
I have been casted with a spell

It was a beautiful lovely late afternoon. I sat cross-legged on the grass in the garden leisurely doing a rough sketch.

The sunlight illuminates the garden making it a perfect sight to behold. For the past few days now it has been my daily routine to spend sunset here.

As usual, I got the whole mansion to myself. with no hints of the Smiths coming home anytime soon. I don't know when I'm going to see Mrs. Smith again. She just dump me here with her son, who is barely at home.

With AJ still avoiding me, I get lonely sometimes, when Rosa and Suzy are on their off days. I'm left with my desperation for a source of amusement to ease the boredom.

I'm just like a lonely fairy princess left in a castle waiting for her Prince to come to rescue her. The gorgeous face of Mr. Smith flash in my mind, I bit my lips.

I can't seem to get him off my mind, he has invaded my thoughts, my dreams, and even my heart.

My heart flutters anytime he flashes in my mind.

He has a girlfriend for Christ's sake And here I was lost in my stupid infatuation with him. I'm even sketching his handsome face unconsciously at the moment.

I stared at the sketch. I was sketching his coal-dark eyes. Those beautiful eyes of his were my downfall.

This is getting so creepy, For days now my room has been littered up with sketches of him. I can't concentrate on anything but him.

What kind of symptoms is this, it was just a simple stare. The moment I fell in his arms and stared deep into his mesmerizing eyes, it was like suddenly a spell has been cast on me.

I suddenly shoot my head up, my heart sunk in, seeing Mr. Smith sitting on a garden's bench a few paces away from me. When did he arrive, has he been here the whole time?

I don't think he has noticed me yet. I was dazzled staring at him. he was wearing jeans with a button-down shirt with a few buttons opened exposing his sexy chest. I couldn't help but capture this perfection.

I started sketching him, he was busy peering at his phone, he is yet to detect my presence any time soon.

I pop my head up to study him again, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I jerk up from the grass, perplexed. where did he go? he was just here a moment ago.

"Sketching me without my concern Miss Jackson?"

I got startled dropping the pencil and the sketchbook.

I clutched my chest sucking in a breath. How did he get here? I stare in the direction he was sitting a moment ago. and stared back at him.

I noticed his eyes were on my sketchbook, he was tempted to pick it up. But I beat him to it, picking it up quickly.

I gripped it with my right hand at my back preventing him from even having a peak of it.

My face flushed red like a child caught eating too much candy.

"Miss Jackson can I have a look at your sketch?"

I shook my head

"This is clear evidence that you were secretly sketching me," he said

"If I wanted a face to sketch it wouldn't be your broody face," I said in a defensive tone making sure to avoid his curious eyes.

His face ached into a deadly frown. Oops me and my lousy mouth I got the big black wolf angry.

I turned taking a step to bolt away, saving myself from the intense moment that will follow suit.

He got the chance to snatch the sketchbook before I realized it.

His eyes flickered in surprise.

"What do we have here, is that not my broody face you were talking about ?" he said studying the sketch. His mouth curved into an amused smile.

Embarrassment flushed across my cheeks.

I launch forward to snatch it back, but he swiftly moves to making me nearly fall flat on my face

"I didn't plan on sketching you. You just happened to be sitting at the same spot, I pictured sketching someone else sitting. My hand subconsciously started sketching you, because you were in the way of my imagination" I fussed folding arms at my chest with a pout.

"I see and who could that be?"

"Rosa," I said nonchalantly

"Rosa, the Italian maid ?" He asked.

I nodded

His eyes gleamed with uncertainty. He doesn't believe me.

He stared again at the sketchbook and started flipping through.

No no no he has seen the other sketches of him. I sighted.

My teeth grit nervously.

"Your book is covered up with sketches of me" he gazes at me with astonishment.

I covered my face with my palms. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. I wish to disappear.

I gaze at my feet not daring to meet his eyes.

"You are such a little pervert aren't you?" he taunts

I glared at him.

" You have been having a secret fantasy about me huh Miss Jackson? "he said with a teasing cocky grin

" Hell no!" I shrieked feeling more embarrassed than I was.

"There is no point in denying," he said.

"Fine, okay yeah, I have been sketching you not for the dirty reason you are thinking you pervert"

He chuckles

"I'm not the one creepily sketching people without their knowledge," He said.

