
Something really rough / warning 18+

I was taking a good nice shower from a water fountain in the mountain . But suddenly my mind gave me a danger alert and I quickly dodged the sword strike ,And jumped few fit away .

And looked at my assaulter who is none other than Mira the sexy mountain girl herself carrying a long sword . Wait.... isn't that my sword ? So she took it from my clothes .

" Well look who it is ? the mountain princess herself . Though I must say you chose a very good time to attack me your grace . But I never thought that your so foolish to attack me on broad daylight like a common thugs . Where is your honor ? " truth to be told I'm quite intrigued by this . And what is she trying to accomplish .

She angrily replied " Stop talking now you will die from your own sword and pay for what you have done ".

oh ! so she is angry because that we killed lot's of there men's or the new advancement that were doing to this place or maybe she is just angry at me .

" Huh .... you think that sword is enough to kill me ? well come on then what are waiting for ? Though it would be little better if you brought few friends as well . " I provoked her and showed her my wide grin and just like that she fell into anger and attacked .

Just like the first time I grabbed both of her wrist and pinned her on a big rock and knocked of the sword . This time she struggled with more aggressively , I truly amused by her struggle to free her self from me .

Then she just headbutted me and instead injured herself . Though I'm really annoyed by her constant attempt to hurt me , like just now she tried kick by balls out !!!

"Ahgg...calm the fuck down you crazy woman" Seriously how long does she have stamina to do this ? And God ....she smells horrible despite having a watar source nearby .

" Okay you naughty woman . you need big lessons from Alan Sensei . And I will teach you manners and etiquettes that you need to learn ."

Aaaaand nope she still didn't listen any word I told her . And continued her annoying behavior. And so am I Also started to see how she can keep this going . But Im not just stayed still and do nothing ! So I started to tease her weakness and her struggling turned into something else , like she's getting aroused .

There is something in her that gives a certain charms I must say . And I have already fucked many types of women over the course of two years . But never one so primal and savage .

Societies were always structured to protect women in one way or another, even if they did so in an oppressive way. The impulse to do so was hardwired into humanity's biological makeup.

The clans of this mountain folk were no different and did their best to shield their women and children from danger as much as possible, although the harsh environment meant that what they could realistically do was very limited.

But Mira had been on her own since she was twelve. Nobody but herself and the old crone to rely on. Her survival had always been entirely on her that meant a lot of stubborn willpower. There would be no easy submission from her.

i caught her latest attempt to knock my teeth out and spun her around so that she had her back pressed against my chest, her arms pinned across her own chest. She might be very strong for a woman, but I'm bigger and stronger.

"Before the night is over, you'll be begging me to fuck you." He rumbled into her ear.

Mira snarled like an animal and struggled furiously, stomping and squirming and trying to bash me with her head.

i forcibly yanked her furs up over her head as an improvised restraint and deposited her on the smooth ground. I first pulled off her boots and then her trousers, or britches or whatever they were called, while she tried to free herself from her top.

i helped her out with that once i had her lower half naked, pulling it the rest of the way over her head.

Mira managed to wiggle one of her legs free and kicked me away with a cry of exertion.

i rubbed at my chest as the now naked and panting mountain girl got back on her feet, giving her a smile.

her response was a furious glare and a snarl. "Come on if you think you're hard enough!

"Oh, I'm plenty hard." i chuckled at the innuendo and removed my towel , keeping my stare fixed on her the whole time.

This allowed me to notice something that had me suppressing a frown. She was built like an Amazon and i rather liked it, but i was less than enthused about her hygene. It only made sense, i supposed. Bathing anywhere except a fountain in the lands in the mountains was basically suicide by hypothermia, which meant months and months spent accumulating layers of dirt, sweat and various bodily oils under the same set of smelly furs.

In short, she was filthy and stank. Dental hygene and a good scalp scrubbing could have waited, but literally dirty sex was not one of my fetishes. Something would have to be done.

i noticed Mira's eyes flickering over my body and i could read the interest and purely aesthetic appreciation in them. She would still fight me tooth and nail, but she did find me attractive and i could tell that she had already begun to accept the situation. That was good, very good, and i wouldn't risk it by spooking her with an overt use of force.

I flowed around her punch and grabbed her wrist, quickly putting her into the same submission hold i used to .

Then I manhandle her to fountain water to soak her and she just stopped her wiggle. And I looked down at her .

