
Request For Knowledge

"However, there is something that I would like to ask…" Asher said.

Upon Asher's opening words, Kiana, Count Gabriel and Countess Lita immediately found themselves intrigued and excited about what he would ask for.

'In the past, Asher expressed his interest in visiting the Grand Repository of Etara to obtain more knowledge. Perhaps Priest Maleck will now be more lenient and give a chance to visit that place without needing to expose, Asher's identity?' Kiana thought silently. 'A bit unlikely, based on how he said it… but he still has to listen to Asher.'

'Of course. Even with this sudden revelation of Asher's gift, it would not simply be Etara benefiting from this kind of arrangement but my son as well. What will he be asking for? It has to be something that our family won't be able to provide easily, but something that the church has in abundance.' Count Gabriel mused to himself.

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