
The Greatest Servant


"Yes, your highness."

Kneeling in front of the Queen of Outsiders.

The one who created us.

The one who's our god.

The who's ruling.

The one that we need to protect.

The one who's respected most among Outsiders.

The one, and also our everything.

"Maybe I should make you one of the leaders of Outsiders. What do you think?", she said.

"Sorry your highness, but I must refuse.", I replied.

"Why is that? To all Outsiders I ever created. You're the most capable one."

"It is because I only live to serve, not to lead."

"Hm? Continue."

"Your highness, I want to be... the greatest servant for you."

"Greatest servant huh. I see... that's really like you."

"Sorry for refusing."

"You don't have to apologize."

"Thank you."

"Since you don't want to become one of the leaders, I will assign you to someone."

"My, my. Who's this?"

Someone approaches us.


"Hello, my queen."

He bows to our queen and a gentle smile on his face.

"Good timing. Zod, meet Cerex. From today on, he will be your leader."

"Zod huh...interesting."

"As for my command for you. Don't die, Zod."


*Sorry your highness, but I guess I won't able to fulfill my duty.*

I close my eyes as a sign of accepting my fate.

After all, there's no way I could escape with those traps.

This guy already plans everything in advance.

We thought that we could take him out if it is a surprise attack, but it seems like he's the one who set up a trap first.

What an incredible man.

*It seems like this is the end.*

I feel something sharp thrust to my chest.

It doesn't look like the spear that flying towards me.

The thrust is so hard that I feel like I'm being pushed.

I open my eyes.


I saw the human named Hiro pushing me away from the traps.

Both of us landed on the ground.

His knife is still on my chest.

I look at his eyes. He's staring at mine.

"Why?", I asked.

"I don't know. I feel like dying in a brutal way doesn't suit you."


*This guy...*

Even though I'm his enemy. An Outsider. Someone who's trying to kill him.

Even though I'm just going to die neither way.

He still chooses to kill me in a simple way.

"I wish you're my leader... Hiro."

I feel sleepy right now.

My eyes are closing little by little.

I wonder how it ended up like this.

I thought killing this guy is easy.

I thought I would succeed since it's Cerex's plan.

*It can't be...*


"A leader huh."

The Outsider closes his eyes.

I guess he won't open it again.

*An Outsider wants me to become his leader?*

I wonder what kind of leader Cerex is.



"Why did you push him? It's dangerous."

"Sorry. We should get back."

"Yeah. I'm hungry."

We went back immediately to the HQ after that.

As we enter, no one's there.

We went to the commander's office.

"Hiro and Barbara. Where did you two go?"

"Sorry, we actually already here if we didn't encounter a pure-blooded Outsider."

"Pure blooded?"


"How did the fight go?"

"Don't worry! We kill him. Our trap is effective."

"I see, that's the reason why you two always went outside."

"Yeah. By the way, where are the others?"

"They're on the mission right now."

"I see, then tell us the location so we can go there also."

"Forget about them, we still have another problem."

The Commander tells us the location of our invasion of Outsider.

It is in the opposite direction where Vinna and the others are.

"How about we call some help from A-2."

"Unfortunately, they also stopping invasion in other villages."

"Just how many villages have been invaded by Outsiders?"

"I don't know. But we have to save people as many as we could."

"I see, we're going then."

"Don't worry, if something happens. I have no choice but to help."

"Okay. By the way, where's Barbara?"

"Oh, sorry. I grab some bread. I'm really hungry."



We went to the location that the commander give us.

It's far from the HQ.


As we reach the village. We saw the houses that has been burned down by the fire.

"We're too late."

"We should rescue as many people as possible."

"But how about the fire?"

"I don't know, there's no river near here. We should hurry before the fire spread more."

The two of us went inside the village.

While the fire is burning the houses, the owners are being chased by Outsiders.

"Let's split."

I went to the east side of the village while Barbara take the west side.

As I run, I see a few people that are already dead.

I some people running away from the Outsiders.


I shout to get the attention of the Outsiders.

Wolves and monkeys Outsiders're running around.

When they turn their faces towards me. I immediately dash towards them and slash their necks.


"Save me!"


*Darn it. I can't save them all.*

I immediately run towards those people.

A giant wolf chasing a little girl.

The little girl lose her balance and fell to the ground.


She's crying while trembling in fear.

The wolf jump on her.

I throw one of the knives towards the Outsider and it hits its eyes.

The Outsider fell to the ground but stand up immediately.

He shakes its eyes to remove the knife.

I immediately run towards him and thrust my other knife to his head.

I went to the girl and help her to stand up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes! T-Thank you!"

"Okay, then."


A middle-aged woman run towards us.


"You two, find the others and stay away from here. Got it?"

"Thank you!"

Two of them run away.

"Now, there's many more to save."


"Now die!"

The Outsider dashes towards me.

Even though I didn't see anything in her hands, it seems like she's holding something.

A sword? Spear? Katana?

I don't know.

But I have to be careful.

"Why not tell me what's you're holding."

"Why would I? Little chick."

*Little chick?!*

"Blondie, focus on the other Outsider. I'll handle this one."

"Could you stop giving me weird nicknames!"

"Eat this!"

Ernesta throws the other end of her chain towards the Outsider.

"You're so eager to die!"

The two of them exchange blows.

On the other hand.

Darius and Greg fighting the other Outsider.

Darius imprisoned the Outsider with his wind barrier.

But Greg still can't land a single attack with those four arms of the Outsider.

"Wind: Quicken then compress!"

The wind barrier spins faster and then compresses little by little.

"I'll kill all of you!"

The Outsider smashes the ground with his two upper arms.

The barrier destroy.

Now the Outsider is free, he dashes immediately towards Darius.

