
Showering Calm...

"Alright, thousand year lifespan aside...how long until this device of yours get out of the prototype phase and into practice?," Zhen Shi asked his grandson.

"Uh...about...a day? Maybe two?"

"Holy shit..."

"Also, how much longer do I meditate under here?," Zhen Hou interjected. "Not that this isn't pleasant, but I got other plans to do today. Wait, I'm not gonna explode if I linger under this thing for too long, right?"

"Honestly, whenever," Zhen Liu answered his uncle. "With the way I set up the shower, any unabsorbed aether will just cycle back into the reservoir below. You also won't explode because of that little cycle."


"Follow up question," Zhen Shi continued after mulling over an idea in his head while his son and grandson conversed. "Would having multiple of these showers shorten the efficacy of the pearl?"

"Barely. Why?"


_______Several days later..._______________

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