
Vol. 4 - Chapter 28

Before she could activate the Sites of Power, she needed to know where they were. So, she had to ask around, and she figured the best option for that was Zafir if she could catch him. 

Ash searched the halls of the Manor, looking for the man in question. For a while, she couldn't find him, but as she went to the back, where a staircase led to another floor she hadn't explored yet, she found Zafir walking down the steps, with Sorcerer Alys next to him. 

"Of course it's necessary," Zafir was telling Alys. "If not now then when?" 

"I simply wonder..." Alys muttered before he paused as he found Ash standing in front of them. 

"Hey," she called out. 

"Hm? Ah, Savior, what can I do for you?" Zafir asked. 

"I heard there were some old churches around here," Ash explained. "I need to find them." 

"Oh? For what reason?" 

"It's a long story," Ash shrugged. Nodding, Zafir said:

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