
The Pull


Ayleth hated herself for leaving him. He was grieving, and under immense pressure. What he asked was, strategically, the best for all. She knew that. But she'd sat at that table, unable to make her lips form the words.

Assassinate my parents. Both of them.

How had she ever thought they could bring their families together? How had she ever naively held that hope so truly?

His parents were dead at her Kingdom's hand. Not an assassination in the dark, but death was permanent whether at the hands of a soldier, or a spy. Ayleth held no doubts about that. She knew… the Ruler within her knew. Knew that he was right. And that this would answer their problems. Knew it would, in fact, solve so many more.

She would take Zenithra to peace in the Accord, and to peace with Summitras and the world would be better for it. Only one sentence stood in her way.

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