
Volume 2.11 Aravan Part 2

Darkness. That was the first thing Dorris saw when she opened her eyes for the first time in a long time. The bed she was lying in creaked when she took a seat.

"Oops!" Dorris covered her mouth. 'I should have been more careful or I'll wake up Milady.' At the thought of her ladyship, memories suddenly flooded Dorris' mind.

"Wait!" Her eyes widened with horror. As she looked around all she could see was darkness even if her eyes already adjusted to it. "Where am I?!"

'Milady!? That's right, someone attacked us!' 

'I must see to it that Milady is alright!' 

She stood up and as her sight finally got accustomed to the dark. She run to the door she saw but before she could reach it...


She stumbled on the ground with a loud thud. Specks of dust flew around that made her almost cough. She winced as she glanced at her left foot. There was a chain binding it. 

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