

Just below the mountain range where the pillar of light had come from was a huge pit spanning over 200 metres wide, several bodies laid dead along with two Hellhounds; It would be more appropriate to say their heads up until their tail were burnt crisp.

The only thing that stood though, was a barely standing Ben. He was using his great sword as a cane. His Light Elemental Halo was completely depleted at the moment and this is a huge risk. The corresponding energy or element stored in an Elemental Sphere is what keeps the spell model and the whole Spiritual World from collapsing.

The Elemental Spheres are items while the Spiritual World is the the scale. The risk of it tilting because one of the pan scale being empty is very high. Mindpower can stabilize the instability in the Spiritual World but it is with strained effort. The best option is too refill. That is why elemental crystals are so important to every Spellcaster.

Ben took out a handful of some white crystals, these are Light-type elemental crystals. He crushed it and let his Halo do the rest. It was only after crushing thirteen elemental crystals did his Light-type Elemental Halo get refilled. If any other Spellcaster saw what Ben had just done, he would probably be dead by their gazes only rather than the crumbling of his Universal Plane.


"AHHH!!!" just as the pillar of light appeared the agonizing cries of two summoners was heard all throughout the camping area. They were screaming at the top of their lungs.

The pain of burning alive was a lot more worse than the death of the first summoner whose Hellhound was stabbed by Mia. The effect of a soul contact may be beneficial but at what cost. The same way the summon dies so does the summoner. Since the only way to control such a fearsome creature is through this means.

But is that really how soul contact work?

What about Ben and his workers?

Why did he only 'know' when one of his contracted people died?


"How is this possible? Has the Church arrived already?" Lady Bloodbath was staring at the pillar of light but she eventually brought her eyes away as the two opposite element compelled each other. Though no one saw, for the briefest of moments fear flashed in her eyes.

"I don't think so. It's coming from the direction we lured that sword wielding Unspoken to with the group of Banishers." Tacluh observed and said.

Bloodbath looked round before asking the commander in charge of giving out situation reports to do his job.

"It is indeed as General Tecluh have said. This is the work the Unspoken Warrior. But the 'How's' is what we know not." a great commander relaid the message for the generals.

"Is it me or... hasn't this dude, like used more than four uhm, elements, already?" Ghal's tired voice was heard.

"Now that you mentioned it, he really does have five elements. Yes, I remember Fire, Lightning, Wind, Earth and now Light. He would be considered a very rare genius to them. Hehe, even those with only four elements are called genius. Humph! What's the use in having so many elements when you're still weak." Tecluh said with a scoff.

"Oh my, it would be sad for the humans to lose such a fine genius, now wouldn't it?" Lady Bloodbath wasn't only a beauty, she is also known to be an extremely happy sadist. " Why don't you go give this human genius a helping hand, he must be getting tired of living, don't you think so too?" she said glancing at the winged hulk.

Tecluh bowed without another word, picked up his trident and took to the sky heading towards the other end of the battlefield. With a few powerful flaps of his wings he had covered half the distance.


"Lady Bloodbath, do I still have to ask?"


Seeing that he wouldn't be getting any answer to his question he groaned tiredly and asked a different question. "Is there anything you want me to handle?" Ghal said adding it with a yawn.

With a smile on her face she said three simple words, "Break the wall."

Like he was told to check who it was at the door, the demon general, Ghal, stood up, the chair he has been sitting on finally gave out under the weight of The two giant Warhammers strapped round his waist and broke to piece. He came out of the tent and stretched his body as though he has just woken up from a nap.

All of a sudden he leaped off the ground and rose thirty metres high into the sky before landing fifty metres away. Whenever he landed a large portion of the earth sunk due to the weight of the two Warhammers on him.

The final line broke a few seconds after the two Hellhounds joint the fray. That was also when the Spellcasters joint the battle in full, they weren't trying to conserve their strength anymore, they were going all out. From a distance it would be a spectacle to watch if this wasn't a battle consisting of the lives of countless warriors and ordinary civilians.

Knight Eldon left his post and arrived at a secrete place hidden deep in the City wall. The cries, noice and even the vibration of the ground outside couldn't penetrate the secrete place, it was like he wasn't even in a death infested place to begin with. When he opened the ordinary looking door he stepped in but said nothing. He stepped inside the small chamber and stood before the guardian of the City, Arch magus Wither.

Wither opened his eyes at the presence of an external being before him. Seeing Knight Eldon in his full body armour he gave a small sigh and followed him out of the small chamber. He knew that there were only two things that required him leaving g this small 'peaceful' chamber.

To fight off a powerful invasion... or death.

Ben looked into the distance and couldn't believe how far he was led away from the main battlefield. Maybe after a five minute rest he could walk his way back. He hadn't even taken more than twenty steps when he heard a powerful screech coming from the sky. He knew what could make such a sound, it was something trying to reach the threshold to break through the speed of sound.

Ben was forced to stop because whatever was coming was going to land in any second. Something crashed landed a little closer to fifty metres away from his position, it sent sands and stones flying into the air. Ben waiting for the first to settle to see what it was that landed.

Tecluh walked out of the dust and crater he created because of his awful landing. He looked past Ben and stared at the mangled burnt bodies of eight elite Hell Formation apprentice and two shrunken Hellhounds burnt to a crisp. He then looked at the culprit of the incident; Ben.

"Why do you fight a battle that isn't yours? Tell me what is your greatest achievement in this life of yours?" Tecluh spoke, the air he exude was domineering and oppressive. Even as a demon his actions were elegant to say the least. "You talent is admirable young Unspoken, but we are in search of the inheritor, unless..."

"What is he doing? Don't... don't tell me he's actually giving a speech all the way over there." Ben was stumped when he confirmed with Lucy to decipher his lip movements while he strengthens his eyes to zoom in on him. It wasn't that he couldn't do that with his ears, he was just feeling tired to listen to anything the winged hulk would want to say. "You have got to be fucking kidding. I don't have time for this, maybe if I take another route he'll leave." Ben choose to take a route 45degrees from where the winged hulk stood giving whatever speech he or it was giving. Nevertheless, Ben strengthened his ears with Mindpower even when he wasn't paying the hulk any attention.

"How dare you? it seems I might should have just squashed you like a bug that you are!" Tecluh became enraged seeing Ben walk by without giving him any respect, without showing any fear to he that stood mightily.

Fact Trivia: There are spells that could stay out still be functioning for a very long period of time even without the caster canceling it. Some however, can be broken if what the spell is used for is naturally much more powerful that the spell.

Eg. Casting a Blizzard spell (Magus level spell) in a volcano. After a day or two the volcano will return to being active.

EldestLord53creators' thoughts
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