

Nate POV:

''My name is Nate Grey.'' Once I had uttered those words, I saw that the rest of the X-men were looking at me like I was some mad man. A few seconds passed until Xavier spoke up ''Jean, I never knew that you had a brother with powers how come I never saw him when I came to your house all those years ago?

''That's because I don't have a brother I am an only child'' she said quiet defensively. ''Tell us who you truly are bub or else we won't go so easy on you again'' said Wolverine who had recovered from my previous attack. It looked like they weren't going to listen to me until I at least showed them concrete evidence.

''That's because I am not your brother,... I am you and Scott's son''. Once I had said that, they all froze and stared at me like I was a crazed lunatic, this was now unbelievably awkward for me.

''What kind of fools do you take us for?'' said Scott, now trying to be assertive as if I did not just defeat his entire team. ''Me and Jean are just young adults, we haven't even done the.. uhhh done the deed yet!'' Everyone turned to look at him, as he once again made a fool of himself. ''How could you even be our son but look like a teenager!''

They all began to crowd around me, without a doubt I believe that in their minds they saw me as a powerful mutant who was also insane, they had practically labelled me as a Legion 2.0!

''That's because, I am your son from an alternate time or entire universe as some would say''. The looks on their faces still didn't change. I looked towards Charles, waiting to see if he would diffuse the situation but it looked like he was now in deep thought contemplating something.

They all got up ready to fight once again Scott was about to blast me with his optic blast until Xavier finally spoke ''XMEN STOP!!! if what he says is true, we at least need to see for ourselves as this isn't the first time we have encountered others from different time periods.

''Now'' he said as he was now looking at me dead in the eye ''is there any sort of evidence you have to back up what you are saying. ''Professor this is ridiculous!, we should render him unconsciousness now and then run any sorts of tests!!''.

I looked at my supposed ''father'', as it was as if he had forgotten that I had just defeated him and his entire team a few seconds ago.

''Just read my mind'' I said ''That's the only form of evidence I have''. ''Very well'' said Charles. He put his two fingers up to his head. After a few seconds, I began feel him trying to pry his way through my mental defences. I slowly opened them up and allowed him to pass through, but at the same time moved some of my memories away as I didn't want him seeing things that weren't relevant to the matter and if he found out about how I would die due to my power but then cured myself, he could create a device ton disrupt my cells and kill me.

Jean POV:

We all looked at Charles, waiting for him to confirm if what this person said was true. I just couldn't believe it, how could I have a child? Yes. I did feel some sort of connection with him. It was if our psionic energies resonated with each other, but that was just for a moment.

Scott POV:

How was this possible, how can a random person defeat all of use and them claim to be me and Jean's son from an alternate timeline. A part of me, couldn't feel happy at the fact that this meant that me and Jean would get together and have a family like i'd always dream of.

Nate POV:

After a while, he finally spoke. ''It's....it's true he is the child of Scott and Jean''. ''Told you.... idiots. ''Before we discuss this any further, might I suggest that we all go inside to talk about this?


Just like that, I found myself in a room with all of us sat down at a table currently talking about what I had just revealed. ''If you are their son, why are you here? Why aren't you in your own time line?'' asked Charles with genuine curiosity.

''I had to escape from that world, any longer and I doubt that I would have survived''. Flashbacks, of my previous world began pouring into my mind. ''Even though I was not tortured, I had spent most of my life inside a pod within a facility and the outside word wasn't any better. Hundreds of mutants fighting and killing each other to survive. Every day, was pure madness''

They all looked shocked at my revelations until Storm who was now present spoke up. ''How did this happen?'' 'Well..'' I said now looking directly at Charles. ''It all started when the son of Charles, Legion otherwise known as David Haller went back in time to kill Magneto''.

''Gab...Gabriel? she had a child with me after our short time together?''

''Correct, your son would see her be murdered which as a result caused him to develop a personality disorder, as well as awaken his x-gene, which would cause him to absorb the mind of the man that killed her''.

''Bu-'' ''Let me finish'' I said, as he looked pale and distraught. He would go on to develop many powers as he had the omega level mutant ability of to unconsciously create spontaneous mutations, as a result giving him abilities ranging from telepathy and telekinesis to reality warping and time manipulation. One day he would go back in time to try and kill Magneto but accidently kill you. Meaning that the X-men would have never been formed.

With no team to fight against villains, Apocalypse would eventually rise to power and have total control over North America, thus turning it into a desolate wasteland. The main reason, for my entire existence was to kill him''

After my explanation, I could see that they were in a slight shock of what happened some even pitied me for having to live in such a world, but it mattered not as I had a fresh start in this world full of Gods and beings who warp the fabric of reality with just a thought.

With so much knowledge about the future, I could practically do whatever I want as I was practically omniscient in this world.


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