
Chapter 42: Dash

Isaac knew Alessa well enough to recognize the warning in her voice. He wasn't sure what she'd seen or heard - or maybe felt - but he didn't need an explanation. She wasn't kidding, that much he knew.

His body jumped into overdrive as Alessa took off ahead of him, his heart pounding and his breaths coming short and fast. Adrenaline tingled through his limbs and then he was off.

Alessa's tall form cut a swift path through the trees, her shiny dark bob of hair gleaming in the moonlight behind her. She looked back once to make sure Isaac was following and he caught a glimpse of the urgency in her emerald eyes. Even at a time like this, Isaac couldn't help but think how radiant she was against the snowy backdrop of the forest.

She ran, he knew, not because she was afraid, but because she knew it was sometimes better to run than fight. He loved that about her - her decisiveness and intuition. He always knew he could trust her instincts.

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