

Ben and Vivi sat there with many turbulent emotions in their minds, no one knowing what the other had in mind. After Ben helped Vivi with the water he brought her back to bed.

Vivi who had wanted to say something couldn't even bring herself to. She not only lacked the physical strength to do so, she lacked the mental strength too. The few days past wasn't sweet in any way, despite laying on her bed for so long. She experienced so many feelings that she even wondered if some of them were considered feelings.

Memories of old repeated themselves continually in her head, at most times she would burst into tears, while others would be in a fit of laughter. Some that brought anger was there too. What hurt her the most was that she blamed herself for it.

"It's my fault." Vivi said laying in bed with her head on Ben's chest.

"No, it's not." Ben didn't let her words settle before countering it.

"Yes Ben. Yes, it is!" Vivi strongly said, "If I hadn't ask to go for the auction, then this wouldn't have happened." she explained.

Suddenly an invitation card appeared in Ben's hand, it was a very expansive looking card.

"See this?" Ben asked. Vivi looked up to see, "This is an invitation card handed to every Advance-level Blacksmith in Nalazi. But since I wanted to spend a lot of time with you guys, I didn't use the Organization to go in. So no matter what, I would have still taken everyone."

"You... You would have taken us all?" Vivi asked. Tears continued flowing down here cheeks, however, unexpectedly, a smile appeared on her face. "So..."

"Like I said Vivi, it wasn't your fault at all." Ben cut her short. He would be lying if he said seeing her cry didn't break his heart. "Vivi, will three days be enough for you. It will be beneficial if he rested early."

"..." maybe because of denial and unacceptance she didn't speak. After some time only a nod came.

"You need to rest." after staying so long with her, he decided to leave.

Ben stood up from the bed and began heading towards the door. He was happy they came to a resolve, but sad as well. Stephan was also a close friend to...

"Huh?" Ben's trail of thought got disrupted because he felt a pull on the helm of his cloak. Turning around he found Vivi's hand clutching at his clothe. "Vivi, what is it?" Ben softly asked her since she wasn't letting go.

"Please don't leave me." Vivi's little voice was heard by Ben. He complied and accompanied Vivi to bed. Draping the blanket over her, he watched her for a few minutes, he knew she wasn't asleep. Her eyes kept moving underneath it's lid. Sometimes a frown would appear.

Ben did nothing but watch her. Close to an hour later her mental strength weakened washing in all her fatigue and mental exhaustion. Vivi's breathing became smooth and calm, showing signs that she has fallen into deep sleep.

He didn't dare cast a Charm spell on her again, he knew that casting such spells on a target continuously could most probably cause brain damage. Leaving the target to not know reality and illusion, and even leaving them unable to make a decision on their own.

After making sure she was fast asleep Ben rose from the bed and let her be. Making his way over to the main hall he summoned Brewer.

"Give me a full report of what has been going on." Ben commanded with a straight face.

"Reporting from three days ago; We suddenly got an influx of both injured and stranded people found in and 450 metres around the Lion's Beard Auction House. It was that day Lady Vivi..." Brewer paused, "... Lady Vivi had a mental breakdown..."

Brewer went on with everything he could recall with his sharp memory, he continued. As expected, Evelyn remained after arriving here, he knew she'd stay after seeing her was here. But, after listening to the report he didn't hear one particular thing, the blind elf girl.

"Wasn't there a little elf with her when they arrived?" Ben inquired.

"Hmm... Ah! Now that you've said it, there was indeed a little girl. But she wasn't seen for a while now. I'll send... hmm?" Brewer paused when he saw Ben raise his hand, featuring him to stop speaking.

A frown appeared on Ben's face. He suddenly felt movement under the table he was sitting on. This made him be on edge and for a strong reason scared. Whatever or whoever that was able to stay in his vicinity undetected is either very powerful or a very skilled Thief, but he ruled out the option of it being a Thief, that means that what was under the table was powerful enough to stay hidden from him.

Thereafter, Ben asked Brewer to continue his report, this pause that took place didn't take up to ten seconds. Ben rose from his seat heading towards the cellar acting as though he was oblivious to the entity under the table. Motioning for Brewer to step back considerably, he did.

Looking for the most appropriate approach to the matter, he chose a forceful but subtle way to handle it. After all, if whoever was under the table was really am enemy sent to take his life, he wouldn't have known how he died.

