

Yvonne and old master Gabi walked quietly past the front of the building and into the light forest in front. Yvonne held his right rand as he used his walking stick to support himself as he walked. As he walked past the tall trees in the area where Imogen had made a rainbow, he commented on how ancient the trees were. They had been there since before he was born. They walked past the tall trees to even taller ones, but with more space around and the same amount of dried leaves on the floor. Most of the trees had wild markings on them, like they were being constantly scarred. They walked upto a concrete bench and sat in it.

"Okay Yvonne, enough with our nature talk. There's a lot I have to tell you, so I'd like for you to listen carefully." The old man looked into Yvonne's youthful crimson eyes, in contrast to his sunken and shaded ones, and grey brows.

"I'm still all ears gramps. Besides if really like to know more about all these. I've known about a lot of impossible stuff fore more than two years now, and even had a magical tutor for a while until I moved to school. Although she said it was best we kept our distance. She said something about other supernatural. Although I didn't understand that until mostly now."

"Hmm. And I see you haven't mastered your powers fully have you?"


"Okay then, listen up. And don't interrupt until I say so."


The old man rested his walking stick in-between his legs and looked up to the sky.

"Magic…supernatural gifts, powers, abilities always existed in this world, it was just always hidden. For as long as I've known, this world of ours is made up of people who are either completely oblivious of this fact or those who know, and also those who choose to do nothing about what they know.

So basically, in the world of the supernatural, we have five kinds of abilities. We have those who can do pure magic without needing external influences, called the magicians. Then we have those closely similar, the alchemists. The alchemists, although similar in meaning to magicians, in the world of the supernatural, they express their abilities best when mixed with chemistry, unnatural chemistry.

Then there are those called the oculars. These sets of people express their abilities and control with the powers of and in their eyes, from casting illusions to changing the reality of things, they are a bunch you do not want to mess with. Then we have the nature people as I can them. These people control…nature, natural causes, especially weather and climate. I've seen some powerful enough to start tornadoes, earthquakes and lightening storms."

The old man looked at Yvonne's overtly stunned and perplexed face, and smiled.

"I must be telling you too much without giving you room to ask a question my dear."

"Oh no no, I was quite enjoying it. You tell a story just like my grandpa!" Yvonne said, beaming at the old man.

"Haha, it's been long since I told the children here a story anyway, they're all bent on training for the Adventurer's camp. Only wish they knew how dangerous that was."

"What's this Adventurer's camp? Moirai talked about it."

"It's the reason that brought you here dear," the old man said.

"Ohh…" Yvonne let out a heavy sigh. "Okay then, continue the story."

The old man looked back up, and Yvonne followed his gaze, wondering what image the man was seeing.

"There's a fifth magical class, the summoners. They specialize very well in all kinds of summoning abilities. When I say summoning, I mean they can summon animals, people, objects depending on just how good they are. Some even have the ability to turn into their summons, like animals. They become their summons rather than summon their summons."

"Hmm. That's quite the power," Yvonne said.

"Oh yes it is. And that's not all, some of them have natural skills to break seals. What I mean by seals; seals are more like magical locks or spells that lock or bind something into another. If given the power, I could seal you into my walking stick for the next thousand years."

"You could?"

"If given the power, Yvonne."

"Oh…and for that long? I would have died in there before long."

"Well, that's not how seals work. If common men like me were to somehow do one, it would expire with my death. But if one with sufficient power does it, you could still be sealed and trapped in there for the next thousand years after his death, and you wouldn't age a day a day if he willed, or you could be old and grey when the seal gets broken. It's a trick meant for the masterful."

"Wow, thi-these all really is freaky stuff. It's scary to know you like a school of kids with some supernatural powers all by yourself you know. That's hard work."

"Well…! I do believe there's a whole world of magicals out there separate from this earth. One day we'll know for sure, and you could be key, Yvonne, especially with your mirage powers."

The old man rested his back on the bench.

"Well, we'll see I guess. So, how about me and the Adventurer's camp?"

"Now aren't you the impatient one for one who has control of time?" The old man chuckled.

"Well then, where to start?"

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