
Character Analysis and Gym

Joon-won didn't care what the girl thought. He could hear a few stomps from outside and knew Jung-hwa was the cause. But he wanted to have some peace in his house and quickly start reading through the script once again while analyzing the character he liked. 

He noticed the time was already 9, and he had only one more hour left before he goes to sleep, he still needed to go to the supermarket for his shift. He couldn't miss 2 days in a row. So he got on the couch with the script and pencil in his hand as he slowly went through the CEO's character deeper than before. 

He rounded dialogues everywhere he felt there were hidden or emotions that should be expressed in a specific manner and wrote his thoughts beside it. This was his first role and first drama on a big stage and wanted to do it right. He didn't even consider the minor role he got in the worst story he saw in a long time for the exam. 

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