
The border situation

Ni Sheng is sitting on the tea house in the small town north of Capital. He is getting the letter from Zhao Yu regarding his way to stall the emperor regarding his wife death. He asked him to find the body soon as Zhao Yu had already exhausted all possible ways to stall the emperor.

Ni Sheng is having a throbbing headache as Lin Yue's troop and Eagle troops under Xi Kai try to find the body in the forest, but they come up with an empty hand until Wang Bo is running inside the tea house.

'Wang Bo, I, Lin Yue with Ni Qing are in the northern border city of Dayu Kingdom. Bring the troops and prepare for the war.'

The letter from Lin Yue is lifting a huge stone from his heart. Ni Sheng can smile and look at the future again after reading the letter. They are rushing with the full troop of Lin Yue regiment and Eagle troop under the commander of XI Kai and march to the northern city of the border.

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