
Volume 4.27 Sun Island and Laughter 7

Laughter. And more waves of laughter.

Due to these sudden noises, Malaya abruptly awakened from her sleeping unconsciousness. Malaya decided to ignore it first and tried to go back to sleep. However, the strange noises of waves of laughter go on for more time, causing Malaya to finally get annoyed. 

'Who in the world is laughing at this moment? Seriously?! In the middle of the night?'' Malaya shifted to the right side of her bed and grabbed a pillow on her side to cover her head. Her eyes were still closed. 'Can't they see that someone is still sleeping here?'

That's when Malaya realized something. 'Wait what? Laughter?!' A sense of adrenaline surged inside her.

Her eyes were wide open as she took a seat in her bed with a jolt. In the midst of the darkness, those multiple eyes were staring at her as they continued laughing.

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