
Memory Lane 4....!

"T...T...This...This isn't funny...!" The King said as he chuckled a bit.

"If it's not funny, why are you laughing then?" The Queen asked as she laughed on.

"Of course, he's gonna be a great leader...!" The King agreed, almost raising the hopes of Andrew.

"But a great King or rather leader...!" The King began.

"Has to be strong and not fall for any distractions, and girls can be distractions...!" The King said.

The Queen fell silent.

"They 'can't' be distractions...they are distractions...!" The King said as he emphasized each word.

"Women can be so despicable and tempting...!" The King said deliberately avoid his wife's glare, while Andrew purses his lips as he looked at his Mother, to see her reaction.

"They'd come as pure creatures, in order to tempt you, with their sweet words and body figure, but then later they kill you, destroy you, terminate you...leave you in ruins while they go enjoy their newly rich lives... despicable creatures, they are devils, beware of them my Son...!"

"AHEM...!" The Queen coughed dryly.

The King stopped abruptly.

With his brows slightly drawn together, he turned to look at his wife, the King worriedly asked;

"What's wrong Hadassah...?"

"Are you alright?" He asked again.

The Queen looked at him up, down in a manner that had the King shivering down to his marrow.

"W...W...What's wrong, D...D...Dear?" The King stammered as he looked at his wife with fear.

Even though, he loved his wife dearly and she helped him alot in Kingdom matters, he himself sometimes gets afraid of her subconsciously.

The Queen smirked as she looked down at her head and moved the cup in an oscillatory manner before looking back up at her husband and then suddenly asked;

"So Peter, 'I'm' a despicable creature in pure former trying to tempt you..?"

The Queen asked as she placed much more emphasis on the 'I'm' part, causing the King to shiver.

The King began to stammer.

"N...N...No Dear, w...w...where'd you get that idea from...?" The King asked as he stylishly lowered his head.

"Didn't you just say so?" The Queen said with an innocent look on her face.

"Y...Y...You haven't...You haven't even answered my question question yet, where did you get that idea from? I know it's not from me...!"

As the King spoke as he stole a glance at his wife, who, was still looking at him and was on the verge of laughter.

But before he could finish his statement, his wife cut him off...

"Ahahahahahahaha...!" The Queen laughed.

"What's so funny...?" The King asked confusedly.

"How do you know that it's not from you...?" The Queen asked when she calmed down.

Though, she still laughed.

The King opened his mouth to say something, but the words couldn't form, so the Queen took the opportunity and beat him to it.

"You literally just said that; they come as pure creatures, and with their sweet voice, they tempt you...and that they're literally Devils...isn't that what you said?" His wife asked, leaving him in the dark (I.e trapped him with her own question).

"That's not what I said... you keep misunderstanding me...!" The King said but was cut short by his wife, again...

Turning to their son that they seemed to have forgotten in the room, she asked with her eyebrows raised;

"Isn't that what he said, little Andrew?"

Andrew seemed to have been so immersed in their conversation, that he too had forgotten himself.

Buy when he saw his mother turn to gave face and asked him the question, he snapped back to his senses and nodded vigourously.

"Y...Yes Mother, that's what Father said...!"

But beige the boy could complete his statement, his Father cut him off...

"So you're still here...?!" The King growled.

Little Andrew stopped talking instantly as he slowly turned his eyes to look at his Father, who, now looks at him with sharp look in his eyes.

"Why are you still here...?" The King asked after a while of no response form little Andrew.

Little Andrew gulped.

"I...I...I...I...!" Andrew stammered.

But then his Father cut him off instantly....

"You what...?" The King growled.

"You know how I hate when someone stammers when I ask a question, so better speak up...!" The King said fiercely.

Being so young and all, about seven (7) or so, tears welled up in little Andrew's eyes as he looked up at his Father.

"I...I was only talking to Mother...!" Little Andrew said, turning to explain, but the King didn't give him a chance to speak up.

"Talking to your Mother concerning what?" The King viciously.

"How many times have I told you not to come into our inner chambers without permission...and why are you crying?" The King asked again as he looked at Andrew with a kind of expression on his face.

"Besides, how did you even get in here...?" The King asked, somewhat amazed as he turned round to ask no one in particular.

"How do you get in here, without permission, and with the numerous guess I played out there...?" The King asked as he pointed at the door to the room to prove his point.

As he spoke little Andrew began to sob gently.

His Mother didn't see this...

"I asked him to come in...!" The Queen said as she tried to defend Andrew...

"Besides he wanted to talk to you but since you were  not available, he decided to talk to me about it...and not to you anymore...!" The Queen said.

The raised his eyebrows.

"Is that so?" The King asked non-chalantly.

The Queen looked at him sharply.

"He wanted to discuss something with you and ask for your Fatherly advice on how to deal with it...but it seems Yu were busy and had no time for him, so he came to me to ask me for advice....!" But before the Queen could complete her words, the King had cut her short.

"Oh really what did he want to talk to me about, what was the discussion all about, then?" The King asked.

The Queen smiled as she said;

"It's about the girl...!"

That short reply had the King realize what she was saying...

"Oooh...!" After saying that, the King paused for a bit before saying;

"But why didn't he come to me directly, why did he have to come to you first to seek advice, why didn't he come to me, I'm the King...!" The King asked as he declared.

The Queen sighed as she replied;

"We know who you are, you don't have to rub it all in faces, were royalty too...!" The Queen said.

Admits his tears, little Andrew couldn't help but chuckle at what he said and how she said, causing the attention of both the King and Queen to fall on him.

When the Queen saw Andrew, she gasped and headed for him.

Taking him in her hands, she said;

"Oh, my little boy..!" Then turning to look at her husband; the King, she said;

"Look at what you've caused...!" She scolded.

"He's crying, and it's all thanks to you...!" She said again.

"Why are you crying, Andrew?" The King asked.

Raising his head up to look at his Father, Andrew only shook his head.

He wiped his tears away and was about to say something, when the King teased;

"Stop crying like a woman or else you wouldn't be able to ascend my throne acting like that...you would bring downfall to the kingdom acting all like that...!" The teased in a manner that even the Queen had to shun him.

"Hush now...!" She snapped.

The King looked at her.

"What do you mean...?" But before she could finish sleeping his question, the Queen said;

"What do you mean, what do I mean...?" The Queen replied with her own question.

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