
A Bloody Patrol

__________ POV Beru__________

It's already been two days of constantly training with Izuku.

I've not really sparred with him all that much, only hitting him around a few times and telling him to dodge whatever he could.

Izuku's progress is also quite quick. He seems to be able to properly use 5% of One for All(eventually learned its name) without any repercussions.

But going over that percentage seems to be damaging to his body. He's been a bit hesitant at first, but I did manage to make him fight properly after hitting him in the head a few times.

It's already the third day of the internship and I've yet to do any actual hero work with him, and that in itself is a bit of a mistake on my part.

Problem is, I've not really made it a point to look for patrol spots in Musutafu. So I'll have to go to a city I'm more familiar with.

"Today we'll be going on an actual patrol~," I said as Izuku arrived at the gates of UA (our usual meeting spot).

"Already?! What if I'm not ready to fight actual villains yet..." Really? He's getting cold feet now?

"Dude~ The people you kids call villains are nothing more than glorified thugs~ You'll be fine~" I waved his concerns off quickly.

Whether he wants to or not, I need him to fight a few real villains. I mean, I can punch him around all day. But he needs some actual action, blood needs to be spilt (metaphorically).

"A-Are you sure? I mean... What if they are all just weak to you?..." Well, his concern is well-founded.

"Don't worry too much~ I'm serious when saying that the vast majority of villains are street thugs~" No joke, a lot of them are people I could've taken in my past life.

"I-I see..." He's clearly not all that confident about this patrol. And, honestly, I don't care.

He'll get over it.

"Let's go, kid~" He just nodded as he watched the purple mist seeping out of my body and forming a portal.

He just stepped into the portal with a shaky leg. I could see quite a bit of surprise on his face.

I followed after him. We arrived in an alleyway somewhere in the middle of Hosu City. This is the city I know best after all.

"Beru, sir... Do you have multiple quirks?" Hmm? I guess I never talked to him about that.

"Oh~ Yeah~ Nothing special though~" I started walking out of the alleyway and Izuku followed right behind me.

"H-How is that possible?!" Jeez, no need to be so shocked(and loud). I already told you it ain't anything special.

I just shrugged at him. "You can ask Toshi later~ I think we should continue with our patrol, for now, ~" He still looked confused, but didn't press on. I guess he has enough social awareness to discern an obvious 'no' when he hears it.

The two of us walked for quite a bit. There wasn't much action to be found on the streets, at least not in this part of town. Izuku was walking beside me and looking around vigilantly.

"Are patrols usually this quiet?" How the fuck am I supposed to know? Never patrolled before. But I can bullshit my way out of this question.

"It depends on the day really~ Villains aren't active at all times~," I said with (fake) confidence.

"Are yo-" He was interrupted by his ringtone, as his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"S-Sorry... I should've put it on mute..." He took it out and looked at it for a second before his eyes widened in panic.

"What's up kid?~" I asked as I looked around the street for a second. The civilians were just going on about their days, nothing out of the ordinary.

"M-My friends are in danger! We need to go quickly!" He instantly used his 'full cowl'(how he named using OFA all over his body) and jumped off on a building, continuing to run in front of me...

Did he just go on without my permission? Wasn't I supposed to be the teacher or something like that?

Well, whatever. I bet it's a lot more action than whatever we were doing here. (yeah, really responsible 'teacher'). I mean, I do want him to fight some villains.

I unfurled my wings and took off too. I caught up to Izuku almost instantly. I flew above him and looked down at him for a bit.

I can somewhat see signs of fighting further ahead, in one of the alleyways nearby. Then, I heard a large explosion to the side.

A person flew right above me, I stretched my hand and caught said person.

I instantly stopped in mid-air and looked at the situation. I held the person I caught above my shoulder, he was also facing the wreck in front of us.

A short old man with a white beard. He wasn't wearing any hero costume, but he didn't seem all that injured.

"What the fuck!?~" I asked the old man as he looked at the raging fire to the side of us.

"A villain attack. It was a bit too sudden for us to see... You can call me Gran Torino by the way..." He said as I landed on top of the building right beside it.

"How many are there?~ Name's Beru~" He sighed for a bit as he looked down. Out of the building poured out around 30 people... All of them looked the same?

They all look the same, tall, somewhat lanky build. They are the same age, black hair and strange purplish patches of skin stapled on top of their regular skin.

"Is this some sort of cloning quirk?~" I asked the old man. He just shook his head as he looks at the situation with a grave expression.

"Must be... But this person seems to have a powerful fire quirk... All of the clones are capable of using it." Ooh, I see. So it's not just one villain.

