
The Shadow that Eats Pt. 3

Liosa came back after a couple of hours with the others. It took longer for her to get here solely because the others did not have our speed. Even Sondar with his new power over life could match our speeds.

"We finally came back honey.... Is master still inside?" She asked me with hopefull eyes. Only to look down in sadness when I nodded my head.

"Fill me in Howy... What has been going on? Did Vexsus encounter something?" Sondar asked.

"We only followed the tracks to this cave, as you can see." I waved my arms in a sweeping motion to point out the lack of vegetation around us.

"Something is decaying the life around us, and the cave is the point of origin for this decay. I mean even the rocks look broken apart and somehow rotting. Whatever Vex came in contact with in there.... It's one hell of a monster." I turned back to keep an eye on the cave as my senese were on full alert. Something was coming, and it did not feel like Vex.

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