
My lips are sealed forever

Celestia's POV: 

Father Oberon's radiant yellow portal door was stunning, just like the stars above the night sky. This portal must lead directly to the Highland castle. My old and sweet home!

"Celestia, why are you stopping me now? You know that Silver Shadow and I are mortal enemies who could never get along."

"But it shouldn't have to be that way! You two have to stop fighting for the sake of the welfare of these people," I cried out. 

From the dim golden glow from the portal, I was able to see clearly my father's facial expression. His eyes were full of compassion and pity. But when Theo is around, he never looks at me this way. He is the reason for my father's temper.

"My child, you know that I was willing to be the bigger person, and I even sent the scroll to Silver Shadow. But he is not ready to give up his pride! And you know how I feel when someone disrespects me constantly."

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