"Got it~" I jumped into the fray almost instantly. The concrete cracked underneath me as the shockwave pushed some of the clones back.

"A hero? Tsk-" One of the clones complained as a blueish flame appeared in its palms.

I could see Endeavor fighting around 20 of these same clones in the distance, which means that this might be a bit bigger of a mess than I expected...

I looked around a bit more and decided on the best course of action. I don't want to kill off any civilians, as that would further harm my public relations.

Several concentrated streams of blue flames rushed me from all sides, but I wasn't about to stand there and take it, even with my decent resistance to heat.

My arm quickly enlargened itself. I flew into the air, right above all of the streams, and aimed my arm at the ground.

I fired off a half-charged Air Cannon right in the middle of all of the clones.

I crushed at least 10 of them into the concrete street, collapsing it and sending the rest of them flying in all directions.

I could see Gran Torino and a few other heroes struggling to evacuate and rescue all nearby civilians. Then a few more villains appeared, different from the fire one. But still apparent clones.

A person in a black straight jacket seems to have the ability to infinitely expand his teeth or something.

At this point, I can't help but be a bit annoyed at the situation, I also can't really do much to help Izuku, I have to help out here.

But where would I even find the person making these clones? Are they even present at the scene? What about the originals of the fire and teeth villains?

I can't see any of them nearby. But I really dislike the way things are going right now.

Most of the fire quirked clones that I had blown away are already getting up too. And the Teeth controlling ones are just starting to make their way towards me.

I can see Gran Torino making circles around a few of them, he's really fast for an old man (no joke).

I quickly decided to use a combination of quirks all around me. Out of my body, in every direction, I sprouted elongated tendril-like tails and pierced all of the clones surrounding me.

All of them burst into a strange viscous liquid. I looked around myself warily and rushed to aid Gran Torino first. Endeavor seems to be able to handle himself just fine.

I quickly kicked off, from building to building. By the time I reached the side of one of the teeth quirk clones, I had enough momentum to kick right through its torso while using minimal strength.

It instantly dissolved into a puddle of viscous liquid. As I jumped and plunged my hand into the chest of one of the other clones.

It managed to bring its teeth down on my back, but it dissolved before it could do any damage(not that it would have).

"Are you alright old man?!~" I shouted at him, as he looked a bit out of breath.

He looked at me for a bit, looking somewhat defiant as he kicked one of the clones directly into the back of the head, cracking its skull and making it dissolve into that same liquid.

"I'm not that old yet!" He said as he bounced around, violently taking down all of the clones nearby.

I guess that after realising that these were just clones, they kinda started going all out.

I could see Endeavor burning the clones around him to a crisp, there was no discrimination whatsoever.

The situation seems to be stabilising. But there's no chance to find the copy quirk or the originals of these two villains. I doubt they were ever present at the scene.

But, just as things started looking better, another person appeared. He was wearing a strange furred coat that completely covered his face.

After him, came a few dozen more people that looked the same.

"Another group of fucking clones!~" I said as I rushed them. And, just as I was about to reach the one in front, I was quickly encased in a large block of ice.

At this point, I am getting a bit angrier. I flexed my arms and pulled them bringing my elbows down on my sides and breaking the glacier that had built around me with my physical strength.

Then, another wave of blue fire came towards me, as the ice quirked clones prepared to freeze me once more.

So, I decided to stop playing around with them. I quickly jumped into the air, the wave of ice hit the gouts of blue fire and created a blanket of steam that covered the entire district.

I could still hear sounds of fighting within the steam, but visibility was definitely low... For everyone but me.

I quickly jumped into the steam, I cut up all of the fire quirked clones that my eyes could see. All of them being lacerated, decapitated, dismembered, as soon as I passed by then.

I left only puddles of viscous liquid behind me, as I advanced towards the ice quirked clones that seemed to be staying back to back while visibility was low.

They were all huddled together and prepared for attacks from all sides. But I doubt they were expecting an attack from above.

My arm inflated itself like a balloon, I unleashed a fully charged Air Cannon right on top of their heads. Crushing all of them into the concrete and destroying the entire street.

That extreme rush of air also cleared up all of the steam around us. Which revealed how shitty the situation was for the other heroes. (not that I couldn't already tell)

Gran Torino had one of his legs frozen and seems to be in a bit of a pinch as a lot of clones are approaching him from his sides.

There aren't any more fire quirk clones around, but the teeth ones and the Ice quirked ones are still present.

Endeavor himself managed to get rid of the ice clones around him(elemental advantage) but the teeth ones were a bit more annoying for him. One of them having pierced his shoulder and leg.

I guess I should really bring this to an end. I also need to look for Izuku...


Hope you liked the chapter.

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