
Ten Bottles Of Pure River Water(Part 2)

Kuys was very familiar with Tasur's personality. He was a very heroic man that would blindly stand at the side of justice everytime. Kuys also evaluated him as a rash person who could not stand injustice. In other words, he was a blockhead that only knew how to fight for justice. 

This time, Kuys has already told him a lot of important information. If he still did not get it, then it was already his fault. He just doesn't want his old friend to be left behind about the dark things that were going on in the city. 

"Well, let's focus on the auction shall we. A tip though, I know that you're eyeing the Pure River Water, but if your goal is just to use such an item to detect a Dark Guild member, then I suggest that you refrain from bidding. I'll tell you this much, the Pure River Water detection method no longer works for the Dark Guild members, at least for most of them." Kuys said. 

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