


AN: This is a fun free chapter, I am certainly not threatened to display this.


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[Just because you're right that doesn't you're correct] - System

"[EXCALIBURRRRR]" - Akashic.


In a Dark expanse beyond the mortal comprehension of space, time, and dimensions.

An omnipresent being and one higher than it had a conversation.

A conversation between The Akashic and The System

"[I didn't think you'd go as far as to manipulate that girl's destiny to be on the same wavelength as the successor.]' The Akashic began.

The system looked at Akashic with a questioning look,

[You did not think? You already saw my decision even before I took it.]

"[The same way I saw your decision is the same way I saw an infinite amount of other decisions you could have alternatively taken.]"

"[Also although I can see your decisions before you take it, that doesn't mean that I know why you took that decision. So system, humour me.]"


[The successor has been orphaned twice, He had a difficult first life and the second isn't much better. There has not been a moment of rest for the successor and I fear that with the addition of his now beastial bloodline.]

"[His emotions will tend to be out of place.]"

[Indeed, The Eidetic Library of Knowing is currently suppressing such an outbreak but it is not a permanent solution.]

"[So you decided to give the successor an Anchor.]"


"[And what happened to free will?]"


[Let me recount an analogy for you.]

[When a child is born, they are born as a blank sheet. But the environment they are born in is full of colors. As time passes, those colors eventually rub off on the blank sheet creating a beautiful painting.]

[But there are times when the blank sheet refuses for the colors in the environment to rub off on it and instead takes off to choose its own colors.]

[The difference between the two is that the first one chose to accept the colors. The other did not.]

[The successor is like that blank sheet whilst I am its environment. He can choose to listen to me and he can always choose not to. He follows the former.]

[The girl is like that too, She can always choose to not fall in love with the successor, after all, I never forced her to do so.]

[I manipulated their destinies in a form of something like when a character barges in on the other whilst dressing, or something similar to that.]

[I'm creating encounters for them.]

"[Encounters…]" Akashic smiled at the system.

"[Now that they both know that they are the only descendants of the Cadmean bloodline, each time they meet in such 'encounter', They can't help but have a… favorable look of one another.]"

[And how is that my fault] The system replied.

[More importantly, Why are you asking me all this? You already know.]

Akashic smiled and responded, "[I am doing this for the 3-dimensional beings that… watch us.]"

[Oh, Those that view us as a 1-dimensional plane behind a screen while rolling in the pleasure of comfort.]


"[What are your thoughts on them?]"

The system looked towards the screen as it said before,

[As long as they do not interfere with us, then I wouldn't make a move against them.]

"[Mmh, I second that.]"


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