

[ Three minutes before Adam Rosa and Artorias Khalil succumbed to their wounds and passed on to the other side of life. ]

  "T-The System?!" All three of Luken, Gavin, and Art's eyes were tense. "That is correct, you heard me right. The system…it is what that boy Yin Sohaya possesses." Adam told them. "It will protect him and see to it that anything that will ever seem like the mildest of threats shall be seen as expendable. T-That boy is carrying a heavy burden…I sure do hope you two manage to do what you can for whatever sake you are fighting for. One more thing, the location of the main nest…" Adam Rosa pulled both Luken and Gavin in a bit closer and whispered the location to both of them. Those were the Reaper's last words to them. This left them dumbfounded as he always kept repeating how he was still at the side of the Angels minutes before.

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