
Chapter 41 - Welcome to the Seaside

The train ride took about an hour, as promised. We could tell we were getting close to Camp Omega, because we could see the palm trees in the distance, followed by the outskirts of the city. It was a port city, surrounded by ocean on three sides.

Camp Omega was one of the five city camps in Etheria, the others being Alpha, Zeta, Kappa, and Omicron.

"Look Yukio, there's the city!" shouted a voice from behind me. It was Yui. She rushed over to where Hero and I were, pointing out of the window. Yua followed behind her, also excited.

"We're almost there, sister! So, Yukio, what are you and Hero doing together? I'm shocked he's even here right now, where did you come from?" asked Yua. She seemed less surprised than the others, probably because she was focusing more on the beautiful city in the distance.

"Ah, I'm here to help train Yukio, also, Ambrosia wants to duel, so I'm planning on doing that too."

"Ambrosia, you mean Ms. Esper Witch? She lets you call her by her first name?" asked Yua. Ambrosia approached them from behind.

"You can too if you want. I don't really mind what I'm called. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm called a witch, esper abilities aren't really magic." she said, walking past Yua.

"Oh! You startled me!" Yua flinched upon Ambrosia's sudden entrance. She walked over and took a seat next to Hero, holding her book as usual.

"So, Yukio, there are a few things I want to tell you about this camp, things I think you should know... there are some, interesting situations that revolve around this place...politically."

Ambrosia looked out of the window towards the ocean. We could see boats and ships sailing in all directions. Though, we couldn't make out the people on board. The ocean, however, spanned across the horizon...you could only make out a few small islands in the distance.

"You see, I'm sure you figured this out based on what you're seeing right now, but we live on an island. It's a large island, inhabited by monsters, but they're historically known as just "mutant animals"."

"The island we live on is called Kemono Island. According to its history, early humans named it Kemono Island because of the mutant animals that lived here. Kemono means "beast", so it only made sense."

"I forgot to mention this to you back in Alpha because the thought never came to me, but I think it's time now to tell you a little bit about Etheria, and what's out there in the ocean."

Ambrosia put on a pair of reading glasses, she was going all out, as if she was about to give me a history lesson. I listened in, still eager to learn as much as I could about this world. There were so many things I didn't know about still, considering I was summoned not too long ago...

"According to some, there are other large islands around the world, just like ours, but getting to them is incredibly challenging, due to the monsters that lurk beneath the waters... they've sunk many ships and killed many sailors."

"They're the real deal. Giant serpents, water dragons, whale beasts, they exist, and they're terrifying, but they're nothing to worry about if you're on land! Right, Hero?"

Hero looked at Ambrosia and chuckled. I could tell he had killed water monsters before, it was written all over his face. He knew a lot about them. Ambrosia continued her spiel,

"However, monsters haven't stopped people from exploring the vast sea. There are smaller islands that have been charted, and visited, due to their low population of monsters. I'm sure you can see a few of them in the distance now."

"Because there are no simple means of mass transportation to these islands, the Hero Camp has decided to not affiliate with them. But they're still inhabited... pirates control most of these islands, and are in a political war with each other."

"We're not sure where they came from, but we believe that they came from other distant islands in the ocean, in hopes of discovering new lands and new treasures. If this is true, then that means they were able to kill the beasts of the sea, and are formidable opponents."

"Usually, they don't interfere with Camp Omega, but there have been instances in the past where they've tried to "take refuge" here, and then end up stealing from us. Pirates will be pirates, so we need to be wary of them."

"Again, we're unsure of their origins, but if they came from other distant islands, then that means that the technology over there, and means of protection against monsters for them is just as advanced, if not more than ours. They've managed to begin conquering the ocean."

"The reason we even have a port is because the Hero Camp sends heroes out on ships sometimes to deal with sea monsters that enter the vicinity of our shores, but also, some wealthy families take small outings near the camp, away from monsters to enjoy the ocean in a controlled environment."

"But pirates have recently begun to inch closer and closer to our lands each day. Some of them have demonstrated abilities of their own, like us, meaning they could have an entirely different system of their own where they're from."

Pirates huh? To me, it seemed like they were nothing more than people who left Kemono to explore the sea, but if they're not even from here, then perhaps they're tougher than I initially assumed.

Even so, I hoped they wouldn't interfere with us, at least, not until I finished my training. Among the monsters already lurking around, and the Zodiac hot on our trail, the last thing I needed were pirates trying to raid us...

But then, I looked around at the people with me. With Ambrosia and Hero on our side, there couldn't be any possible way for pirates to have any chance in hell trifling with us...but then again, if they've managed to conquer sea monsters as Ambrosia had described them...

"Stop worrying, Yukio, I know you're thinking "oh lord what if they come after us!?" right?" said Ambrosia, tapping into my conscious. It was slightly annoying how she could do that, but I couldn't stop her.

"You're right, that's exactly what I'm thinking. But, let me try and guess what you're thinking now, okay?"

"Mhmm, go aheaaad."

Ambrosia smirked at me, almost as if the answer was obvious enough for anyone to guess. Based on the context of the situation, it seemed as so, but knowing her, she'd probably change it if I got it right.