"I saw it as an opportunity to make money with your face" I lied

He narrowed his gaze "Make money?" he asked

"Yes you are fucking Brad Sebastian Smith, the city most popular bachelor, do you know the millions I can make from selling a painting of you?" I said

"You planned of doing this without my concernt . I can sue you for that," he said with disbelief.

"It was a good opportunity, why not. Unfortunately, you caught me" I said with a mischievous grin.

I'm a good liar, he bought it.

"Oh I got an idea, you can be my model" I taunts him

"Wow, did I just hear Brad is going to be a model for a painting," A lady said in high pitched voice

I gaze in her direction.

I was struck with amazement, my mouth hanged open.

"Whoa! is that you April, you look so pretty in person."

She hugged me, I froze.

Oh my God am I dreaming, my favorite celebrity is hugging me. Veronica Smith, the sexiest woman alive knows my name, she called me pretty.

"I'm so happy to see you" she smiled with pure excitement on her face.

She touched my hair.

"Your hair, it's real, wow it's so beautiful" her eyes twinkle with admiration.

I smiled shyly


I can't believe I'm talking to Veronica Smith.

"I'm happy we finally got to meet" she brightly smiled

I was goofily grinning at her, clearly not knowing how to react. Whoa, this is crazy, what is she doing here? she is treating me like she knows me. I'm confused.

Or did I add an accurate address to the email I sent her on her live talk show? My throat clogged, if I did I'm so dumb.

"You lack courtesy big bro, not even a simple welcome," she said rolling her eyes at Mr. Smith.

Did she say, big bro? I studied them and noticed the striking resemblance. It was so obvious they are siblings.

Both opposites, Veronica is so charming and friendly whilst Mr. Smith is way too broody with different confusing character traits.

He stared at her with a bored expression.

"Good to see you, Veronica," he said.

"Sorry my dumb ass of a brother, let you all alone in this big mansion, he is such a bad host. I had to drag him from his penthouse back here", she said glaring at him.

I'm a bit surprised, all this while I thought he was on business trip.

'"But don't worry I'm here now, Things are going to change for the better," she said.

"Do you have anything doing tonight?" she asked.

I shook my head

"Great, then we are going to the movies tonight" she announced.

"Huh," I gaped.

"Count me out Veronica, You know I don't waste my time with such unnecessary ineffectual stuff"

" You are so lame Brad we are just going to the movies, it's what normal people do. Be normal for once in your miserable lonely life"

"You know I'm not taking no for an answer. You are not going to easily escape from this. We are all going whether you are happy with it or not" she added giving him a stern look.

He glares back. "Fine," he said grunting.

I grinned, it was amusing to see how Veronica was kind of bossing him.

Ah, finally I know there is someone who can face-off with Mr. Smith. It's going to be very interesting staying with these two.

I wanted to protest too but looking at how excited she was. I dare not disappoint my favorite celebrity.

"I heard you saying 

someone here is going to be a model"

Oh, no hope she didn't take that seriously I was just jesting.

"No," Mr. Smith and I said at the same time.


"I'm sure Mr. Smith won't have time for it, He has a tight schedule," I said.

"If it's time you are worried about, that won't be a problem, don't worry I'm sure Brad will be free on Sundays, won't that be a perfect time?"


"No" Mr. Smith protest.

Veronica shoots a warning look at him.

"Okay whatever," he said with a glint of irritation.

"That's great," she said gaily

"Sure" My face was plastered with a fake smile.

This is going to be hell. It's going to be unbearable being alone with him in the studio staring at his gorgeous face, how am I going to mask my stupid attraction? I just brought a plight upon myself

It's going to be a hell of a painting session with Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith was tempted to leave.

"Not so fast brother, like I said things are going to change now"

" We are going to have a little chit-chat "

He frowns, groaning

"You too April"


"I don't want to interrupt you guys, I'm sure you guys need some quality time alone together," I said

"Come on since we are all roomies now, we three are hanging out together," She said persistently

"Oh it's going to be awkward I'm going to be the unwanted third party"

"Don't be silly April, there is nothing to be shy of. We both want to get to know you, right Brad ?"

He rolls his eyes in annoyance

I feel dreadful, with her good interrogation skills she is surely going to pry out stuff about me that I'm not ready to share.

I'm starting to get annoyed too. She just can't take no for an answer. She is bossing me too.

She is a total bully!

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