
Becoming Friends With The Queen




With the meeting between us over and Uncle Griffin examining the boys with Doc there wasn't much else for us to do today. I was about to head to the kitchen to help with lunch, just for something to do, when the Luna Queen called out to me.


"Yes, Luna Queen?" She laughed when I answered her.

"Please, just call me Trinity." She was smiling and looked happy.

"O-ok. Yes, Trinity."

"Much better." Another smile. Good, she wasn't upset about anything. "My friend Juniper and I want to go out to dinner. We've never been to California and want to see your area. Will you come with us?"

"Yes. I think that will be fun. We can bring Chay and Ella so it will be just us girls."

"Great. I'll ask Acacia and the others to come too. Chay is Artem's sister right? And Ella is?" Juniper was talking fast with excitement.

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