

"The shield wall is braking!" I heard the shout of one of the Legion commanders and looked down to see a group of Dothraki dragging my men down the first defense slope.

Looking at the scene it was more than clear to me what will happen to them if they fell beyond that ridge.

Before I knew it, my feet were already moving by themselves.

I grabbed my bow and few arrows on the way and jumped from the crossbow position on the slope that was about two floors higher then our shield wall and fired the three arrows that I had in my hand one after another. My fingers were hurting like hell, but it wasn't the time to think about myself.

"Rick!" I shouted while sliding downhill on the loose sand, seeing my men being dragged closer to the edge while struggling to avoid the swords and daggers that the screamers used to try and wound or kill them.

It was pure chaos, they relied only on their instincts and the training that was daily hammered into their body reflex memory.

The time slowed down, the shield wall was mostly composed from my best, battle hardened, most experienced and loyal men. Only Old Gods know best how long they were by my side, protecting me in every battle, being my shield, sword or dagger if needed.

I knew each of their names, I knew each of their family members names. They were like brothers and sisters to me and losing even one would be like loosing a part of myself, I could not even thinking about breaking the news to their own spouses about their death... and now I could lose 7 of them at the same time on death doors...

My arrows reach their destination allowing Derek, Jamie and Seban to get back on their feet after killing the attacker of each one of them that were holding onto them.

The problem was with Alcor, Lanner, Edam and most of all, Rick that was already half way down the ridge while struggling to break free just like the rest.

The reserves were trying to get to them with all their might, but the few enemies that slipped through were blocking them efficiently.

I slid or more like almost rolled down from the dirt slope and was already on their level, I could see Derek and Seban stabbing one of the Dothraki freeing Edam, and Jamie grabbing Alcor and Lanner hands stubbornly trying to pull them back.

There was no time... Rick was already dragged down, my sight stopped at the ridge where one shirtless, burry man came behind Jamie with his sword high up in the air ready to end him.

"No!" I shouted and sped up, the speed of my descent enough to tackle the man.

Unfortunately I didn't think it through...

Before I tumbled with the man down the slope where our shield wall was I just heard my Sworn Shields that apparently followed me and my Elites shouting in panic, but it was too late...

I could feel the weight of the man on me as we rolled down, tripping some other men that tried to climb the loose sand, I think we rolled over lying Rick, but thanks to us colliding with the few Dothraki that tried to finish him off, he had few precious seconds to get himself into better position to defend or get back up.

We stopped halfway and even with my head spinning and what I think was dislocated left shoulder I grabbed my dagger in my right and stabbed what felt like hundred times into the stomach, chest and face of the body under me.

I couldn't waste any time, shaking my head while standing up to get some clarity I looked around with my still spinning, blurry sight.

In all the chaos of the rolling down and tripping anyone in our way the people around me we still apparently dizzy and on the ground moaning.

'Now or never' was my only thought before I involuntarily feel on my knees, getting up now was useless as I would probably fall again. As I moved as fast as I could, biting my teeth from the pain and moving on all fours to climb back up I felt my own blood in my mouth.

I didn't have time to evade anyone on my way back, so I just stabbed the first vital part of every man that I crawled on.

"Ahhh!" I shouted when a piercing pain came from my left tight. I knew the familiar feeling already. Arrow.

I didn't stop, I couldn't... my instinct told me that if I ever slow down for even a moment it will be the end of me.

"Ahh!" again the pain after few clinging sounds where arrows skidded my leather armor, this time in the place where the straps connected on my shoulder blade.

The tip must've broken one of the leather strap as my shoulder protector moved down hitting the arrow shaft making it hurt even more.

'Will this be how I die?' I wonder and cursed myself for almost giving up... but... it hurt so bad...

I could feel myself getting slower and slower, but I was almost there!

The bloody trail that I left behind and the bodies of the men I killed while climbing was the only indicator of the distance I traveled, alas... I had enough... that was it...

Third arrow pierced my other leg, hearing the laughter of the archers behind me in the distance I knew they were just toying with me... I never had a chance... the realization hit me.

Blood was sipping from my ears and mouth, I probably had some internal injuries from the fall.

Did I regret my decision? Fuck no! I would do it for any of my men, that's why they loyally followed my House. I smiled thinking about them informing my mother about my death. "Haha" I laughed when I imagined how they would probably join me then.

That would be more difficult than charging the Dothraki right now...

A shadow came over me and I moved to my back to look at who it was.

I have to admit to myself that I still had hope for a miracle.

It all vanished next moment as it was a Dothraki warrior that slid down from the ones that were higher as they were attacking the shield wall.

He looked at me and spat on my face. "You will die now you son of a whore!" He moved his sword up.

I felt... calm. I didn't expect it to end here, but what could I do.

My head was at the man's feet, I looked down the slope not wanting to see him swing the sword, I could see something that surprised me.

The Dothraki were leisurely letting arrows lose, the ones charging were laughing and joking, like the battle was already won for them. Were we the only ones taking it seriously? Even further back I saw some of them talking, waiting for their turn to try and climb.

Since our heavy cavalry attack most of them pulled further back and were now slowly retreating.

It finally got to me that the lazily setting sun signaled everyone the end of the first day of the battle and at the same time the day of my death.

I was thinking about all that and waited for the end.

"Protect the Lord!" but the end didn't come...

More and more shouts reached my ears, "Protect the young Lord!", "To the Lord!", "My Lord!"

I looked again up, and the same man that spat at my face a moment before was now looking at me in disbelief while holding the tip of the spear that was coming out from his stomach with his trembling hands. At the same time a rain or crossbow bolts came down blocking anyone who had the thought of pursuing me.

I watched as someone kicked his back and he flew over me to roll down, dead. "Edam", I smiled.

The next thing I knew was that I was being placed on a shield and being dragged behind few other Elites with their own shields covering us while we retreated back up using ropes.

"... Death? Not today..." I whispered as my closed, glassy eyes the only thing holding back my tears.

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