
Star - Surprise Part 3




I had meant to turn to look at her, but the clock on the side table near the bed caught my eye first, it was already almost six o'clock. We had been in here for almost four hours.

"Chay, look how late it is." I nearly yelled but held myself back at the last minute.

"Well, yeah, we've been in here a while." She didn't look surprised by the time at all. "Come on let's finish getting you ready so we can go down to dinner."

"What do you mean, getting me ready?"

"Well, you need something to wear that goes with your new look." She was smiling at me as she said that.

"Like what?" I couldn't think of anything that would go with this look at all.

"Your new dress, silly." She was grinning so much that I suddenly felt like this was all a big set up.

"Did you plan all of this?"

"What, me?" She put on a look that was so falsely innocent that it was beyond obvious. "Of course I did." She grinned, not even denying it.

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