"What...?" She trailed off, obviously not even sure what to ask.

"It's called a shower." i explained, loosening my hold.

She took the opportunity to wrench her arms free and sock me one right in the kidneys.

I fake grunted in pain and quickly grabbed her wrists again, forcing her around and pinning her face-first against the stone with my whole body.

"Let go!" She growled, rubbing her arse against my crotch in a rather distracting manner.

"Maybe I would if you stopped trying to hit me every time I did." i growled right back. "Just calm the fuck down."

She said nothing and continued her attempts to wiggle free.

i just sandwiched her against the rock even more firmly and waited patiently for her to exhaust herself. The water soaking us was pleasantly cold, my shaft was nestled between her cheeks and her struggling actually felt rather nice.

Mira's writhing took on a slightly different tone after about two minutes of this. It was less aggressive and more...needy.

i experimentally eased up a bit and, when she didn't immediately try to throw me off, i loosened my grip on her wrists. Since she kept herself braced against the rock, i ran my hands down her body and slowly started to corkscrew my thumbs into her lower back, sending gentle pulses of stimulating pleasure into her nervous system.

The tension noticeably bled out of her body and she let out a little sigh, now grinding her pelvis against me in an unmistakably sensual fashion.

I didn't say anything, not wanting to snap her out of it. There was still a very good chance that she would go back to being belligerent at the slightest provocation.

I moved my hands up along her spine, massaging the muscles . Her hair was quite tangled and had obviously seen neither a wash nor a comb in a long, long time, so i had to be careful not to yank on any knots.

"What are you doing ? " she asked angrily.

"Lean your head back."I ordered

Although hesitant, she obeyed and i was able to clean her hair .

"There we go." i said, sweeping her hair backwards. "Now for the rest of you."

Mira went rigid again, but said nothing and simply waited. then I brought something that can scrubb . And I slowly started to clean the filth that her body .

"Is this some thing you Andals like to do?" she asked after a few moments, seemingly enjoying the rough scraping sensation.

"Better." i replied, crouching down to lather up her legs.

"Better?" She echoed.

"Well, I wouldn't be much of a foreigner if I couldn't do better, now would I?" i chuckled.

"Ha!" She briefly guffawed. "So I'm getting something better than the Andals knight's and lordlings, then?"

i slid my hands around to her front and began working a lather on her breasts. "Yes, you are."

She tensed briefly, but then relaxed again and began shifting around in a way that suggested she was enjoying it.

i took the opportunity to play with her stiff nipples a little, as well as rest of her body. When i had her panting slightly and using her arse to rub my shaft, my hands slowly slid southwards until i was combing through the rather thick bush of her pubic hair.

Now that she was completely soapy, i tugged on her hair to indicate that she should lean her head back again and then turned the fountain back up.

Then I looked at the scrubber and it looked almost black. i could only shake my head in amusement at how thick the layer of filth had been. Then i slipped my hand between her legs again and gently brushed against her engorge clitoris.......

Mira gasped and bumped her hips backwards, so i repeated the action and grinned at the little noise of pleasure that escaped her throat.

Then she abruptly rammed her pelvis backwards to force me back a few steps, spun around to kick at the back of my knee to make the leg buckle and force me to kneel and swung her fist right at my eye before i could react properly. or so she thought.

I grunted in fake pain and rolled with the blow, thankful that this place so large, and quickly got back on my feet.

She was standing there under the spray of water, breathing deeply with her fist still extended and teeth bared aggressively. Her eyes weren't angry though, but challenging and heated.

"Does it hurt?" She mocked.

I growled and stalked towards her, grabbing her arms and pining her against the rock again.

"Not at all." I purred. "You'll have to try better than that."

Mira's icy blue eyes burned and she tried to struggle out of my grip to do exactly that.

But I was done playing around. I pinned her arms above her head by holding her wrists with my left hand and used my right alongside my hips to wedge her legs apart. With a little maneuvering, My member was prodding at her wet entrance.

"What are you waiting for?" She snarled, still trying to somehow twist her hips around to get away. "Get on with it already!"

No doubt she was expecting it to be fast and hard, but i had other ideas. I started sinking into her with torturous slowness, occasionally pulling back a little and then going in a little further.

"Stop stalling!" She growled.

"I just don't want to hurt you." I said with a smirk so smug and self-satisfied that anyone would be able to tell i was full of shit. Despite her struggling, she was wet and ready and I could have gone a lot faster, but i wanted to frustrate her.