Darius tries to create a barrier but the Outsider is too fast.

The Outsider raises his arm and pushes it towards Darius.

"Stand back!"

Greg blocks the attack.

I run towards the Outsider.

I swing my swords towards him.

The Outsider notices me and swings his arms towards me.

He hits my left arm.

He's so strong that he made me fly away.

I landed towards the trees.


"It hurts."

"Wind: Expand!"

Darius cast a barrier in front of the Outsider. He expands it causing the Outsider to fly away.

"You okay?", Greg asked.


"Can you get up, Vinna?", Darius asked.

"Don't worry."

"He's too strong."

"Yeah. Despite being huge, he's fast and his senses are sharp."

"What are we gonna do now?"

"I have a plan. Can you lure him towards that location?"

Darius pointed his finger to an open space ground.

I don't know what is his plan but I think it's the only way to defeat that guy.

The Outsider and the location where we have to lure him is just near.

"Let's hurry."

"Got it."

Greg and I run towards the Outsider.

The Outsider raises his swords and pushes them down towards us.

Greg and I split and went to the sides of the Outsiders.

The Outsiders look around and confuse who's he gonna attack first.

Since Greg is faster than me. He reaches the Outsider first.

I throw one of my swords towards the Outsider so he won't be able to focus on Greg.

The Outsider has no choice but to spin fast.

Thankfully, Greg was able to jump away before he gets hit.

My sword flew up high in the sky.

I jump as high as could to get it.

Since I was going to land towards the Outsider.

I make this a chance to attack him.

I spin in the air along with my swords.

The Outsider uses his swords to block my attacks.

Greg takes the chance and dashes behind the Outsiders.

The Outsider tries to block Greg's attack my Greg just slices his ax into two and then slashes his back.


I push myself away from the Outsider and landed on the ground.

I run towards him and kick him as hard as I could.

The Outsider didn't fly away but he lose balance causing him to walk unintentionally towards the location where we wanted.

"Darius!", I shouted.

"Got it! Wind!"

Darius cast a wind barrier but not to the Outsider but to the ground where he's standing.

The ground where the Outsider is standing disappears causing him to fall.



Ernesta looks at the Outsider while fighting the other one.

"Got it! Instant Creation!"

She created so many sharp metals to the hole that Darius created.

"Hey, focus on me!", the Outsider said.

Now the Outsider can't move.

All of the sharp things are pointed in every part of his body.

Any moves will hurt him.

"Now, this is our chance."

I walk towards the Outsider.

I raise my sword. But when I'm about to slice his head.

Another Outsider appears in front of me.

He came from the sky.

"Hello there. Human."


"We should go now, your job is done here."


"It looks like they put you in a rough situation, Arnil."


The Outsider just swings his hands once and all the sharp metal slices into pieces.

*Just who is this guy.*

"Let's go now."

The Outsider jump to escape from the hole.

"See you again. Little rat and chick."

*Please stop calling me that.*

"Are we just going to let them go?"

"Well, yeah, I guess."

"Yeah, that means we can help Rick and Lulu to help the people here."


"Let's go now."


"Thank you! We will not forget you."

The old man runs away from the village.

"Those words make me feel I'm going to die here."

*Just how many people have I already saved? Ten? Twenty? How about the remaining people here?*

My head starts hurting when I think about that.

"I wonder hows Barbara is right now."

The fire spreads faster and now it's getting bigger.

*It's getting hot here. I should hurry. It's better if someone tries to kill this fire, but since all of the people here are being chased by Outsiders, they won't able to do that.*

"I think I'm screwed in this situation."

I'm starting to feel hard on breathing.

My body is getting hotter and hotter.

"Ha, ha, ha."

*I have no choice but to get out of here.*

That was the plan but everything around me is surrounded by smoke. I don't know which way out.

My body is getting weaker and weaker.

*Don't tell me I'm going to die here.*

I watch my surroundings.

Everything that I can see is smoke and fire.


I notice that the movement of the fire is strange.

It seems like it's being sucked by something.

When I look around, I saw a woman.

She's standing there while her hands suck the fire.

"Who...who are you."

"Hey, want some help."

*Wait! This woman, I feel like I've seen her before.*

After all the fire disappear. I can finally breathe well than before.

"How did you do that?"

"My, you're using that knife. You should know it already."

*She's an amulet user too.*

She's wearing a bracelet with a square amulet.

"I'm done here. Gotta go!"



Barbara is calling me.

I look back and saw her running towards her.

"You okay."


When I look again at the woman. She disappears.

"We should get out of here."


"Strange, all the fire die for some reason."


"But let's think about that later and go home first. You're really in a bad state. You inhale so much smoke."


After all of them get back including Hiro and Barbara.

I call them out for a meeting.

"How's the mission.", I asked.

"Those Outsiders is no match for me!", Ernesta said.

"We save people as many as we could.", Hiro said with a down expression.



"You said that they planning to take Hiro down."

"Yes. One of the Outsiders mentions it."

"I see. There are only a few casualties and their target is Hiro. That means they might already know what amulet does Hiro has. They also know where Hiro is. They attack the village that is far away from where Hiro and Barbara are to separate them. They also attack some villages to keep the A-2 busy."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Not just that they know what are we gonna do but also the fact that Hiro's amulet can revive and also where he's going. I don't know whether they're aware of the existence of Barbara. But, isn't strange? They know where Hiro is, but they're not aware of the traps he made. They also have many opportunities to take down Hiro and take his amulet before but they didn't do it, which means they're not aware of the amulet that Hiro has. But how did they able to learn about it? It is a coincidence?"

"Hey, Lisa, where is this going?"

I take a deep breath before continuing.

"I think...one of us is a traitor."

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