

As Hephaestus returned, Ashur could see that there was something different about her, on her face was now a black leather eyepatch on her right eye that covered a third of her face.

Ashur looked at her strangely before asking "Hephaestus, why are you wearing that?"

"Well, since everyone thinks my eye is disgusting, I thought to cover it up because it will make everyone uncomfortable."

"Come on now, your eye is not really that disgusting, and is actually quite cool! And If anyone says anything about your eye, I'll just beat them up!"

'Now it really looks like someone an evil eye now or some sort of chuuni.' thought Ashur as he looked at her eyepatch.

"You can't just beat people up!" shouted Hephaestus before continuing on "I also want to wear it because it will also make me more comfortable around people."

"Fine, if it makes you more comfortable I won't say anything else," said Ashur as he looked at Hephaestus with an understanding gaze.

"Anyways, let's head out," said Ashur as he grabbed Hephaestus's hand and led her out.

As they left Ashur's house, they started traveling down the street, they could see various gods bustling about and Ashur could see some gods that seemed to be passing out flyers.

As Ashur was wondering what kind of flyers they were, there was suddenly a big gust of wind, and a few of those flyers that those gods were handing out slipped out of their fingers and flew into the air towards Ashur's direction.

As the flyers flew in Ashur's direction, Ashur casually reached out his hand, grabbed one of them, and he pulled it towards his face.

As Ashur looked at the flyer he could not help but clench the flyer tightly as he looked at it with pure rage, on the flyer it read: {Ashur is a lolicon! petition to make a race that is the size of shota and loli's, in the lower world that will be created! A thousand already signed!}

Ashur then looked at Hephaestus and then said to her "I'll be right back, Hephaestus could you go to that restaurant over there and stay there no matter what you see or hear. okay? I'll be back in less than an hour."

Hephaestus looked weirdly at Ashur for a second before agreeing "Alright" before she began walking over to the restaurant and leaving Ashur.

Ashur then began walking towards the direction of where he last saw those gods that we're handing out those flyers.

As Ashur was walking over to them, he could not help but notice he was getting weird stares from the surrounding gods

'Damn it! there goes my reputation!'

As Ashur finally made his way over to the gods that were handing out flyers and he approached them and tapped one of them on the back.

"Ah, hello, could I take a minute of your time please?"

"Oh, sorry, are you interested in the petition?" As the god turned around and looked at the person who tapped his shoulder, couldn't help but have his blood turn cold as he turned around to see Ashur's menacing smile.

"Sorry but I got to get going as I suddenly remembered I have somewhere to be," said the god as he tried to slip away but not before Ashur landed his vice grip like hands on his shoulders.

"I think you got the wrong guy, you must have mistaken me for someone else!"

"I think I have the right guy," said Ashur as he leaned over with a big smile.

The only thing the god could do was look at his other companion gods that were also handing out flyers only to see that he was long in the dust of his so-called 'companions' "Traitors!" He shouted before being dragged into an empty alley.

"Come on Ashur, can't you just let me go?" asked the god with pleading eyes.

"Why should I?" said Ashur as he grinned maliciously.

Ashur then preceded to pull out a metal rod made out of his chest, this was his personal storage space inside his body, this was something that the old Ashur created because of convenience.

It's like a room within his body that he could store things in, but it has a huge drawback, it takes a lot of his divine power to keep stable and takes, even more, to withdraw and put stuff in.

Ashur was thinking of improving it in the future or creating something similar as The old Asher only created this on a whim and never thought about actually improving it.

After pulling out the metal rod, Ashur then proceeded to use some tiny spatial blades to write 'Justice Stick' on it, this was actually very hard for Ashur as he needed lots of control for him to write words on it and even more to not slice right through the rod, but as a god of space, he has great spatial awareness.

He then began tapping the rod on his left hand while his right was holding it, "Now, what shall I do with you?" said Ashur with an evil smile.

The god looked at Ashur in fear and said "I'll give you info! You must want to know who's idea it was to do this! I also know where he's at!"

"Ohh? You want to use info to buy my forgiveness?" said Ashur as a reminiscing look appeared on his face.

"Well, I'm not averted to using info to buy forgiveness, but that info is not enough to have the whole sentence reduced, it's only enough to get out of dangerous levels, you get me?" said Ashur.

"Fine, I'll agree to that"

"I'll tell you, it was Eros's idea, is that enough?"

'That pervert?' thought Ashur

"Great! Now strip!" said Ashur as he then began to take out some rope.

"Wait, strip? Hey, wait a second! Hey, wait!" Ashur then began to strip the god and then bringing him over to a light post and tie him up naked at the top.


Ashur was now walking over towards Eros's location and couldn't help but notice that the weird stares have increased.

'Damn it, once I find him, ill break his legs!' thought Ashur as he finally reached his destination.

As Ashur looked at his destination he could not help but softly curse under his breath, it was a bar, but it was not any ordinary bar, it was a 'Host bar,' the only host bar in heaven. there were no hostess bars in heaven but Ashur recently heard Ishtar was planning to make one.

There were no brothels in heaven because there were very, very few goddesses that would degrade themselves to that extent.

But some horny gods and goddesses don't mind host bars and use that as a pretense to 'Get together' for a night or even become 'Sex friends.'

As Ashur gathered his courage, he slowly walked inside.

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