Mira made a noise of frustration and wrapped her legs around my waist, trying to pull me in. I stopped completely, about halfway i, and rolled my hips around,. I also used my now free right hand to start tweaking her nipples.

"If you want me to go faster, all you have to do is ask nicely." i said, resuming my very slow penetration.

Mira's eyes flashed with fire as she caught the insinuation that she would have to beg. Predictably, she stilled and tried to pretend that she wasn't enjoying herself, even going so far as to look away.

I just smirked as I slowly sank all the way into her, seeing the minute tells in her body that betrayed her pleasure.

A good minute was spent just using my shaft to stir her insides and my smirk widened when i saw her clenched jaw and trembling lips.

"I can do this all night." i told her idly, begginning to pull out.

Mira huffed out a breath of air through her nose like an angry bull and stayed silent.

This state of affairs continued for a good half hour. I would tease her nipples, hilt myself into her, roll my hips, And repeating the whole thing, all of with with excruciating slowness.

Mira would stay stubbornly quiet and refuse to even look at me, but she betrayed her enjoyment more and more. Her breathing accelerated into a near pants, her body shook with minute trembles, her hips would buck into me and she was visibly swallowing any noises that might escape her.

She was clearly trying to outlast my own endurance, probably figuring that I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to start the fucking in earnest, but she didn't know that i had more of practice with restraint , or that I was cheating outrageously.

Either that, or she was thinking that she'd be able to reach orgasm eventually even at this slow pace, as if i would allow her any release before she broke.

Still, she was impressively stubborn.

"Is your pride really worth all this frustration?" I asked. "Just say 'please fuck me' and I'll give you what you want."

Mira finally turned her head back to face me, looking down at me with eyes full of both lust and defiant pride. Then she spat in my face. "Fuck you!"

I calmly wiped my face and stared at her with amusement. "Were you hoping that would make me angry enough to fuck you silly? Clever, but I'm afraid you'll find me harder to manipulate than that."

She released what sounded like a frustrated scream that was being kept imprisoned in her throat and started struggling furiously. Not to get away, but to make me move faster.

I resumed what had to be some of the slowest sex i'd ever had. To be sure, I was probably as frustrated as Mira, but watching the war between her pride and the demands of her body play out in front of me was a pleasure of a different sort.

Eventually, I had to let go of her wrists in order to use both hands to support her weight, which ended up being rather painful as she clawed at my back. Fortunately, my body is though and it made me tougher than normal and allowed me to heal faster, so I ended up suffering no more than welts.

After about an hour, I'm getting tired of holding her up. Despite my boast earlier, I could not, in fact, keep fucking her against the rock all night.

Finally, after nearly two hours, Mira's resolve finally broke.

"JUST FUCK ME PROPERLY ALREADY, YOU BASTARD!" She roared, panting and trembling, eyes more than a little wild. If the waterfall wasn't still on, she'd probably be covered in sweat.

"Not until you ask nicely." I growled.

She made a noise that reminded me of a wounded rhino before slumping slightly. She swallowed thickly and spoke as if the word was clinging to her throat with grappling hooks and had to be dragged out. "Pleeeeease."

"Please what?" I demanded.

"PLEASE FUCK ME, BY THE FUCKING GODS I WILL-UNNGH!" Whatever threat she had been about to roar was interrupted as i thrust into her with all the lust i'd been holding back since this game started."

"See? Was. That. So. Hard?" i growled, pulling out and slamming back in with every word.

Mira cried out with ecstatic relief every time she was filled "YES! Faster! Harder! Please!"

I was more than happy to oblige and picked up the pace further.i could already feel my long denied orgasm approaching and timed it carefully so that it would coincide with hers.

With one final thrust, i groaned with relief and spilled my seed into her while she convulsed against me from the force of her climax.

I sighed with relief when it was over and lifted her lolling head so that I could look into her eyes. They were fluttering closed and she was obviously ready to fall asleep then and there.

"You're mine now, understand?" I told her.

"Mmm." Was the only response she gave.

"Close enough." i chuckled and carried her out from the fountain. She fell asleep seconds later, so i was able to use my towel to dry her off and then put her to my bed with no further issues.

Hmm ..... what should I actually do with her now ?

just write some comments . It won't hurt you.

Kagetanehirukocreators' thoughts
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