"It's going to be fine, Yukio! You have Hero and I with you, not to mention Mayumi and everyone else!" I said, mimicking Ambrosia's high-pitched voice. Her jaw dropped, and she put on a face of disgust.

"Ah! I mean, you're right! But, that imitation wasn't needed!" said Ambrosia, crossing her arms and turning her head the other way. Hero broke out in laughter, but was swiftly silenced when she punched him in the gut.

Suddenly, we heard the intercom come on once more. We were approaching the gates of the city and needed to prepare to get off the train.

"Attention passengers, we are now arriving at Camp Omega! Please make sure you have all of your belongings with you before departing, thank you for riding with us today!"

"I guess that means we're almost there," said Hero, standing up from his seat. Ambrosia followed suit, and they both walked over to grab their things. Hero didn't bring anything with him, he was a lone traveler. Ambrosia only had her book and a suitcase.

"Hey, Yukio, I have a few small errands to run here, so go do whatever you want while I'm out. We'll meet back up this evening for our infusion, mkay?" said Ambrosia.

"Sure, take your time. I'll probably just explore the camp for a while, to see what's around."

The train entered the grand station, and the doors swung open. Together, the rest of the party and I exited the train. I could immediately smell the scents of the tropical air as they infiltrated my nose.

"I've never been here before, this is so exciting!" said Mayumi, her eyes glistening behind her glasses. Her hands were together, fingers crossed, as she smelled the air.

"You know, Yukio, you and I haven't had much time to chat since we were together in Theta. Even in Alpha, you were occupied with your entrance exam and other matters. Why don't we catch up?"

She was right. Mayumi and I hadn't really spoken directly to each other in a bit. Perhaps it would be nice to catch up with her, and maybe learn more about her, considering she saved my life and all way back then, in the flower field...

"Sure, that sounds nice. We can go for a walk around Omega if you'd like, considering neither of us have been here before."

"Yeah, that's a good idea. We could also get you some nice summer clothes, the ones you got in Theta were just some backup shirts and such. You need a distinguished look, ya know?"

This was the perfect opportunity to set myself apart from the other heroes here. If I wanted to be my own character in this world, I needed to adopt a memorable look, as well as a fighting style. Mayumi and Hero were the perfect two people to consult regarding these matters.

I agreed with Mayumi, and the two of us set off to explore the city. Yui and Yua were occupied with each other, rushing into Omega quickly, ready to have a girl's day out, and Ambrosia had a few errands to run herself, leaving only Hero and Cyprus remaining with us. Hero came up to speak to me before we left.

"Hey, Yukio, you go do what you need to do with Sabre Queen, I'll go scout the area for a good place for us to train. Deadeye said he'd try to book us a room or two in the hotel here for us. Sound good?"

"You know, you can refer to us by our first names, I'm Mayumi, and that's Cyprus. You don't need to use our hero names unless you feel like you absolutely must."

"I see, no worries Mayumi! Thanks for telling me that, but, Yukio, if you need me, I'll be on the west side of the camp near the gate, okay?"

"Alright, thanks Hero!" I said. Hero gave me a quick salute before making his way westward. It seemed like he knew the camp from the inside out already. He's probably been here numerous times before, considering his accomplishments.

"Alright, Yukio, let's go check out Omega!" said Mayumi, grabbing my hand, together, we entered through the northern gate, the grand entrance to Camp Omega, the port city...

Rivers flowed through the city, with bridges connecting each side, lined with shops and restaurants, and other buildings. It was luxurious, but also very well protected. Wave breakers lined some of the shorelines.

I wondered if any hurricanes had ever come through. I remembered Ambrosia telling me about hurricanes tossing monsters around, if it was true, then it must be a horrifying spectacle... if it was hurricane season, then I'd best prepare myself for the month ahead of us.

"Oh, over there, there's a clothes shop. Let's try to find you something real nice." said Mayumi, pointing to a shop titled "Taisei Irui". It looked like a casual clothing store, with t-shirts in the windows.

"Sure, let's go in!" I replied, together, we walked towards the store. The city had a lot of buildings, but none of them were very tall. The part of the city we were in was more of a shopping district, rather than a living area.

But, despite us just arriving at Camp Omega literally minutes ago, trouble had already intercepted us... standing atop one of the buildings, out of our view, was a tall girl with scarlet hair, wearing some kind of school uniform. It was Cynthia, she had made it to Omega.

She could see us, but we couldn't see her. Regardless, she was already collecting information about me, in preparation for a confrontation. Although she wasn't going to confront me just yet, as it was much too risky. There were heroes everywhere.

"Mmmm, is that Yukio? Marius said a tall boy with hair the same color as mine, hmm, yeah, that's definitely him! Hehe, he's kind of cute," she said, smirking, her small fangs gently seeping into her lower lip.

"I'll see you later, I need to figure out a strategy first..." she continued, turning around, putting her hand on the roof of the building she was on, and sinking into it, vanishing...

Hey, is anyone still reading up to this point? I want to gauge how many readers have stuck with the story until now... if you are, leave a comment saying what you think so far, and any tips you have. I might shorten my chapter lengths slightly to accommodate to the standard on this website, but I'm enjoying writing this story, and want to know if people are enjoying reading it as well... thanks!

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