
The problem with having nosy neighbours

Ningzhuo, northern Wei

Steward Meng had more than enough eyes watching these new masters of his, Years of service had taught him the importance of information. Especially information about high ranking members of the nobility, being the steward of the residence of the highest-ranking official in the province didn't pay as well as selling information.

The previous governor was a halfwit who could think we'll for himself and relied on his powerful in-laws to bankroll him and give him insights. He hardly ever attended court and when he did it was to agree to everything his father-in-law pushed for like a dummy.

A smart person working for a fool was quite hurtful to one, he had never understood the importance of having good information to share until he worked for an incompetent master. The previous governor was quite foolish, he thought that his father-in-law would forever be in power and committed a lot of monstrosities. 

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