
New School

I take my time walking to school because I want to take in all surroundings in the new area we have moved to. The town is really pretty, lots of brightly colored flowers, the stores have a rather old town look to them, like one of those town you always see on the Hallmark Channel. There is a cute little bakery, hardware store, post office and a coffee shop side by side. The school is just up the road so I continue on, I will visit the store after school when I have more time to look around.

I take a deep breath and walk up the walkway to the front of the school. The building itself is really old looking. Big columns in the front, beautiful floors and polished hardwood railings that look like cherry wood. I find my way to the office while ignoring the stares from the other kids. Seeing the lady at the desk I announce myself. "Hi, I'm Scarlet, my mom said you should have all my information from my old school." With a blank stare she takes a moment and then nods and dips her head.

"Hi Scarlet, Mrs Johnson. I have your schedule, locker assignment and a map of the school grounds ready. Do you want someone to show you around?"

"No thank you. I will be fine." With that I turn and walk out of the office back into the hallway which is not filled with teenagers. I hold my head high and start walking, I may be bookworm, but I don't backdown and I hold my own if I need to. I have learned over the years of moving that first impressions determine your fate in school. So, I do not show weakness at all. Dad always tells me to hold my head high like a princess because one day I will be someone's queen. I like to think that he is right and if anything has been true, I am not one that needs to lose her temper. I really do not like how I feel when I lose it either.

I find my locker which already has all the book in it I need for the day. That's pretty cool. Means I don't have to worry about that. As I am standing at my locker, I feel eyes boring holes in my back like laser beams. Without turning around, I ask "Do you like what you see?" And all I get is a 'humph' and the person walks away. I laugh to myself and think it must have been a jock, one of those 'popular' boys that thinks he will be able to get in my pants. Nope. I'm not the one buddy. Yes, I am 17 years old and a virgin, shocker right. But I know that there is one person that is waiting for me. He may only be in my dreams, and if that is the case I will keep on dreaming. I finish up at my locker and head to my first class. Math. Not my best subject but I will survive it. None of my classes here are honors thank goodness. Those are super crazy. I walk into the classroom and the teacher looks at me with a blank stare with weird eyes. What is it with these people eyes? Ugh!.

"You must be Scarlet. You can take that seat over there. I am Mr Tee." and he turns back to the board and starts writing todays work down. As I walk to my newly assigned seat, set my book and my bag down I hear whispers about my hair. I turn to look and its blonde girl, probably a cheerleader or the school slut, leaned over talking to another girl. So, I shoot them both a 'watch you say about me look' the blonde just giggles and turns her attention back to the lesson. No, I don't put up with crap either if you are wondering. That's something else I get from my dad according to my mom. I like hearing how we are alike. I don't get to see him so it's nice that she talks about him to me.

When the bell rings, which is really low for a school, everyone gets up and heads out to their next class. Mine is 1800 Century Literature. Yay! I am overjoyed by that. My mom always makes sure to have classes that fit me. Walking to class take a bit since its on the other side of the building, which is huge I might add. Walking to class I see beautiful paintings hung on the walls and notice that the teacher has beautiful penmanship on the board. The teacher must be a writer or a historian, they always have the best handwriting skills. I stand watching and waiting for the teacher to walk in and when she does, I faintly pick up a scent of cologne that I remember. There is only one person I know that smells like that. At least that I have been around. It is a very expensive one to. I once again introduce myself and find a seat that is open. I am so taking by the teacher that I completely miss everything that is going on around me until I get a tap on the shoulder and snap out of my daze.

"Hi, I'm Courtney! What's your name?" she overly happy and bright eyed.

"Hi, I'm Scarlet." Turning to look at her I notice that she has beautiful eyes that are almost the same shade of green as mine. Her hair is not as red as mine but more of a reddish brown and straight were mine is curly. I don't have the small kinky curls I have the pretty bouncy curls which I love about my hair. I get my hair and eyes from my dad. Everything else is completely my mom's looks.

"Do you want to sit with us at lunch?" Caught off guard with that question I nod and accept, and the teacher gives us our homework for the day and then the bells rings again. I don't even think that it qualifies as a bell. It is more like a buzzer that is muffled. I get up and pack my stuff and start walking to my locker and notice Courtney going the same direction as me. So I decide to make a friend.

"Do people always look at the new kids like that?" I ask because the stares I get here are nothing like the ones I am used to getting at the other schools on the first day of school. I mean it's getting weird very quickly. She steps up beside me with a laugh and tells me it is because of how I look. I turn my head and give her a confused expression. She just shrugged it off and we continue walking and talking about the town here. I learn that she is from the area just north of the school about an hour away.

She explains that this school is the school is the one that everyone in the area goes to for miles around so there are a lot of people from different territories. I think about everything I have hear and think this is completely weird. but hey, what do I know? I have mainly been in the cities from my mom's assignments. Lunch finally arrives after 2 more hours of classes that were just meh for me. I really don't like some of my classes so far. But it's okay. The school session is halfway done and then it is time for graduation. It is weird to think that I will be done with school. I haven't decided if I want to go to college or not wither. So, my plan is to just write and find a job until I decide. My mom is fine with that plan so that is what I plan on for now.

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