
What the hell?



I lowered my eyes, shrinking into Luis's chest. Because I didn't want to get separated from him, I joined him in the bath. In the end, we were now dipped in the tub, keeping me on top of him and confining me in his arms.

It was all perfect, if not for the question he kept asking me. This was the first time Luis had pried this much. 

"I will never hold any information from you next time," I murmured in a monotone voice, my expression dead. "Don't interrogate me while cupping my breast."

"Why not? It's fun!" he chortled in a manly tone, kissing my shoulder blades in between. "So tell me, what happened? Why were you pushing me away and just miraculously became you, again?" 

I frowned, adjusting until I was facing him. I planted my palms on his shoulders, looking at him straight in the eye.

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