
The Caves of Ilum I

While walking to the landspeeders, I look out into the frozen and snow-covered terrain. I can feel that this world is incredibly strong with the force and when I stretch out my senses, I can feel the non-sentient life. I look up into the sky and see the blue dwarf Asar, this planet's star. I love the look it gives off. It's probably one of the harshest environments known to the republic.

Leshal walks up beside me and looks out to where I am as we follow the other Masters and padawans that have arrived. "This is truly a unique world, isn't it... I want to say congratulations on having Grandmaster Satele choose you..." I look to Leshal in curiosity. I know that out of all the younglings, she was the one who wanted to have Satele as her Master.

I look down to her belt and see the hilt her Master gave her. It's very intricate and complete, a true work of art. "In all honesty, I was hoping I'd get Master Caleb as my teacher. He has taught me more useful things than the rest of the teachers combined, but I'm still very happy with Satele. I've known her the longest other than Knight Jace." I don't want to rub anything in her face, and I'm honest with my words.

She looks forward and sees the other padawans and jedis that have arrived. While we are walking to the landspeeders, more and more joined. "Nathan! Come up here with me!" I give a sideways look to Leshal and quickly listen to my Master. I reach her side and begin walking with her. I look at her with a questioning look, and she smiles down at me. "Always walk at my side, Nate." That is one of the things I never understood about Masters. Apparently, it's something that they do.

I look out in front of us and see a bunch of unclosed landspeeders. More than enough for everyone, they are the enclosed versions exclusive to Hoth and Ilum. "Master, what did you go through when you first entered the caves of Ilum?" Certain things should be expected, and I'd like to hear what Satele went through while in the caves.

She gives a faraway look and takes a shallow breath. "Everyone experiences different things in the caves of Ilum. Some have visions and fight evil versions of themselves. Others hear whispers leading them to places they can't get out of. I spoke to my mother in the caves. She appeared before me as I was looking for my first kyber crystal. We spoke some, and then she left. After that, I had visions of war and other things I don't want to talk about right now." It sounds like she had a harder time than most.

We reach the landspeeders, and I follow Satele in a two-seater. Some are two-seaters, others are 4, some of the landspeeders won't even be used since jedis and padawans have yet to arrive. We close the latches, and she immediately turns on the heat. It is very cold, so I'm not complaining. "Why is Ilum so connected to the force? In republic aligned planets class, I learned that it's very strong in the force because of the kyber crystals. Is that true?" I can't help asking questions about this amazing planet.

She powers up the engines, and we take off at high speed. Now it's 20 minutes till we reach the caves. "Ilum is a very mysterious planet, Nate. While assuming the kyber crystals are the reason for its presences isn't wrong, there is more to it. Plants that are stronger in the force call out to the Jedi and sith. It's how we find them. Perhaps one day we'll know why Ilum is the way it is." So that's why other planets that don't have a strong connection in the force aren't found.

I wonder what that means about wild space. We are in the unknown regions right now. Ilum is one of the planets that the republic found in the unknown regions. "Do you think there are other planets we haven't discovered yet that are powerful in the force..." A Galaxy is a big place with a lot of creatures. As a member of the human variety, I love seeing non-human types. Satele looks at me in amusement and closes her eyes.

She releases a sigh, but not one of annoyance. "We have recently found a planet like that. It's Called Voss, and they are a very different people. They are connected to the force like all of us, but they see the force, not as light and dark. They have a group called The Mystics that use the force in obscure and strange ways." Voss huh... I want to visit such a world. If it was recently discovered, that means the empire and republic are trying to negotiate with the planet's leaders.

I unclip my lightsaber hilt and float it around in my hand. Something is lulling about doing this. I don't know why. I look out the little window I have and see other speeders. They are the same ones that left with us. "Do you think this war will ever end, Master..." I don't know why I had the urge to ask that, but I did anyway. A galaxy at peace seems weird, and that shouldn't be the feeling you get when thinking of peace.

I look at her as she stays silent. "I don't think I'll live long enough to see that day, Nate. With this cold war, all progress towards a winner has stopped, and now the empire is making itself stronger again." An answer I expected, and one I know is true. If Satele says that, then she believes it too. The empire and sith are strong. I probably won't live to see the end of this war either. "Why are you asking so many questions right now, Nate? You're not responsible for the things you have brought up. War is common where ever you look. It's not just between the empire and republic." I just want to know the answers to questions I don't know.

I stop floating my lightsaber and let it drop back into my hand. "I'm not foolish enough to think that peace will happen in either of our lifetimes, but I'd like to see a day that I could look up from a planet and not see a capital ship from either the republic or the empire." Those are the best terms I can put it in.

She stays silent at my words, and I watch a small grin grow on her face. "That's a really nice thought, Nate. One day it will happen. Just not any time soon." I nod my head and understand her words completely. The last 10 or so minutes pass by, and Satele begins to stop the landspeeder. I open the door on my side of the landspeeder as other landspeeders stop in a line to Satele's side. Everyone begins to get out of their landspeeders as well. "Come, Nate, it's time." I leap over the landspeeder and land at my Master's side.

I begin walking up the ancient-looking staircase by my Master's side. Many are behind us and following. Satele waves her hand, and the opening melts away. We enter inside, and it's strangely warm. We stand and wait for everyone to get in, and once they are, Satele takes everyone's attention. "Each of you will head down this single tunnel. No matter what you do, you will be separated from your fellow padawans. The only way out is to complete whatever it is the force has in store for you, be ready for unexpected things, padawans." All the padawans nod their heads and begin whispering to each other.

All the Masters leave their padawans sides and stick together on one side of this big warm room. I watch Satele walk over and join them. One of them waves an arm as if saying, go on ahead. Many padawans begin to head down the tunnel, and so do I. I can feel the power in this place, and I gotta say this is one strange event in my life. I continue walking with my fellow padawans, and as we are about 700 yards in, I begin to notice a shift in the force. I get a little light-headed, and I close my eyes and shake my head to get rid of it. I look back up, and I notice that all the padawans I was with are now gone. Satele wasn't kidding.

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