
Present - 60

Reading was the only thing strong enough to distract her from her agony. She tried to forget the way Paul cruelly rejected her, but she could not. Despite the way he hurt her, her heart still beat for him. She still felt the exact same way as she did before.

And that only made her feel pathetic.

"Any reason?" he asked.

"Just preparing for our mission. Wanted to get back into shape."

He walked farther into the room, his suit fitting him perfectly. His sculpted shoulders looked powerful, and his thin hips led to muscled thighs. He still felt like a wet dream to her. "You think you are ready for that?"

"I know I am." There were two things she wanted desperately. The first was to get away from Paul. And the second was to get her vengeance on Vulture. Even if she died in the process, it would be worth it. She had to do something. 

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