
Talk of the Town, Talk of the Tournament

<<The fuck you mean can't extract any memories about what happened last night?>>

<<It is as we said, Master. For some reason, our resident Anima Wielder can't find any memories pertaining to what occurred last night...at all.>>

<<And that's despite the fact that they swear watched hotel all night but couldn't find an opportunity to try and recruit exiles, even with aether tool confirming they're telling truth?>>

<<Okay, they can detect something had occurred last night that is conflicting with their testimonies, but any attempts to actually determine what it was exactly is...conflicting.>>

<<Conflicting? Conflicting how?>>

<<I'm...not entirely sure how to describe this, but...all three are somehow telling the same story, but settings completely different from one another.>>

<<What? >>

<<Yeah, all three remember nothing happening that evening...but they also it being in different...countries.>>

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