

*Note: I wanted to apologize to my readers as I realize the shift between why I refer to Lydia as cousin/second cousin or Aunt might be confusing. She is the second cousin still, but often times in cases of extended relatives, children will be told to refer to them as uncle or aunt. I chose to do this because I think it is easier and instead of just having Apryl call her Lydia, I wanted to keep a level of respect thus aunt Lydia instead.*

When the morning came around, Apryl heavily considered not going to the college despite the fact that Keith offered to help her. She was getting more comfortable spending her time at home away from people that the thought of having to go out just for that didn't sound appealing.

She probably would have followed through with not going and ignoring him if he tried to call or message her, but her mind was changed when after breakfast was over and she had been helping her mother and aunt clean stuff up and feed the pups that she got a text from him that was both positive and forced her to have a reason to go to the college.

'FYI, you won't have gotten the email yet, but your acceptance in the college will coming through today.

While you're here if you want, I can help you pick out classes and stuff.'

She was happy to be accepted into the college, it was one step closer to the goals she had in mind, but why today when she wasn't wanting to go to college? Apparently the universe didn't care about the fact that she wanted to stay home more today than deal with college.

Her mother must've seen the concentration as she looked at her phone as she asked what the message about. She explained to her that she had been accepted into college while she wrote Keith a quick text back.

"Oh congratulations." Her mother and Lydia both said. Her mother gave her a hug and that helped Apryl feel a bit better about the situation. She was sure that it took pressure off her mom to know that things were starting to move ahead in a positive direction.

There were still times like these that she wished her father was with them so that he could also celebrate the success with them, but that wasn't the case. She wouldn't ever tell this to her mom, but at some point in time she had the idea in the back of her head that she was going to go back and look for her father. She believed that he was still alive and she wanted to know for herself what had happened. Whether it was her uncle or another reason as to why he never came back.

"Thanks, this means though that I need to change plans and get ready to head to college to finish up some other stuff and get enrolled in classes." Apryl replied, she gave her mom an apologetic smile but her mom just waved her off.

"It's no problem dear. This is all part of the process since you got started much later than most students do. Just make sure you don't forget anything you need to take with you before you leave and be careful. You're aunt and I will just do stuff here and I will probably spend a certain amount of the afternoon sleeping." Summer reassured her daughter and Lydia nodded her head in agreement.

"Thanks, mom. I will double check everything before I leave and I'll make sure to be back as soon as possible." She told her mom as she gave her another hug before she went to go change clothes and make sure that she had everything that she needed before leaving.

Her mood on the way to the college was slightly damped as there were a lot more people outside today on this Monday than there had been the week prior when she had to go to the college. Of course they weren't paying her any attention, but that didn't help her to feel anymore comfortable.

Once she had gotten to college and met up with Keith who realized that she wasn't sharing in his excitement of the news, he asked her what was wrong. He who had gotten used to being around people after being at the college for over a year already, didn't really understand her problem and instead chose to point out the fact that she was going to have to get used to being in such close proximity to people as she would be stuck in a classroom with around twenty or thirty of them.

"No helpful." She told him with a huff as she sat down at the table while he worked behind the desk. He was on his laptop again but she couldn't see what he was doing as it was faced away from her.

"I'm just being honest. I was nervous my first time around too but I got used to it pretty quickly once I realized there really wasn't anything to worry about." He shrugged as he continued to tap away on his computer. "Speaking of classes, did you ever decide what you wanted to start with? Maybe something simple for this semester since it's an eight week block?" Keith asked.

"I still don't know, but I guess something that wouldn't be too hard to handle since I am still trying to learn everything else." Apryl hadn't really looked at any of the classes that were offered. She felt like even if she did though, it wasn't like she would understand the content of the classes enough to make a decision.

"Composition and history tend to be pretty easy. You'll have to do some writing, but because there entry-level classes, it won't be intense and nothing you couldn't get assistance with. I know a few friends who tutor in history and English. I guess you wouldn't want to start classes today though?" Looking up from his computer, he couldn't help but laugh at the horrified look that was on Apryl's face.

"I don't think that I would be ready to take a class today." She replied, she felt her anxiety rising over that thought. She knew classes would be starting this week, but she had never considered taking one today, she hadn't mentally prepared herself for that.

"Alright, well they do have professors who are teaching on a Tuesday and Thursday instead. I guess afternoon would work better for you?" She nodded her head instead of verbally replying to his question. "Good thing we got on this today, you've managed to get the last seats in two classes taught by pretty decent professors. Any later and you wouldn't have had much of a choice about what time your classes are."

"Is it that hard to find what you classes taught by good professors?" Apryl asked, this was important to know since she was going to have to enroll herself in classes for other semesters following this one.

"The problem is less that it is hard to find a class taught by a good professor and more that students will jump on those classes as fast as they can and we have more students enrolled here than we have decent professors. It's one of those things that you have to be on top of and enroll the moment you're given permission to." He explained.

"It's sounds like too much stress already." Apryl sighed as she rested her face against the table.

"This is actually probably the least stressful part of the process. We still have to go and pick up your supplies for your classes, get your student ID, and figure out your financial situation among other things." She groaned in response to this. She didn't want to hear about more things that she was going to have to do. Keith laughed again as he shut the lid on his laptop and put it back in its case.

"Don't pout too much. We need to go talk to some people and get your supplies while you're here today. Try not to be too unfriendly while we're dealing with people, I would hate for them to think you're mean and unfriendly." He teased.

"Maybe it would be better if they did, at least then they might leave me alone while I am here." Apryl replied as she slipped her phone back into her pocket and stood up. She really didn't want to go with Keith, but it was all part of the process she reminded herself.

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