While manipulating the Earth element in his Elemental Halo he made a large palm of earth. With a slapping sweep the chairs and table was swept away. And before them was a little girl with pointed ears. Ben's eyes was wide open, he could swear with his life that no one was here before he came in. It has become a habit of Spellcasters to unconsciously unleash their Mindpower to look at their surroundings without the use of their eyes. And Ben does it as well.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" Ben spoke in a foreign tongue, the Elven tongue. He certainly knew this young girl they just spoke about was not here a few minutes ago.

"I came through the gate." she answered, her answer short and simple. But to Ben, he didn't think so. If one wants to come into the hall, they would not pass through any gate but a door, and he believe the girl knew what a door was.

"Where is the gate you followed?" Ben asked another question.

"There." the blind elf pointed. Now that wouldn't be a problem since blind people can partially tell their general location and which direction they came from. But now, where the problem was here, was that she was pointing at the wall behind the cellar.

Ben sighed, he doesn't know what was going on, but with time he'll understand. Where she pointed was roughly thirty degrees from the door. There may be two things involved; he either missed her when looking through the place, or 2: she has a gift to hide from Mindpower. Whatever it is now wasn't the time.

Brewer stood close to the wall watching his master commune with the girl that came out of nowhere, or maybe she has always been here. But if so, then his master shouldn't have behaved how he did. He shook his head and feel into thought, he would never understand people with the supernatural powers, the Spellcasters.

"Should I continue sir?" Brewer asked when he saw Ben holding the girls hand.

"That would be all for now Brewer, thank you. Meanwhile, take these furnitures away and replace them, use these ones." with a wave of his hand a lavishly decorated and stylish dining set appeared at one corner. "After that, entertain the guests I brought with me. They must be fully rested by now."

Ben left the scattered hall with the elf girl with him. When they got to the hallways the girl spoke again looking towards a certain direction.

"They're powerful." she said.

Ben looked at the direction she was facing and knew who she was talking about. Ben was beginning to understand a little bit about this blind girl. He felt it has something to do with auras. If not she wouldn't have been able to perfectly hide her aura from him, he also remembered when she sensed the baleful aura long before he did. It was only right she felt the strong auras of both Ander and Mullin.

Arriving at a guest room which was cleaned out Ben called for two maids to bring in fresh clothes. He, of course, noticed the stench and the clothes she wore when they first met. It meant she has been away from eyes of others around the mansion.

When the maids brought in a clean dress Ben turned around to leave so they could proceed to strip the girl of her clothes but stopped. Behind him he heard what seemed to be a commotion. He quickly returned to the room and found the blind elf girl refusing to let the maids work on her.

"What's the matter?" Ben questioned the maids, but seeing them stare at the girl before them he spoke again, "I thought I told you they'd take care of you?" Ben spoke in Elven tongue to the girl.

"I... I don't want to be touched by anyone." she said in a stuttered voice.

Ben rose a brow when he heard this, he then looked at the two maids that were here to help and then looked at the elf girl again. "But I held your hand when I brought you here. Am I not meant to 'not' touch you too?" Ben stressed the second 'not' in his last sentence so she understood her logic felt questionable.

"You're the only one that is allowed to touch me."

He was never expecting it. Ben coughed so violently he nearly tripped on his foot. It was at times like this Ben hated his powerful mind¹. Because just as the words fell out of her mouth different scenarios began playing in his head. The funny thing though was the girl didn't feel anything when saying it or maybe she didn't know what it meant.

That in itself was not true, because she had face a lot worse that just touching. The Elven girl found Ben's reaction odd, it was only after listening back to what she said did she realize.

"I... I... I mean, I am not comfortable with anybody touching me." she said with a blush and her head bowed.

Ben shook his head massaging the bridge of his nose. "Then how are they meant to wash your body? You're not saying that I do it, right?" Ben questioned, but seeing no reply from her he continued, "Aren't you grown enough? You should be able to take your own bath. I'll let them leave you alone. Be quick, we have visitors." then he faced the maids, "Let her do her thing, but you'll remain here." he said in Common².

The elf hearing him give the go ahead began stripping immediately, not caring that a man was before her. Ben waved his hand and a chair and book appeared then sat down. He wasn't a perve but it was hard not to look even when he was trying to distract himself. And even without using his eyes, his Mindpower can do the same.

The blind elf girl was already in the early stage of puberty, or so he thought. The young girl was reaching her twenties, it was only that she was not being fed enough, this made her look younger than her age³.

² Common is the general language used

³ I have once explained the aging of Elves in an earlier chapter. It is true that saying she is in her twenties won't be justifiable because according to my explanation that would make her in infant, but that would be the case of Elves. To humans Zoe is just an extremely beautiful OLD elf

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