat on a single person sofa while the three girls sat on the larger one and the doctor on one of the one person ones too.

One of the two female bodyguards brought water in a glass while one of them stayed in the kitchen to make some tea. Our house was on construction and we lived in a smaller one so we hadn't hired any maid Or something like that till then and did most of the work by ourselves.

" How did you came out of it, I mean how did that trauma thing went away all of a sudden. Just yesterday you were like a wooden log with a human mind and instructing brain but now suddenly such a drastic change. What happened this afternoon", Zara asked excitedly after looking at my rejuvenated self.

" Well... how should I answer that.. let's just take it as someone said something to me which in turn brought me back from the depressed me", I simply answered.

" Wait a minute, where's Shanaya and sister Maya", Sania asked after looking around the hall once.

" Umm.... they are resting inside my room. Well... you might not like to go there for some hours. The room's a total mess..", I said the first sentence with a foolish smile while scratching the back of my neck and the second one after Sania got up to go get Shanaya from my room.

" You.... you really did that and even after having him outside...", Zara exclaimed suddenly while looking at the fidgeting scared doctor.

" I... I didn't hear anything.. I was outside this whole afternoon, just ask the guards or those construction workers. I spent the day watching them work outside", the doctor said quickly with a stutter in a fearful tone.

" Oh really, look at my eyes and answer it again but without any lies this time", I said and looked at him with a pressuring and threatening gaze.

" I... I'm sorry, I went outside the moment I heard your sounds. I really didn't had any bad intentions. Please sir, I really won't tell it to anyone even if someone threatens me with my life...", he started stuttering after looking at my fiery threatening eyes.

With time and power a true aura of authority had also developed in me, it was a simple developing thing that came itself as I touched the higher skies and it was real helpful at times like those.

" Don't worry, just remember to not drop this news outside. I think working at such a grand hospital you should understand how simple it is to make some people go away to a journey to hell", I said lightly with a smirk on my face.

" Don't threaten him anymore now he already understand where he stands, just tell us how are you feeling. You should know better than us that such vigorous exercise is not good for your body for now. Look at you, you can't even lift Sania and you stressed out yourself so much", Zara said in a worried tone.

" I know but after holding myself back from those memories I needed something or should I say someone to vent it out and it just so happened that there were two of the best people to vent out my roller coaster emotions. I did vent them out and I vented hard and.... the rest is history", I said with a silly sigh*.

" Oh my Ritik... I'm so glad that you're back to your older self", suddenly Zara came and hugged me while sitting beside me ; I too hugged her back in return.

" I want to join in too hehe...", Sania came jumping and hugged me too from the other side.

" You can go out and have a free day today, come back at night after the dinner", Natasha ordered the doctor.

" Mam but Mr. Ritik.... OK mam but please call me if something happens", the doctor tried to deny but after looking at that stern gaze of Natasha he could only go out silently.

After the guard walked out Natasha got up and came closer to me.

With some tears in her eyes she sat in front of me while the two girls hugged me from the sides.

" I was really worried Ritik.... I thought it would take months for you to be back to your old self but you proved me wrong like always... I'm so happy baby..", Natasha said while looking at me with teary eyes.

" Mom...", I said emotionally and with no more words spoken Natasha hugged me and we just enjoyed that family moment.


" Oh no.... not that one, go cut the vegetables I'll take care of it", I said while rubbing my forehead in stress after looking at the mess that Zara created in the name of helping me.

" I'm sorry... I'll send Sania back, she'll help you from here", Zara went running out and Sania came inside to help me out.

I decided to cook after so long so as to make this occasion auspicious and Zara decided to help me and even told Sania to not enter the kitchen but the mess she created after that just made it impossible for me to continue working with her.

Sania then helped me cook after which we had a fun family dinner.

The mother-daughter duo woke some time later from their deep slumber and came out in their then sloppy clothes.

They were embarrassed yet ate a lot as their bodies were very tired.

Being embarrassed they went to sleep together this time and alone too.

We also went to our respective rooms with only Natasha in my room and the doctor outside in the hall.

The night went in silence and not a deep scary one but a kind and auspicious one that makes people's heart rejoice.



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